Ludger Hovestadt 教授正式受聘东南大学建筑兼职教授

Ludger Hovestadt 教授正式受聘东南大学建筑兼职教授

2019117日上午11时,在建筑学院会议室,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH Zurich)的Ludger Hovestadt教授正式受聘成为东南大学建筑兼职教授。院长韩冬青,副院长葛明,院长助理唐芃,建筑运算与应用研究所所长李飚,运算所的华好、李力老师以及部分学生参加了签约仪式。葛明教授介绍了Hovestadt教授的学术经历,李飚教授介绍了运算所与Hovestadt教授工作室以及ETH Zurich相关研究室10年来的学术合作历程以及今后的研究方向与目标。Hovestadt教授表达了他对东南大学的感谢,并表示希望在今后的合作研究中能够实质性推动建筑数字技术的研究。仪式的最后,韩冬青院长向Ludger Hovestadt教授授予了聘书,并为Hovestadt教授佩戴了东南大学校徽。

At 11a.m. on January 17, 2019, in the conference room of SEU-ARCH, Professor Ludger Hovestadt from ETH Zurich was officially hired as guest professor of the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School of Southeast University. Prof. Han Dongqing (Dean of SEU-ARCH), Prof. Ge Ming (Associate Dean of SEU-ARCH), Associate Prof. Tang Peng (Assistantto the Dean), Prof. Li Biao (Director of the Institute of Architectural Algorithms and Applications), Lecturer Hua Hao, Li Li and some students attended the signing ceremony. Prof. Ge Ming introduced the academic experience of Prof. Hovestadt. Then Prof. Li Biao explained the academic cooperation process among the Institute of Architectural Algorithms and Applications, Prof. Hovestadt's Studio and ETH Zurich research laboratory during the past 10 years. He also introduced their future research directions and goals. Prof. Hovestadt expressed his gratitude to Southeast University and hoped that the research on digital technology can be substantially promoted in the future collaboration. At the end of the ceremony, Dean Han Dongqing presented the Letter of Appointment and the university pin to Prof. Ludger Hovestadt.

 20176月启动建设进程以来,已经陆续聘请了戴维·莱瑟巴罗等国际知名教授加入并担任要职。Hovestadt教授多年来保持着与长期和持续的学术交流。有多名的学生和老师在Hovestadt教授工作室获得了(或者正在攻读)博士学位,并回东南大学工作。Hovestadt教授计划在东南大学(SEU)和苏黎世联邦理工(ETH Zurich)之间建立起一个数字技术的国际顶尖的博士生(含青年教师)科研平台,每年以固定频率展开国际间的科研往来和高端学术交流。此计划得到了SEU建筑和ETH Zurich建筑学院的大力支持。

Since the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School of Southeast University started in June 2017, it has successively hired several world-known professors such as Prof. David Leatherbarrow to join the Demonstration School and hold important positions. Prof. Hovestadt has maintained a long and continuous academic exchange with SEU-ARCH for many years. Numerous students and teachers from SEU-ARCH have already obtained (or are studying for) the Ph.D. degree in Prof. Hovestadt’s Studio and returned to work at SEU. Prof.Hovestadt plans to establish a world top digital and technological research platform for doctoral students (including young teachers) between SEU and ETH Zurich, so as to conduct annual international scientific researches and high-end academic exchanges. This plan gains strong supports from both the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School of Southeast University and the Department of Architecture of ETH Zurich.

Ludger Hovestadt教授简介

Ludger Hovestadt 是一名建筑师及计算机科学家,自2000起在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院担任教授。他的研究领域关注于利用计算机技术将可计算性研究和建筑学中复杂信息处理二者进行联合。同时,他是多个公司的创办人和合伙人,这些公司所涉及的领域包含数控建造、智能建筑、建筑信息模型以及能源网的数字化等。自2009年起他的研究方向偏重于建筑学、数学以及计算机技术的基础研究。他最重要的出版物是:《Beyond the Grid - Architecture and Information Technology》(2009),《Printed Physics - Metalithicum Series Vol.1》(2012),《SHEAVES when things are, whatever can be the case》(2013),《EigenArchitecture- Computability as Literacy》(2014)和《A Quantum City, Mastering the Generic》(2015)。

Brief introduction of Ludger HovestadtLudger Hovestadt is an architect and computer scientist and since 2000 he workes as professor for computer aided architectural design at the ETH Zürich. He is working at the border line of calculability and brings complex information technology into disposal for architecture. He is founder of several companies in the fields of digital fabrication, smart buildings and the digitalization of our energy grids. Since 2009 his focus of research shifted towards basic research on architecture and information. His most important publications are: ‘Beyond the Grid - Architecture and InformationTechnology’ (2009), ‘Printed Physics - Metalithicum Series Vol. 1’ (2012),‘SHEAVES when things are, whatever can be the case’ (2013) and‘Eigenarchitecture - Computability as Literacy’ (2014) and ‘A Quantum City, Mastering the Generic’ (2015).
