【形态衍进:当代住居模式研究3 |类型的拼贴与城市的衍进——南京小松涛巷传统住区更新设计研究】东南大学-都灵理工联合设计课程


【形态衍进:当代住居模式研究3 |类型的拼贴与城市的衍进——南京小松涛巷传统住区更新设计研究】东南大学-都灵理工联合设计课程



当代住居模式研究3 |类型的拼贴与城市的衍进——南京小松涛巷传统住区更新设计研究

Contemporary Settlement Patterns Ⅲ | Typological Collage and Urban Transition——Re-generation in XiaoSongTao Xiang Traditional Block, Nanjing


SEU-PoliTo Joint Design Studio


教案设计:Marco Trisciuoglio、鲍莉

指导教师:鲍莉、Marco Trisciuoglio、张玫英








江兵     CCDI悉地国际资深总建筑师



课程简介Studio Introduction

本次设计课程由意大利都灵理工大学Marco Trisciuoglio教授和本院鲍莉、张玫英教授联合授课,是东南大学和都灵理工大学联合、本硕贯通设计教学实验的第三季,参与学生为建筑学本科四年级和研究生一年级。课程主题是针对距离南京城市中心新街口商圈不远的一处商住混合街区的城市再生设计。

This Design Studio lead by Marco Trisciuoglio, together with Professor Bao Li and Professor Zhang Meiying, is the third year of joint teaching experiment by Southeast University and Politecnico di Torino, and devoted to a mixed team of students (year 4 of bachelor and year 1 of master in Architecture). The core was the urban regeneration design of an residential mixed with commercial area in the central part of Nanjing, not far from the trade and commercial centre of Xinjiekou.


The main objective of the Design Studio is (once more) practicing a first approach to urban morphology and buildings typology (for Bachelor Students), even collecting (for Master Students) some aspects of complexity concerning types mutations and design processes in connection with the development of the Chinese city of nowadays.





The typo-morphological approach is not only a tool useful to describe the form of the city as place signed (in past times) by human settlement and/or to let students understand the city as a built artefact, made by pillars and walls. We had already experienced those two topics in our Design Studios of the previous years: the topography of Nanjing (at Hehua Tang District in 2016) and the tectonics of Nanjing’s buildings (at Da You Fang District in 2017). This semester (at Xiao-Song-Tao District in 2018) it was the time to discover the typology as an instrument to design the future of Nanjing city.


Based on some years of sharing both researching and teaching experiences between China and Europe, and based on the works made as Joint Research Unit TRANSITIONAL MORPHOLOGIES, we decided to devote the 2018 Design Studio to the project of urban objects and urban spaces in contemporary cities. That means working more and more on buildings that can produce innovative urban spaces. We did it through the techniques of “collage”: after having collected a wide number of meaningful residential types from all over the world, our students have compared them with the housing typologies already existing on the place. From these comparison activities, students found new design solutions, made deep investigations on spaces, gave a new form to two big blocks in the elegant centre of Nanjing.



Site Overview


小松涛巷地块是南京在民国时期规划建设的代表性街区,其城市形态、社会及经济等方面的积淀具有极高的文化和历史价值。地处南京核心城区的南北向主干道太平南路西侧,这条传统商业街南接夫子庙、北连总统府和玄武湖。周边 1 公里范围串联城市重要文化建筑及新街口CBD商圈,地理位置优越。场地周边以商业办公、文化教育、居住用地为主。周边人流量大,交往活动频繁,区域的活力度高。街区内沿街商业背后的大量现有住宅多为低收入的打工者所租住。

The Xiao-Song-Tao block is the example of the 20th century planning of Nanjing as Capital of the Republic of China during the so called Nanjing Decade (1927/1937), with its high cultural and historical value in morphological, environmental, social and economic asset. It is located in the center of the old city of Nanjing, connected to the Confucius Temple in the south and the Presidential Palace and Xuanwu Lake in the north. The surrounding area is 1 km away from the city's important cultural buildings and the Xinjiekou commercial area. It is surrounded by a series of crucial cultural, educational and commercial facilities and high-rise office buildings as well. Thus, it has frequent communication and high regional vibrancy. Enclosed by the commercial building along the boundary of the blocks, the houses inside have been mostly occupied by low-incoming labours in bad living condition. They need to be implemented by contemporary housing to meet the demands for nowadays.




课程总结Studio Summary



A city is a configuration of (special and ordinary) buildings, open spaces, infrastructures and it is the result of additions, overlaps, demolitions, innovations, transformations (based upon decays or renewals) of tangible and un-tangible objects, such as: built objects and programs. A city is a collage of many different ideas of city, many different programs. A city is also made by types.

类型是想象和发明城市本体和城市空间的有力工具:建筑师自十八世纪以来就了解并且从未放弃这一理念。 Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand1760-1834)是第一个在巴黎使用类型组合的概念教授建筑的人,稍后意大利城市设计师Luigi Canina1795-1856)利用大家熟知的类型学方法创造新的城市空间(绘制了都灵主教堂广场的概念性再生方案)。

“Type” is a powerful tool to imagine and to invent urban objects and urban spaces: architects know that since the XVIII century and never gave up this idea. Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand (1760-1834) was the first to teach architecture using types’ combination in Paris, as well as Luigi Canina (1795-1856) in Italy was an urban designer, capable to invent new urban spaces using well known typologies (he draw a conceptual regeneration of the Cathedral’s Square of Torino).


Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand’s types


此后,Piero Sartogo1978年策划了以类型学视角出发、应对罗马历史性的政治、文化和社会环境的建筑和城市设计展览间断的罗马,从而引发了一场更加有趣的关于不同设计方法之间的论争和比较。他将诺利绘制的古罗马地图切成12版块,邀请12位全球著名的建筑师在其上设计自己理想中的建筑和空间。Costantino DardiAntoine GrumbachJames StirlingPaolo PortoghesiRomaldo GiurgolaRobert VenturiColin RoweMichael GravesRobert KrierLeon KrierAldo Rossi以及Piero Sartogo本人的作品尽管结果迥异,但都展示了利用类型学地图发明与聚落的历史构成密切相关的全新事物的城市设计方法。

Later on, one of the more interesting moments of debate and comparison between the different approach to design, starting from the typological point of view were Roma interrotta (“Rome  Interrupted”) an exhibition of architectural and urban projects organized by Piero Sartogo in 1978 to cause a reaction in the Roman historical politic, cultural and social environment: he gave to 12 different architects the charge to design their own visionary buildings and spaces on each of the 12 boards of an ancient map of Rome: the projects by Costantino Dardi, Antoine Grumbach, James Stirling, Paolo Portoghesi, Romaldo Giurgola, Robert Venturi, Colin Rowe, Michael Graves, Robert Krier, Leon Krier, Aldo Rossi and Piero Sartogo himself, show the designing efforts in using one of the first typological map to “invent” something extraordinary new, but at the same time strongly linked to the past organization of the settlement.


The project by Costantino Dardi for Roma interrotta


We did the same in our urban regeneration projects for Xiao-Song-Tao Xiang. Each selected “type” (international one or local one) has been carefully and deeply analyzed by students, even through small models. Each selected type became like a single tile of a new “mosaic” of the design area. We made a first attempt all together, on a big desk and a on a giant map: it seemed a chaotic diagram of a possible existing city, imperfect and visionary, but at the same time true. After that moment, we were able to decide the main rules (maintain porosity, elegance, textures and decorations, take care of the individual use of the collective space, of the taste for green and nature, of the persisting courtyards, overall improve the quality of living in the most comfortable corner of the world.


The Design Studio organized by weekly collective discussions about design development and topics, such as: diagnosis of the context, house types study, envisioning exercise and developing a number of design options, selection of a design alternative and implementation. Upon these above rules and discussions, each group and student has developed a new idea for his/her part of the two blocks.









Teams' Works


G1Genius Loci & Boundary Remodelling



Xiong Wei



The site is occupied by residential, office and commercial buildings which including a historical heritage building, The Capital Telephone Office. The major existing problems are the following: the big part of site belonging to the Telecom Company is blocked to neighbour, the circulation is not smooth; lack of green and open spaces; the informal shops stuck to The Capital Telephone Office seriously damaged its complete facade; The Telecom Training Center in the site is serving for a large number of flowing students but no living space for them. For the above, this project has tried to reveal the Genius Loci upon remodelling the boundary of the site. Firstly, to demolish the informal buildings to open the Capital Telephone Office to public, re-organize the commercial space along the street, and the traffic streamlines. Then, a new employee fitness center will be added, together with the northeast corner opened to the neighbourhood as a shared common space. The third is to supplement the accommodation for the trainers and experts in the east of the plot next to the old row-houses, which is in the similar scale to the existing ones to get into the coherent urban fabric.





SUN Yichang, ZHAO Jingming, FEI Cheng



Through a series of urban morphology analysis, our group redesign the path inside the site, trying to unblock the path and continued the path from Yanling Alley to Taiping Nan Road, which can form a open space in- between the new building and old buildings. Create a walking path in the eastern part of the old building and add an important underground parking entrance along the road. The newly- built building mixed with office and housing forms a conversation relationship with old building, which follow the same axis direction.


As for the central public space, we change the original big courtyard into two small- scale courtyards, added with two different features. The eastern courtyard is close to Taiping Nan Road, which is the extension of public life in the street, setting community exhibition, library, workshop which responded with the shops along main streets. The newly- built Youth Apartment is specially designed with a urban sightseeing platform in the first floor which can create communication between inner courtyard and street. The western courtyard is the core of community public life, with strong sense of field, creating public space for residents in the typology of enclosed courtyard.


According to the preliminary investigation, the residential space is identified with workshop and studio, combined with housing together. The living units are set in 1*1, 1*1.5, 1*2 these three kinds of module, forming four kinds of levels’ courtyard space in- between. The whole living group is connected with kindergarten in the west, with stable but changeable gable facade facing with children. The whole living part is in L Shape, corresponded with Old building in the south, newly- built public space in the east, and new buildings along Taiping Nan Road, all of which form into an abundant urban courtyard.


G3-1: Sharing Life






The plan of Sharing Life is to create a courtyard dominated by an old tree and a courtyard dominated by activity venues by restoring two empty Spaces inside the site and enclosing the spaces with reserved buildings and new residential types. The plan has connected the activity space of these two courtyards at different levels by a corridor, and transformed the old building to become the connection point between courtyards, inside and outside. Through the design, the plot is better connected with the urban grid, and created a more public and Shared living mode. 


G3-2: Lost in Lodges





受《具区林屋图》的启发,林屋叠嶂试图在隐含秩序的混沌中塑造一种城市园林,为城市居民创造一种虽各自独立却仍旧能感受到身处周遭的生活体验。Locations 定点保留建筑作为一种限制的聚焦 Movements 根据原有入户及路径作为一种自由的秩序 Yards 根据私密程度嵌入到场地住宅间作为一种积极的剩余 Connections通过公共院落及入户楼梯构成一种集体的记忆

Lost in Lodges, inspired by a piece of Chinese landscape painting, has been trying to construct a kind of gardens-in-city throughout the implicated order still operating inside the chaotic state. It aims to encourage the residents to feel the surroundings even if they are separated physically or spiritually. Location is to keep the remaining objects as a focus of restriction; movement guides according to original routes as an order that could lift the restriction; yards are inserted by privacy to activate residual space; connections would regenerate collective memories by creating public terrace, green area or entrance stairs.


G3-3: Reproduction



LANG Yecheng



By declining living boundaries and offer living facilities ,“Reproduction” tried to give a new order to the site, Nowadays people live in the same rooms, so I designed different rooms of 5 types to meet the needs of different households. At the same time, these rooms are made as steel structure preform to reinforce the old building structure.





G4-1: Rejuvenation of Old City



WENG Weifan



Based on the current condition of the plot, the group retained the buildings of Zhongnongli because of historical value, and selected four-story residential buildings in the center of the plot, seven-story residential buildings along the street in the east and the jewelry stores in the north as our main objects to design and reconstruct. First of all, we removed the additional buildings, rearranged the site streamline, and defined a central road running through the north and south of the site. Secondly, in terms of building shape, we respect the original layout of the site, and add public space to meet the needs of high-density land for crowd interaction and leisure. Finally, regarding the population and living style, we designed youth apartments, loft apartments for couples and family loft apartments in three areas as mentioned.



G4-2: Build in-Block & Corridor-Yard Community

积木公寓 & 廊院社区

李楚极 赖怡蓁

LI Chuji LAI Yizhen



Based on the remain of mixed use of the site, this scheme focuses on re-organizing the program to keep each section independent in better location and conditions, especial the special relationship between the residence and commerce, the neighborhood and the city. The two higher blocks are the double-high apartments for the couples, the lower horizontal block runs for hotel and shops as origin along the street. The low row-houses keep the coherence to the neighbor in massive and special scale, which can settle the existing residence in their various living mode with a special sequence formed from the common corridor to private yard.






G4-3: The Neighbourhood Along Alleys



 YUAN Xiaoyu



This project has focused on re-organizing the internal streamlines, the commercial circulation and program upon the study on current public space, furthermore proposed two Types. The first is from the site, the alley space of the traditional buildings in the present situation, and the semi-private space of the alleys is extracted as a design element. The second is about living and building type. Taking MVRDV's double-house as the reference, the intensity and the changing section bring the spatial complexity and the flexibility of the workshop and the new living mode.




G5:Coloring the Old Town



Li Yuan



This project started from the typological method to extract the living prototype in existing site, which is a traditional courtyard house. The original one has a relatively closed courtyard, yet the new type has opened the main volume to the street and the other side has been designed in a relatively open way, thus forming a shared courtyard by neighbors in the middle while also encouraging the certain communication with the street. This space from public to semi-public to private is more extroverted than the original living mode, which is more conducive to the interaction between the neighborhoods.




G6-1:  Floating Islands



Zhang yu



How to highlight the value of the historical buildings is the primary issue of this block. Buildings float in public space like free islands, and all the historical ones are connected as a whole, serving for cultural and creative industries, with private space floating on it. The two new lanes have become the media in-between the commerce, commune and residence, linking the 4 old buildings with the whole site’s historical axis. To let the historical buildings and remained trees be seen from various viewpoints, the new buildings made reasonable setback and targeted openings. The three street facades correspond to the historical buildings formally, but the materials and colours are in contrast with them.










G6-2: Poem in Old Alley



LIU Xin hui


本设计在调研基础上,定位居住人群,以柳亦春早期作品 “三连宅为原型,通过拼贴并分析自城市空间到居住层面的诸多问题,调整优化方案,改善入户方式、分户方式的同时保证居住容积率。重点关注新老建筑之间、新建建筑之间及街巷空间的关系与氛围感知。

Based on the careful survey, this design started from the definition of the residences and selected Liu Yichun's early project “Triple-House” as the prototype. With collage into the site and analysis from the urban to the house level, the program has been refined. To improve the accesses to each home and the ways of space partitions should be considered while the living area should be enough. Moreover, the specific focus is the relationship between new and old buildings, between courtyard and house, and the atmosphere in the streets and lanes as well.


G6-3: Under the Tree



HU Die



To the west of site is a historic heritage place, Jinling Scriptural Press in low, to the east is the high-rise housing mixed with commerce, YuanYang International Center. The shops are along the streets and inner of site is the living space. The existing problems with the current situation are the commerce overruns the street space and a serious lacking of the common open space. This design has kept the basic structure of commerce, 4 remarkable trees and the old house which was built in 1927, and found new building types in place of the 6-storeys apartment building. Furthermore, we have focused on the relationship among the commercial and various residential space, to create the commercial square in front of the old houses and three different living unit: apartment, detached house and living mixed with shops, so that to remain the consistent commercial facade and to enrich the living atmosphere and the context of the site.




Students are divided into six groups to carry out different plots and different areas of residential renewal design discussion. In the in-depth, continuous and tireless discussion and debate of teachers, every student has worked hard, although there will be various problems in the process. Ultimately, students not only achieved excellent results, but more importantly, they learned to look at urban issues with a history and a more micro perspective.















Marco Trisciuoglio都灵理工大学建筑设计学院建筑与城市设计教席教授,亚太国际事务联络主管。都灵理工大学博士,客座教授。











