SDC专栏 |光耀我能:C-House正式开放公众参观

SDC专栏 |光耀我能:C-House正式开放公众参观

01 SDC2018开幕

SDC2018 Opening Visit


On August 3,  Solar Decathlon China 2018 officially opened. Meanwhile, team TUBSEU  team held the opening ceremony of c-house to open for  public  from all walks of life to visit.


C-House ribbon-cutting ceremony

中国建筑学会秘书长仲继寿,东南大学副校长黄大卫,院长韩冬青,TUBSEU联队负责人张宏教授、Fisch教授以及所有队员参加了C-House剪彩仪式,仪式由张宏教授主持,韩冬青院长、仲继寿秘书长和Fisch教授先后致词发言,高度赞扬了中德联队经过两年的紧密合作,融合创新,造就这座舒适健康、绿色低碳、集成预制、低碳智慧房屋,并预祝TUBSEU联队在SDC2018中取得好成绩。”伴随着团队欢呼声与喝彩声,黄大卫副校长宣布:“C-House正式投入使用。” C-House正式开放公众参观,开启竞赛后半段征程。

Zhong Jishou,  secretary general of Architectural society of China, vice president Huang Dawei of Southeast University, Han Dongqing, Dean of the Architecture College of Southeast University, Professor Zhang , Professor Fisch,all the members of the team participated in the C-House ribbon-cutting ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Professor Zhang , the president of Han Dongqing, Secretary General Zhong Jishou and Professor Fisch  made successively speeches, we highly praised the two years of close cooperation between China and Germany with the integration of innovation to create this comfortable, healthy, green, low carbon, integrated prefabricated, low carbon smart house, and wish the team TUBSEU  to achieve excellent results in SDC2018. Accompanied by cheering and applause from the group, vice president Huang Dawei announced: "C-House is officially put into operation." C-House officially opened the public visit and we started the second half of the competition.           


02 C-House正式开放

C-House Open to Visit


Han Jinfeng, vice chairman of the Shandong provincial CPPCC and Li Chuangjun, deputy director of the new energy department of the State Energy Bureau, visited the C-House.


Prof. Zhang Hong introduced the C-House technical features to Zhong Jishou.


Visitors from Tongji University visit C-House


Professor Zhang  introduced C-House to corporate guests


Shandong TV station  introduced C-House online


As C-House is formally put into use, open public visit, and SDC2018 enter the key stage of the competition, the evaluation of  team TUBSEU will continue to carry forward the spirit of unity and cooperation, concerted efforts, and make persistent efforts to achieve excellent results in the competition. It is also shown to the people from all over the world that, in the face of the global energy crisis and sustainable development, Chinese and Germany are seeking common ground and integrating innovation, together to build C-House that is the  green low-carbon and high-performance house, providing Chinese and German wisdom for the sustainable development of green ecology.


03 C-House实景

C-House Scene


C-House outdoor scene


C-House indoor scene



