【形态衍进:当代住居模式研究2 | 类型的结构与城市的转型——南京大油坊巷传统住区更新设计研究】东南大学-都灵理工联合设计课程

【形态衍进:当代住居模式研究2 | 类型的结构与城市的转型——南京大油坊巷传统住区更新设计研究】东南大学-都灵理工联合设计课



当代住居模式研究2 |类型的结构与城市的转型——南京大油坊巷传统住区更新设计研究

Contemporary Settlement Patterns II | Typological Structure and Urban Transformations——Re-generation in DaYouFang Xiang Traditional Block, Nanjing


 SEU-PoliTo Joint Design Studio

教案设计:Marco Trisciuoglio、鲍莉

指导教师:鲍莉、Marco Trisciuoglio、邓浩

助    教:董亦楠、姜蕾、施剑波

参与学生:滑芳、任广为、吴余馨、汪佳琪、蒋铭丽、骆芳锦、衷毅、陈文安、Jack Chen陈震、Sok SovanndaraMiguel BruneyDavid Hagberg KTH)、曲恺辰、刘紫东、谢冰、李泊衡、吴冰鹏、戴煜娴






This Design Studio lead by Marco Trisciuoglio, together with Professor Bao Li and Professor Deng Hao, is the second year of joint teaching experiment by Southeast University and Politecnico di Torino, and devoted to a mixed team of students (year 4 of bachelor and year 1 of master in Architecture). The core was the urban regeneration design of a traditional area in the southern part of Nanjing.

The main objective of the Design Studio is practicing urban morphology and buildings typology as reading and designing tools (for Bachelor Students), even collecting some aspects of complexity concerning types mutations, design process in connection with the development of Chinese society and economics (for Master Students).




Based on some years of sharing both researching and teaching experiences between China and Europe, we decided to devote the 2017 Design Studio to the topic of the contemporary development of the original urban fabrics. That means working more and more on buildings and not only on urban spaces (as we have done before). What can we do when (inside a Chinese city like Nanjing) we have to face an entire historical block in ruined condition, with boundaries that are no more the original ones, with only few traces of an ancient sequence of courtyard-houses, with structural, constructive and hygienic conditions that are out of the limits of acceptance?


One possibility is destroying everything and build a “new/historical” portion of the city (just to save an image of that), another possibility is operating an architectural “surgery” through the attention to small spaces, the smart inventions to solve problems maintaining what still exists, the efforts in making some element of the Past becoming symbols of a long history. We love (and we chose) this second way.


Site Overview


The Da Youfang Xiang block is on the list of 22 historical preserved plots of Nanjing, with its high cultural and historical value. It has been occupied by a workers houses’ slum and it is waiting today for a regeneration project that hopefully could be different from the ordinary settlement made by tall anonymous buildings and also from the “fake” restorations in Chinese Traditional style.


Da Youfang Xiang, also named as Xiao-Xi-Hu(small west lake), was an area originally occupied by 2 gardens with small lakes and a settlement made by a lot of traditional courtyards-houses. Later it was seriously transformed by functional actions: enlargement of the streets all around to improve transportation, use of residential spaces to host small industries, insertion of big buildings and facilities out of scale, which gradually formed the existing complex block. It has been already described, studied and planned in previous project, and now it is the time to think to its “architectures”.


课程总结Studio Summary


The Architecture of the City and the architectures/buildings into the city


The Architecture of the City is the book that Aldo Rossi wrote in 1966. That title means also that each city has its own architecture, that is like a “genetic code” of the city and that we must deeply know it, when we are approaching a design into that city. It is overall a question of awareness, but in some way also an exhortation to look at the physical reality of the city, to look at its construction, to look at the traditional solutions of its building systems.


Working on the existing buildings in Da Youfang Xiang means the discovering intimate consistency of that part of the city. After studying and tracing maps all together, suddenly we realized, all together, that the pillar (or the column) is the real fundamental element of Chinese types as well as the wall is the real fundamental element of European Mediterranean types. And we must have changed our point of view and our way to design.


Transitional Morphologies


Urban morphology allows us to examine the strategies and methods used in human settlements to incrementally change and assembly buildings and spaces from one period to another, from one place to another, from one culture to another. The word we used “transitional” comes from palaeontology: a “transitional fossil” is any fossilized remain of a life form that exhibits traits common to both an ancestral group and its derived descendant group. In the taxonomy of evolution, transitional morphologies are linking phenomena between the past and the future.


We are interested in describing the state of urban morphologies all over the world, their historical causes (in economy, society, symbolic value) and their design perspective, which is precisely the aim of the “Transitional Morphologies Project”: a Research Unit we are establishing between the Politecnico di Torino and the Southeast University in Nanjing.


One Block, Six topics, six methods


Six mixed groups of students (undergraduate and graduate together) worked on “transitional fossils” as: a line of buildings along a street that disappeared because of a new planning, a complex of three/four courtyard-houses transformed in something different (as a factory for paper lanterns), a small lake that is only something in the name of the place and also a discontinuity in the urban fabric, another complex of protected courtyard-houses to be renewed but for new kind of residential uses, a corner of the block with a lack of identity and looking for a shape between tradition (the courtyard-house again) and innovation (new shapes for the city of tomorrow), and also the opposite corner with the modular seriality of the small food shops and restaurant of today, so full of memories of the neighbourhood of the Thirties.





Teams' Works

G1Addition / In-Between扩展/之间


Fang Hua, Guangwei Ren, Yuxin Wu


The site chosen by our group locates in the corner of block. The enlargement of the city street has changed the boundary of the block. On the contrary, an inner “path” going through the site has been kept. Although the publicity of this “path” has changed during the past decades, the zigzag space shared by residents serves as the remains and symbol of neighborhood life.

According to the demands of local residents, the logic of spontaneous addition, and prototypes of existing courtyard houses as well, a New Prototype of “In-between” space has been invented. In terms of combining the public path and private living, reorganizing the interaction between house units and common space, the architectural intervention can re-vitalize this residential plot.

G2INSERTION 花灯微透照旧年汪佳琪、蒋铭丽、骆芳锦

Jiaqi Wang, Mingli Jiang, Fangjin Luo



There are a few of well-preserved traditional courtyard houses with original structure, walls and components. the two ones were built in 1929 including Fuyaocheng’s former residence which is regarded as a historical heritage unit. In the south of the site there is another intangible heritage seated, a local traditional lantern workshop.

Due to its historical value, the site is planned to be a culture industry clusters. Two groups in the north including the former residence are transformed into the museum exhibiting the history of the area, while the other two in the south the cultivate workshops for traditional craftsmanship, where the lantern workshop is of the most significance indisputably. From the architecture viewpoint, the strategy applied to this site is mainly the renovation of the existing buildings, the restoration of traditional form of courtyard houses, and the conversion of the alley between the groups from a separation element to a connecting space. The alley in the north is changing into an activity space with the setback of buildings besides and the other one in the south into an indoor traffic space with the insertion of a concatenation.

Reconstruction 坊声郭色起新楼


Yi Zhong, Christoporus Tanbunan, Zhen Chen


The site has a specific feature - the south boundary is a widen Madao Street with busy traffic, this has become an important factor for the design. Along the Madao Street there are actually three different groups of existing courtyard houses. Based on the depth and dimension, these three group buildings have been defined to transform into houses with shops, youth hostel and community activity center. In terms of physical space, the historical trace of the site since 1929 has been examined, based on that the possible development in the future has been deduced, and furthermore the new neighborhood and public space has been designed.

G4Unit/Unity 单元/统一


Sok Sovanndara, Miguel Bruney, David Hagberg



The plot is located in the northeast corner of Da Youfang Xiang, where the small road Xiaoxihu intersects with the main road Gutong Alley. The starting point of the project is an analysis of the present state in the area. Facing Xiaoxihu there is a mix of homes and shops, the street is 3 to 7 meters wide. It has a very slow pace with a character of a pedestrian street. Gutong Alley on the other hand is a 18 meters wide and therefore more traffic. The facade facing the streets has divided into several small units containing mainly shops and street food kitchens. The corner of the block facing the intersection was already in 1929 divided into several small units creating a dense fabric of dwellings. The original courtyard houses created a ribbon-like pattern, the position of walls that once defined the boundaries of the properties still is present even if the original houses are long gone. Within the boundaries of the block there is still one courtyard house from the Qing dynasty. The house consists of three houses divided by two courtyards.

By learning how the area has kept on evolving within the framework of the old Qing walls, the new project has been decided to respect these boundaries to keep the coherence. With the words unit/unity the group developed three separate projects with their own individual logic. The memory and respect of the life and buildings that once where there is what unifies the projects.

G5Module Intervention 模块介入


Kaichen Qu, Ziding Liu, Bing Xie



Based on the historical trace and existing building feature in this inner plot, the strategies of Module Intervention and the consequent two different schemes have been put forward. The first one is to intersperse with different functions "boxes" in the old buildings to provide communication space for different groups of people. At the same time, the interior space of the original building is flexible, and the internal space also respects the evolution. The plan on the south originated from grid, abstracted from existing walls of regular houses. Designer attaches different importance to different lines in accordance with historic information, and then set two types of residential unit, serving a family of five and a young couple respectively. The following step is permutation, by which we can get various forms of space in plan and section.

Another one is to regenerate the prototype of the building on the south side of the site to a new type of building as a module. Different scales and types of building modules are derived from the different scopes of the site, and to meet the different demands of residences. Finally module buildings have occupied the entire site in compact way while defining the linear alley and open space which can remind the memory of the original intimate neighborhood.

G6Compromising/Rebirth 妥协/重生


Boheng Li, Bingpeng Wu, Yuxian Dai





Based on programming, using typology as the analytical method, this emotional design is integrated with rich historical memory.

The site has divided into four property plots by gables from west to east. The first west one is the family of the Xu, which has been growing strong. The other three plots on the east are the Zhao‘s family that has been decayed and relocated. The project preserves the indigenous inhabitants of Xu family in the west, and the eastern three ones are transformed into hotel and public activity place according to the site location and current situation of the buildings. 

Extracting various building and space types in the site since hundred years ago, the residential buildings in the west plot twist along the gables, forming staggered courtyard spaces, and connect with the surrounding areas by adding sunshine houses on the second floor. The buildings in the middle have been preserved with historical appearance, which extend the traditional courtyard space and connected with the east by adding rest space in gables. The two eastern plots have been designed as a whole, extracting the alley space caused by addition, then enlarging the interlaced space in the alley into interlaced courtyard.

Different local scenes have formed the distinctive features of the old city, and these historical memories are worth maintained. The original gables are used to divide space, and the new ones add more meaning. The walls inside the building reinforce the systematic form of a roof structure, the ones between two plots serve as the connection between two plots by turning around, form a penetrating line of sight by opening holes, the scenes of various time periods and functional space are compressed into the same picture.




Once again the efforts of students were great, their individual approaches smart even if played in the same shared framework, and the final results really extraordinary and excellent. But once again the outcomes are not only a series of beautiful projects, innovative and strongly logic, but also deep, continuous and tireless debates among teachers and students: a unique wonderful team.






Marco Trisciuoglio都灵理工大学建筑设计学院建筑与城市设计教席教授,亚太国际事务联络主管。都灵理工大学博士,客座教授。

Full Professor of Architectural and Urban Design, Department of Architecture and Design, Contact Person for International Relationships with Asia and Oceania, Politecnico di Torino; Guest professor, School of Architecture, Southeast University.





