Frontiers of Architectural Research—2018年第2期内容概要

First day|阳光方舟2.0--C-HOUSE,正式启航

Frontiers ofArchitectural Research(FOAR)是由和高等教育出版社联合主办的全英文学术期刊。FoAR 于2012年创刊,季刊(一年四期),在Elsevier平台上发行,开放获取(Open Access),免费下载。期刊论文涉及领域包括建筑设计与理论、建筑技术科学、城市规划与设计、风景园林、遗产保护等,覆盖建筑学、城乡规划和风景园林三个一级学科。本刊优先发表采用严格科学方法和前沿技术进行研究的学术论文,同时也欢迎探讨建筑社会属性的高水平文章。对所有论文将严格进行同行评议并只接受英文投稿。



Frontiers of Architectural Research Volume 7/ Issue 2/ June 2018 (Pages 107 - 256)





1. On conservation issues of contemporary architecture: The technical design development and the ageing process of the Jubilee Church in Rome by Richard Meier

Luciano Cardellicchio


2. Study of the ornamentation of Bhong Mosque for the survival of decorative patterns in Islamic architecture

Madiha Ahmad, Khuram Rashid, Neelum Naz


3. A crowd route choice evacuation model in large indoor building spaces

Y. Wu, J. Kang, C. Wang


4. Verification tests of a mirror box type artificial sky without and with building scale model

Rizki A. Mangkuto, Mhd. Akbar Anthony Siregar


5. Evaluating diverse patterns of occupant behavior regarding control-based activities in energy performance simulation

Basak Gucyeter


6. Concept evolution in architectural design: an octonary framework

Buthayna Eilouti


7. Resident participation in urban renewal: Focused on Sewoon Renewal Promotion Project and Kwun Tong Town Centre Project

Yan Hong


8. Socially responsive research-based design in an architecture studio

Carin Combrinck


9. Investigating elective courses in architectural education

Mohammed Ghonim, Nehad Eweda


封面介绍:Nanjing Dingjiazhuang Residential Area A5 Kindergarten


LOCATION: Nanjing, Jiangsu, P. R. China

PROJECT OWNER: Nanjing Affordable Housing Group



The project is located in the central part of Dingjiazhuang Residential Area, which is a four-track system kindergarten with 12 classes.It uses "courtyard-style" layout and organizes unit module through the scale of children’s activity room, forming six square boxes which are 12 meters square. They are scattered from one another and well-arranged in the base. The foyer, exhibition hall, kitchen and corridor are spread out as much as possible to increase the density of the building, thereby establishing the building's general force for the entire base. Meanwhile it extends outward a few short walls which are connected to the enclosure, formimg several small courtyards around the building and further enhancing the general force. The reduction in the outdoor activity area due to the increase of building density is compensated by the use of movable platform on the roof of the ground floor.




