


带着不限于以上的种种设问,10月14日于东南大学,雅伦格文化艺术基金会与东南大学联合主办下一代建筑论坛:建筑的数据生态(Next Architecture Symposium:Data Ecology in Architecture),届时国内外引领“下一代建筑的”全球前沿的建筑大师将会汇聚于此,分享各自的思考、探求和实践,在疑惑和兴奋中共同展望一种迈向数据生态的建筑学。


Our life and the environment are undergoing tremendous changes. At least we have recognized that the total amount of space and resources is limited, and the environment and climate of earth are undergoing irreversible changes because of human activities, including construction. The rapid iteration and improvement of big data and cloud computing infrastructure has enabled information technology represented by artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to rapidly change the way we live, think and operate. We will face both the ecological crisis in the environment and the challenge of another “wisdom” from the evolution of data and algorithms.


In this context, what changes will happen to building construction as the largest infrastructure to shape the environment and accommodate life? When building a house is no longer a masonry, but data; when building is both an entry point for data and a platform for data storage and sharing; when data is cyclical between people, buildings, and applications... architecture will be interpreted as a data ecosystem? When a house has a living body mechanism, and it continues to learn and evolve continuously, are we ready to accept its thoughts, actions, and feelings?


Can we imagine that buildings have detached from spontaneous and disordered inorganic bodies and evolved into an integral part of the natural ecosystem? Thus, the building transcends the binary opposition of nature, participates in the flow of substance and energy in nature, and cooperates with other systems to form a sustainable ecological community.


With a variety of questions not limited to the above ones, we get together, share our thoughts, explorations and practices, and look forward to an The Next Architecture that is moving towards a data ecology with doubt and excitement.


Next Architecture Symposium:

Data Ecology in Architecture



14 October 2018, 2018年1014



Lecture Hall, 2nd Floor, 

Auditorium,Southeast University



研讨会开幕致辞 Opening Speech
东南大学代表 & 雅伦格文化艺术基金会代表; 

Southeast Universty & EMGdotART Foundation

Advanced Ecological Buildings | 先进生态建筑

Vicente Guallart ,巴塞罗那首席建筑师(2011-2015);

Chief Architect, Barcelona City Council (2011-2015); 

Printing an Architectural Future| 打印建筑未来
徐卫国 ,Weiguo XU,清华大学建筑学院建筑系主任;

Director of the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University


Architecture in the Age of Robotic Building| 机器人建造时代的建筑
Henriette Bier,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Robotic Building Group的发起人和领导人;Initiator and leader of the Robotic Building group at TU Delft; 

14:30 – 15:15

Cyborg Fabrication| 人机共造

袁烽 Philip F. Yuan,同济大学建筑城规学院教授;Professor of CAUP,Tongji University

15:15 – 16:00

Hernan Diaz Alonso,南加州建筑学院(SCI-Arc)院长;Director of  SCI-Arc;

16:00 – 16:45

Algorithm Model Analysis the Black Box of Design|算法模型解析设计黑箱

李飚 Biao LI,教授 

Professor of School of Architecture, Southeast University

16:45 – 17:30 Panel Discussion圆桌讨论 


张彤 Tong ZHANG,教授、副院长;

Professor,Deputy Dean, School of Architecture, Southeast University;


张彤 Tong ZHANG/Vicente Guallart /徐卫国 Weiguo XU/Henriette Bier/袁烽 Philip F. Yuan/Hernan Diaz Alonso/李飚 Biao LI/Daniel V. Hayden(丹麦DISSING+WEITLING建筑事务所合伙人及建筑总监;Partner and Director of Architecture Affairs of DISSING+WEITLING)/Steven Ma( Xuberance创始人及设计总监 Founder and Design Director of Xuberance)


国内嘉宾Chinese Expert

徐卫国 Weiguo Xu 

清华大学建筑学院建筑系主任、教授、博士生导师,中国建筑学会数字建造委员会副主任,美国麻省理工学院(MIT)访问学者, 日本京都大学博士。2011-2012年执教于美国南加州建筑学院(SCI-Arc)及南加州大学建筑学院(USC),是国际国内数字建筑的开拓者及领军人, 主持多项国家自然科学基金研究项目。2012年作为主要发起人,创立数字建筑设计专业委员会(DADA)并被选为专委会主任。

Professor of Architecture School in Tsinghua University,Doctoral Tutor,Director of the Department of Architecture,Deputy Director of the Digital Construction Committee of the Architectural Society of China. He was a visiting scholar at MIT in 2007, and was awarded a doctorate from Kyoto University in Japan. He taught in SCI-Arc and USC in 2011-2012. He is a leading scholar and pioneer architect in the field of Digital Design. He has held a number of National Science Foundation Research Projects. As a main initiator, he established the Digital Architecture Design Association and was elected as Scientific Committee Director of DADA in 2012. 

袁烽 Philip F. Yuan 


Professor of CAUP,Tongji University, Guest Professor of MIT in 2019.

李飚 Biao LI


Vice director of the national architectural digital technology of teaching committee;Professor of School of Architecture, Southeast University; Director of the Institute of Architectural Algorithms & Applications (Inst. AAA), School of Architecture, Southeast University.

张彤  Tong Zhang 


Design Master of Jiangsu Province. Professor, Deputy Dean, School of Architecture, Southeast University. Member of UIA Education Commission. 

Steven Ma


 Founder and Design Director of Xuberance.

外籍嘉宾 International  Experts

Vicente Guallart

巴塞罗那前城市总建筑师,巴塞罗那城市生活环境(Urban Habitat)部门的首位负责人,加泰罗尼亚高等建筑学院(IAAC)创始人。担任巴塞罗那城市总建筑师期间,负责制定巴塞罗那城市转型战略蓝图及主要项目开发,综合管辖城市规划、住房、环境、基础设施和信息技术等领域。创办了全球最顶尖的建筑学研究生院之一——加泰罗尼亚高等建筑学院(IAAC),并主持了“媒体屋”(Media House)(与麻省理工学院比特与原子研究中心合作),“超级加泰罗尼亚”(Hyper Catalunya)及“数字化制造实验室住宅”(Fab Lab House)等项目。

Former Chief Architect of Barcelona,Municipality Founder of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) .Vicente Guallart is former chief architect of Barcelona Municipality with the responsibility of developing the strategic vision of the transformation of the city and its major development projects. It was also the first head of Urban Habitat, a new department encompassing the areas of urban planning, housing, environment, infrastructures and information technologies.Previously he founded the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) where he led projects such as Media House project (with MIT's CBA), Hyper Catalunya, or the Fab Lab House. 

Hernan Diaz Alonso


Hernan Diaz Alonso assumed the role of SCI-Arc director beginning in the 2015 academic year. He is widely credited with spearheading SCI-Arc’s transition to digital technologies, and he played a key role in shaping the school’s graduate curriculum over the last decade.

In parallel to his role at SCI-Arc, Diaz Alonso is principal of the Los Angeles–based architecture office Xefirotarch. His multidisciplinary practice is praised for its work at the intersection of design, animation, interactive environments, and radical architectural explorations.

Dr. -Ing.Henriette H. Bier

荷兰代尔夫特理工大学建筑与建筑环境学院副教授代尔夫特机器人研究所代尔夫特理工大学Robotic Building Group的发起人和领导人; Robotic Building Lab主任; Adaptive Environments Network的发起人及成员;德国哈尔特应用科学大学德绍建筑学院客座教授

Associate Professor at Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft; Associate Delft Robotics Institute; Initiator and leader of the Robotic Building group at TU Delft; Director of Robotic Building Lab; Initiator and member of Adaptive Environments network; Guest Professor at Dessau Institute of Architecture, HS Anhalt.

Daniel V. Hayden


Partner and Director of Architecture Affairs of DISSING+WEITLING. Daniel V. Hayden has a broad knowledge of all aspects of the architectural profession. Daniel has an expertise in conceptual design and project visualization. Daniel works with design on a wide variety of scales as well as coordination of the design process on large complex projects and competitions.

论坛主办方 Oraganizer


Southeast University




Southeast University (SEU) is one of the national key universities administered directly under the Central Government and the Ministry of Education of China. It is also one of the universities of Project 211 and Program 985 financed by the Central Government to improve as a world-class university. SEU is a Level A university on the “First-rate universities”list. Located in the ancient capital city of Nanjing, Southeast University has campuses such as Sipailou, Jiulonghu, and Dingjiaqiao, together covering a total area of 392 hectares.

Southeast University is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in China. It has received accolades of “a sacred place of learning” and “the top university in southeastern China”. Its origin can be traced back to 1902, when it was founded as Sanjiang Normal College. In 1921, on the initiative of renowned educator Mr. Guo Bingwen, National Southeast University was founded based on Nanjing Higher Normal School, becoming one of the two national comprehensive universities around the country. In 1928, the university changed its name into National Central University. It had 7 schools, including science, engineering, medicine, agriculture, literature, law, and education. The number and scale of its disciplines were in the first level nationwide. 

In 1952, disciplines such as literature and science emigrated out, and were successively incorporated into relevant disciplines at Fudan University, Chiao Tung University, Zhejiang University, and the University of Nanking. The original engineering school of the National Central University, as the principal part of the university, was established as Nanjing Institute of Technology on the original site of National Central University. In May 1988, the university was renamed Southeast University. Its anniversary is recognized on June 6. In April 2000, Nanjing Railway Medical College, Nanjing College of Communications, and Nanjing Geological School were incorporated into the university, and the new Southeast University was established.


EMGdotART Foundation

雅伦格文化艺术基金会于2013年在意大利威尼斯成立,是威尼斯首个由中国和意大利民间机构共同发起的非盈利文化艺术基金会。基金会由Marion Folin教授担任主席,旨在通过威尼斯的国际文化艺术平台,推动当代建筑设计和文化艺术的国际交流与合作。每年威尼斯艺术双年展和建筑双年展期间,基金会以展览、论坛、工作坊、出版等活动内容连接全球前沿文化、艺术、设计资源,并通过颁发奖项、设立奖学金等激励形式,积极推动并大力支持中国当代建筑设计和文化艺术的国际交流与创新发展。成立至今,基金会先后与全球30多个国家、50多所高校、150多名艺术家、200多名建筑师进行合作,举办了200余场有关当代艺术、建筑、设计的专业展览,以及50多场顶尖学术研讨会和大师论坛,并与100多家国内外相关领域的专业媒体建立了长久的合作关系。
Founded in Venice, Italy, EMGdotART Foundation is based on the Venice Biennale, which is the first art and cultural foundation set up by a Chinese enterprise in Venice, Italy.The Chairman of the foundation is Marino Folin, former Rector of the Università IUAV di Venezia, from 1991-2006. It embodies a history of over one hundred years to connect the most advanced and innovative resources in culture, art, and science and technology from around the globe. It focuses on common issues in global development, and explores cases and solutions concerning cultural diversity and leading technologies.Since its establishment, the foundation has kept this original mission, and has actively engaged in the global dissemination and promotion of culture, art, and design, and has remained committed to advancing China-foreign exchange. It has held over 200 exhibitions, forums, and academic, cultural, and educational activities that have covered topics from art, design, city, and science and technology, to society and aesthetic education, with the involvement of thousands of artists and their works, and scholars and experts from dozens of countries. In architecture and urban construction particularly, the foundation has been focused on gaining long-term attention through the platform of the Venice Biennale, and has formed deep connections in attaining these goals.Up till now, EMGdotART Foundation has curated over 200 culture and art exhibitions all over the world, including the Culture Union Exhibition at 55th Venice Art Biennale,the Adaptation –Architecture and Change in China exhibition at 14th Venice Architecture Biennale, the Sharing and Regeneration exhibition at 15th Venice Architecture Biennale, and the Milan Expo official project.


Next Architecture Symposium

Data Ecology in Architecture



14 October 2018, 2018年1014



Lecture Hall, 2nd Floor, 

Auditorium,Southeast University




