
一、      参赛资格与规则





二、      报名要求




寄送地址:上海市徐汇区漕宝路400号明申商务广场1303  邮编:200233

电话:021-51531283   市场部  Stefanie

三、      奖项设置




优秀奖2  位,奖金各5,000


1 所有奖项都会被授予奖杯或奖牌。

2 第一名的奖金与实习,若是小组形式参赛,则仅授予小组组长。

3 若获奖者没有遵守比赛规定或者谢绝奖金,第二名学生将会代替第一名学生,依此类推。

4 第一名的奖金与实习挂钩,在获奖者前往Kokaistudios上海公司实习时,以实习工资每月分发。

5 无人认领的奖金将自动失效。

6 所有获奖者或小组组长将被邀请参加年底的颁奖礼。差旅交通费与住宿费由阿尔博波特兰(安庆)有限公司赞助。

7 实习的相关事宜,由获奖学生直接与Kokaistudios协商决定。实习的相关事宜与安排,请联系:

Kokaistudios Marketing Manager: Sophia Wang 

E-mail: sophia@kokaistudios.com

T: 021-64730937

四、      比赛作品要求

1)     比赛主题:展望未来的绿色建筑栖息地






2)     提交文字与图样材料

A.     书面文字描述:

Ÿ   定义一系列以未来绿色建筑栖息地为主题的建筑核心概念。

Ÿ   举例来表现你的概念,可以通过设计一个特定的建筑或者城市,或者对现有建筑或者城市的改变。

Ÿ   所有项目必须写上项目主题

Ÿ   参赛者必须在项目中陈述所运用的环保元素或理念

Ÿ   阿尔博波特兰白水泥必须体现在作品中,可以局部使用该材料,例如作为预制件等,并在视图中阐述其运用或理念

Ÿ   参赛者需提供其背景介绍(个人基本资料、相关的实习、参赛经验及作品等),word文档或者PDF文档

Ÿ   所有文字使用英文

B.     图样描述:


C.    格式:


-       每个演示版用PDF格式呈现。

-       每个演示版再以JPG图片格式呈现,高清度图片,300dpi.

五、        比赛日程

Ÿ   比赛作品递交截止日--------20141011日(此日期为作品到达日)

Ÿ   作品评选结果公布------20141031


Ÿ   比赛颁奖仪式------2014年年底

六、  比赛评委


Filippo Gabbiani, Arkitekter MAA

Founder and Chief Architect, Kokaistudios

Master Degree in Architecture at Architecture University

Institute of Venice IUAV, Venice, Italy

Born in Venice, Italy, from a famous family of artists and glass makers, Filippo Gabbiani developed very early a multidisciplinary interest for art and design. Starting to cooperate with his family in designing and producing artistic glass he completed his studies at University of Architecture of Venice were he graduated with an innovative research sponsored by European Community on usage of alternative energies in architecture.
Following his instinctive curiosity for different disciplinary and other cultures he worked in several countries in Europe and in U.S.A. cooperating with prestigious firms of architecture, interior and industrial design before meeting Andrea Destefanis with who founded Kokaistudios in 2000. From the establishment of the firm in Shanghai he move permanently to live in Asia where together with the mission of Kokaistudios he continue its personal research in artistic glass design and the cultural promotion of sustainable architecture and protection and preservation of heritage of Asia.


Andrea Destefanis

Founder and Chief Architect, Kokaistudios

Master Degree in Architecture at Architecture University
Institute of Venice IUAV, Venice, Italy

Born in Turin, Italy from a family of Theater artists, Andrea Destefanis developed very early a strong interest for visual arts and scenography. Growing up in a refined cultural environment he moved to live in Venice where completing his education at University of Architecture of Venice he started to cooperate with several architectural firms and developed award winning projects in architecture and city planning. Moved by his personal interest in different fields of design he founded a cooperative studio focused on research of innovative instrument of design in computer graphics. In 2000 he met with Filippo Gabbiani with whom he shares the same architectural vision, interest in heritage renovation and environmental design, and they started a deep cooperation with resulted in the founding of Kokaistudios. Since the establishment of kokaistudios in 2002 in Shanghai, Andrea has resided full time in Shanghai where he jointly oversees Kokaistudios and focuses also on researching and promoting sustainable instruments of development for social and urban environment.

Li Wei

Associate Partner & Architectural Design Manager in Kokaistudios

Graduated in Architecture Master at Tongji University, Shanghai

Pietro Peyron

Associate Partner & Architectural Design Manager in Kokaistudios

Graduated in Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV), Venezia, Italy

Graduated in Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden

Undergraduate in Liceo Ginnasio Statale "Luigi Galvani", Bologna, Italy
