



我们有同一追求 同一信念——

利用太阳能改变未来居住生活 推动绿色低碳发展






齐心协力 艰苦奋斗











Original Intention

Design changes life, technology leads the future We have the same belief  and  the same pursuit

Using solar energy to change future living

and promoting green and low-carbon development  


Three years ago, Southeast University and Technical University Braunschweig Union (TUBSEU) was set up in Southeast University

More than 900 days and nights

The team carefully make the preparation and construction plan

In April, Our team gathered in Dezhou

Work together and struggle hard

After more than 30 days of pre-construction

Achieved  high-speed construction in 20 days

Finished intense test and assessment reply in 15 days


Southeast University and Technical University Braunschweig

Stand out in 19 teams composed of 37 universities from 9 countries and regions at home and abroad

 Get good results of third in architectural design and third total score

In addition, in the ten  test project

Get the first place in electric vehicle, family lifeand comfort third


Competition Introduction


Solar  Decathlon China is known as the Olympic Games of solar energy and green building industry. Sponsored by the US Department of energy, the first competition was held in Washington, D.C. in 2002. Solar Decathlon China 2018(SDC2018) is jointly sponsored by the National Energy Administration of China and the United States Department of Energy, and held by the China Overseas Development Association. It is a green energy building science and technology competition with global universities as participants. The competition was held in Dezhou, Shandong  and 19 teams consisted of 37 universities from 9 countries and regions were invited to participate in . Each team is required to design and construct a single-storey or double-storey solar house with an area of 120-200 square meters for a permanent residence as the goal, and reqireto complete the construction within 20 days. Finally, a test and defense review of the competition for 15 days will be conducted. Ten individual items, including construction design, market potential, engineering design, publicity and promotion, innovative ability, comfort, household appliances, family life, electric vehicle commuting, and energy performance, will be contested and ranked by independent experts.


Team Introduction

Team TUBSEU代表着TUBS + SEU,即德国的布伦瑞克工业大学和中国的东南大学,字母S(Solar)就像太阳能一样把这两个队伍连接到一起。布伦瑞克工业大学是德国著名的具有270年历史的公立大学,也是德国第一所工业大学和德国第一个设立工科和自然学专业的大学,隶属于德国TU9大学联盟。团队汇集来自东南大学和布伦瑞克工业大学两个学校的众多专业的30多位老师和60多名本硕博同学,包括建筑学院、土木工程学院、能源与环境学院、化学化工学院、计算机科学与工程学院等等。团队主要负责人分别是建筑技术与科学研究所所长、博士生导师张宏教授和布伦瑞克工业大学建筑服务与能源设计研究所主任Norbert Fisch教授。团队双方紧密合作、融合创新,克服文化壁垒,结合当下绿色生态发展、高质量发展、健康发展的时代需求,设计建造一座舒适健康、灵活可变、集成预制、低碳智慧的太阳能共享住宅。

TUBSEU stands for TUBS + SEU, the University TU Braunschweig in Germany and Southeast University in China.The letter S connects both universities, just as the solar connects this team to the competition.The University TUBraunschweig is a famous German university with a history of 270 years. It is also Germany's first university of technology and the first university in Germany to set up engineering and natural sciences. It is affiliated to TU9 University in Germany.The team gathers more than 30 teachers and over 60 students of different disciplines from Southeast University and the University TUBraunschweig, including School of Architecture, School of Civil Engineering, School of Energy and Environment and College of chemistry and chemical engineering, School of computer science and Engineering. The team’s main faculty advisors are Professor Zhang Hong, Director of the Department of Building Science and Technology, School of Architecture, Southeast University, and Professor Norbert Fisch, Director of the Institute of Architectural Services and Energy Design at the University TU Braunschweig.We work together closely to unite our collective wisdom, integrate innovation, overcome cultural barriers, and focus on current need about the ecological, high-quality and healthy development to design and build a flexible, prefabricated, smart, low-carbon and comfortable solar-powered shared house.


Characteristics of design and construction 


The video to introduce C-House design and construction concept 

      01 空间可变与共享

Variable and sharing space 


Flexible indoor space 

C-House 的名称来源于我们的基本设计理念,即由简洁的立方体(Cube)和集成的核芯(Core)的组合。C-House的核芯集成了所有服务空间,包括厨房、浴室、厕所、设备间、楼梯,围绕核芯布置围护结构,形成整体通用空间。围绕着核芯筒的空间自由灵活,结合模块化和可变式家具的设计,不仅革新了传统建筑的户型使用局限,也带来了使用空间的复合可变,在完美地满足了一个家庭日常生活之外,还可以作为一种多用途、多功能的共享空间,适应居住、居住办公、社区服务和展览等多用途可变功能,并与现代智能化产能与用能技术相结合,像概念车一样,提供了一个面向未来的“智慧化概念房”,开创了概念房展示模式。

The name of C-House comes from our basic design logic, a combination of a compact cube and an integrated core. The core integrates all services, including kitchen, bathroom, toilet, equipment rooms, stair, and enclosures around the core to form a general space. Around the core C-House space is free and flexible, combined with modular and variable furniture design, not only innovated the use of traditional building limits, but also brought the use of space complex variable.It can also be used as a multi-purpose, multi-functional shared space to accommodate residential, residential office, community services and exhibition and other multi-purpose variable functions, and combined with modern intelligent capacity and energy, like a concept car, provided a future-oriented concept house, and started the mode of displaying concept house .

02 主动式产能理念,打造小型智慧能源站

The concept of Energy Plus to build the smart energy station


C-house is a small energy station that can generate electricity. It integrates 140 thin-film cells and 60 monocrystalline silicon solar cells on the roof on three sides of a compact cubic enclosure to form a continuous energy skin, demonstrating an advanced BIPV (photovoltaic building integration) housing system suitable for Chinese national conditions and becoming photovoltaic building integrated housing products with unique characteristics and broad market prospects. In fact, under good weather conditions, C-House generates more than 150  degrees of electricity, making it a truly small power station. Adequate and adjustable energy can be supplied to the public grid in addition to self-sufficiency, which achieves energy sharing , intelligent production and energy use.

03 20天超高速装配,建造高性能房屋

 High-speed assembly to build high-performance housing within 20 days


C-House high-speed construction video within 20 days


C-House completed all the construction tasks in 20 days, and put into use high-performance housing, such construction speed technology support from the the  national invention patent high-speed assembly building housing system key technology obtained by School of Architecture, Southeast University. C-House adopted the construction method of full prefabrication and assembly, and all the main components of the house are processed and formed in the factory, assembled into integral large components on the spot and hoisted, which greatly reduced the workload at high altitude, speeded up the construction speed and ensured the construction safety; the core  components were prefabricated in Germany and shipped to assembly in Dezhou. With the support of this construction technology, the C-House roof was sealed in two and a half days, and the all-weather construction site was quickly formed to ensure the safe and efficient follow-up construction.

04 全生命周期建筑智能化及信息化工程管理——BIM

Whole life cycle building intelligent and Information Engineering Management -- BIM


It is the foundation of the whole life cycle management of building components to make use of the assembled building information platform developed by the team and with independent intellectual property rights to make the component model generate two-dimensional code which represents the identity and uniqueness of components. During the construction of C-House, the next day's project schedule is derived from BIM model every day, so that each sub-project leader is aware of their own and other people's work, the overall construction progress is controlled, according to the actual situation, make timely adjustments to control the construction progress.

05 智慧玻璃 实现建筑冬暖夏凉

Smart glass makes buildings warm in winter and cool in summer.

C-House的玻璃采用的是东南大学化学化工学院付国东教授团队自主研发,并获得国家发明专利的产品,是一款将气候控制调光膜与普通玻璃“三明治”般复合的智能热敏玻璃。气候控制调光玻璃具有生命力,可感受光照强弱和温度高低,并根据这种变化自主调节颜色深浅。夏季室外温度较高时,玻璃吸收光热表面温度升高,颜色自动加深,阻挡热量进入;冬季室外温度较低时,玻璃表面温度低,颜色浅,增加光热进入,提高了室内光线的舒适感。如此以来,智慧的玻璃实现了 “夏季隔热,冬季得热”,成为了保证室内舒适的智能“皮肤”。

Glass in C-House is developed by Professor Fu Guodong from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Southeast University and patented. It is a kind of smart thermosensitive glass which combines climate control dimming film with ordinary glass sandwich. Climate control dimming glass with vitality, can feel the intensity of light and temperature, and according to this change to adjust the color depth independently. In summer, when the outdoor temperature is high, the glass absorbs light and heat surface temperature, the color deepens automatically, and blocks the heat from entering. In winter, when the outdoor temperature is low , the glass surface temperature is low, and the color is light, which increases the light and heat entering, and improves the comfort of indoor light. In this way, the intelligent glass to achieve summer insulation, winter heat, become a comfortable indoor intelligent skin. Smart glass makes buildings warm in winter and cool in summer. 

06 小型分散式污水处理系统  变废为宝

Small decentralized sewage treatment system turns waste into treasure


Team TUBSEU adopted the small and dispersive sewage treatment system developed by Professor Lu Xiwu , School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University. The system aims to achieve energy-saving, efficient and stable effluent quality of sewage treatment. With the concept of advanced gray-black separation and combination of biological and ecological treatment processes, the bio-ecological combined sewage treatment process of high-efficiency folding anaerobic reactor - anoxic regulating tank - waterwheel driving biological turntable - landscape type constructed wetland is proposed. The organic matter in the sewage is mainly removed by the biological treatment unit, and the nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient salt is resource-utilized in the ecological treatment unit by the filtration, adsorption and absorption processes of the substrate and the plant root. After the sewage in the house is treated, it can reach Standard A of the first class in Discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant(GB18918-2002). Various pollutants in sewage are also fully utilized:Carbon source are used to produce biogas and nitrogen and phosphorus are used as fertilizers to cultivate plants and build ecological landscapes. In addition, the treatment system has a small area, simple construction, excellent treatment effect, especially suitable for sewage treatment in rural area, to solve the problem of sewage treatment in rural areas.

07 秸秆资源化综合利用  打造绿色秸秆砖(稷贝砖)墙

Comprehensive utilization of straw resource to build green straw brick walls 


Mr. Hua Jiong and his wife processed straw bricks in person, and instructed students to carry out masonry experiments


The landscape wall on the outside of the C-House site is made of more than 2,500 pieces of straw bricks. The construction is completed by a trained team of students. The research and manufacture of straw brick benefit from many years of research on straw resource utilization by Mr. Hua Jiong, non-governmental green low-carbon technology promoter . Unlike the traditional construction method, the straw brick replaces the traditional clay brick and other building materials with large carbon emissions, and achieves low carbon emissions and low energy consumption in the early stage of construction. It also provides solutions and methods of the comprehensive utilization of straw resources in rural areas.



The integration concept of construction, performance and humanities is the goal of sunshine ship 2.0 —— C-House.

C-house这座20天超高速建造完成的高性能房屋,是联合国际团队,践行新型建筑学(Next Generation Architecture)教学、科研和人才培养新模式的阶段性成果。从经典建筑学(Classical Architecture)注重形式和空间,拓展到既注重空间、形式又注重建造、性能控制技术的新型建筑学层面、让建筑有艺术感的同时,又实现真正的健康舒适和低碳智慧,为推动社会绿色生态和城乡建设可持续发展贡献力量。

C-house, completed with high-performance house in 20 days, is a phased achievement of the new Next Generation Architecture teaching, research and talent development model implemented by the United Nations International Team at the School of Architecture of Southeast University. From Classical Architecture, which lays stress on form and space, to a new architectural level that lays stress on space, form, construction and performance control technology, which makes architecture artistic, and at the same time realizes real health, comfort and low-carbon wisdom, in order to promote social green ecology and sustainable urban and rural construction. Contribute to development.





上的了赛场 下的了厨房

绘画  音乐 DIY  样样精通



Who says engineering students only know technology?

We like to play and are good at play

Play with taste, culture and artistic

We are proficient in everything

 like painting, music and DIY

During the rest of the competition

We had fun too! 


Dinner party


Waste plastic bottles DIY activity



齐康院士建筑画展  临摹赠书活动

Academician Qi Kang Architectural Painting Exhibition 

Dj Night 现场火爆视频

Dj Night video

通过晚宴活动,让我们品尝到不同国家的美食和了解不同的饮食习惯;开展废弃塑料瓶手工艺术品DIY活动,让绿色低碳与百姓日常生活结合起来,让更多的人们用实际行动助力绿色低碳;8月16日下午,在竞赛场地共用大厅,举办齐康院士建筑画展,现场张宏教授指导学生临摹齐康院士钢笔画作,并赠送东南大学团队所著建筑学领域第一本关于构件法建筑设计的专著——《构件成型、定位、连接与空间和形式生成——新型建筑工业化设计与建造示例》,不仅让大家领略到中国老一辈建筑大师建筑钢笔画艺术风采,而且让大家学到新型建筑学(Next Generation Architetcure)知识和内容;当天傍晚,TUBSEU联队还举办了Movie Night,DJ Night等一系列活动,场面火爆动人,让大家在欢乐中了解中、德多元文化的魅力。这些活动促进了各国家各高校学生之间的交流与互动,为共同推动全球可持续发展提供了交流机会和平台,这也是SD竞赛的初衷和魅力之一!

Through the dinner activities, let us taste the delicacies of different countries and understand different eating habits; we carry out discarded plastic bottles DIY activities, combining green low-carbon with people's daily life , so that more people use practical action to help  low-carbon; In afternoon, August 16th , in the common hall of the competition venue, we held Qikang academician painting exhibition. At the exhibition, Professor Zhang Hong instructed students to copy Academician Qikang's pen paintings and presented the first monograph on component-based architectural design by the Southeast University team  Component Forming, Positioning, Connecting and Spatial and Formal Generation - Example of Industrialized Design and Construction of New Architecture  to the students. We appreciated the art of pen paintings by the older generation of Chinese architects, and make us learn the knowledge and content of Next Generation Architecture. In the evening of the same day, TUBSEU organized a series of activities, such as Movie Night, DJ Night, and so on. The scene was very exciting, so that we can understand Chinese and Germany culture in the joy and the charm of multiculturalism. These activities promoted exchanges and interactions among students from different countries and universities, and provided opportunities and platforms for the joint promotion of global sustainable development. This was also one of the original purposes and charms of Solar Decathlon China 2018.


Special Thanks


In particular, thanks to all the Chinese and German instructors and sponsors who have silently paid for the competition in the past three years.Thanks to Nanjing Changjiang River Architectural Design Co., Ltd. for their full support and assistance in the fields of capital, technology and work coordination, thanks to Nanjing Si Dan Ding Construction Technology Co., Ltd. for strong support and assistance in the process of construction and construction, and thanks to HiMin Solar Group for its support and assistance in engineering sites and housing.

The team can not achieve results without your support and help, I hope this is only the beginning, in the exploration of the future of high-quality, green ecological development, we can work together to create a win-win, sustainable development for the future.
















Prof. Dr.-Ing. M.N. Fisch

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Wilken

Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Knöfler

Ann-Kristin Mühlbach M.Sc.

Dipl.-Ing. Florian Witowski

Daniel Houschka

Dipl.-Ing. Markus Peter

List of SDC2018 TUBSEU Chinese guidance teachers:

 School of architecture, Southeast University  Hong Zhang, Xiangfeng Li, Xu Zhang, Xiangqun Zhang, Xiuzhang Fu,Yonghui  Li, Xin Zhou, Weiju Yang, Lixin Fang,  Xiaodong Xu, Changhai Peng, Qing Chun,Southeast University architectural design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Meng Cong, Xun Sun, Jian Wei , Yanhua Wu, Yi Zhang, Chunling Sheng,  Ying Fang,  Xiaochen Wang, Binhai Li, Zuhua Ren,  Ping Xie,Jilin Wang, etc.

 School of energy and environment,

Southeast University

Xiwu  Lv, Xiaosong Zhang, Sumei Wang,   Zhenqian Chen, Yifeng Wu, etc.

School of civil engineering, Southeast University

Jing Wu , Jinlong Pan, etc.

School of materials science and engineering, Southeast University

Yunsheng  Zhang, etc.

College of chemistry and chemical engineering, Southeast University  

Guodong Fu, etc.            

School of computer science and engineering, Southeast University

Aibo Song, etc.




Nanjing Changjiang River Urban Architectural Design Co., Ltd. was founded in 1976. After more than 40 years of development, it has formed a modern architectural design enterprise with strong regional strength, comprehensiveness and distinctive characteristics, which mainly produces urban design, residential building, office building, commercial building, scientific research and educational building. In recent years, the company has been transforming and developing, devoting itself to the design, research and development of assembly building, intelligent city and building, green low-carbon building and building information technology and other fields. The outstanding achievements have great influence in Jiangsu  and even the whole country.            

In Solar Decathlon China 2018, TUBSEU and Nanjing Changjiang River Urban Architectural Design Co., Ltd. cooperated closely to take fully the advantages of joint research and market development between enterprises and universities, completed the competition task with high quality, and constructed a sustainable cooperation well. The new mode of enterprise and school cooperation will explore the new direction of industry development, train new architectural talents, and contribute to the sustainable development of national construction industry.


图片:崔旭峰(时差摄影)  赵乾盛 张宏 

孔振懿  罗申 刘沛 向逸明 卜嘉辰 张敏 陈雨蒙

建造视频素材:陈雨蒙 胡心怡

视频制作:张莹莹  朱梦然  Sebastian Musa
