


From April 28th to May 2nd, 2019, the Advanced Research in Architecture Today2019 ETH-SEU PhD Workshop and Forum which was jointly organized by SEU-ARCH and ETH Zurich was successfully held in Southeast University. This PhD workshop and forum includes four panels on “Urban and Landscape Studies”, “Technology”, “Architectural Design” and “Architectural Theory and History”. More than 30 doctoral students and postdoctors from ETH Zurich, SEU-ARCH, Singapore ETH Center, TV Wien and CUHK participated in the workshop and forum and gave relevant presentations.

论坛于429日进行了前期会谈和workshop430日上午在东南大学礼东二楼会议大厅举行开幕仪式,论坛主席David Leatherbarrow教授主持。东南大学副校长黄大卫致开幕词,代表校方对所有与会嘉宾表示热烈欢迎,并介绍了和瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院长达35年的合作交流历史。瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院教授、新加坡-ETH研究中心未来城市实验室主任Stephen Cairns代表苏黎世联邦理工学院对本次论坛可能收获的研究成果表达了期待,同时希望进一步深化两校间的合作。中国工程院院士、教授王建国代表中国高等学校建筑类专业教学指导委员会,指出此次论坛在研究大学“育人”的理念和方法、振兴建筑类专业教育两方面的重要意义,预祝论坛取得圆满成功。

The preliminary talks and workshops started on April 29th. The opening ceremony was held at the Lecture Hall, SEU Li Dong 2nd Floor on the morning of April 30th, chaired by Professor David Leatherbarrow. Vice President of Southeast University, Professor Huang Dawei, delivered the opening speech. He expressed warm welcome to all the guests present and introduced the 35-year long cooperation history between SEU-ARCH and ETH Zurich on behalf of Southeast University. Professor Stephen Cairns, professor of ETH Zurich and director of the Singapore-ETH Center, expected to achieve impressive research findings during this forum and further deepen the level of cooperation between the two universities on behalf of ETH Zurich. Professor Wang Jianguo, academician of CAE and professor of SEU-ARCH, pointed out that the forum is of great significance in both studying the concepts and methods of “educating people”, as well as revitalizing the professional architecture education on behalf of the National Steering Committee of Architecture Education in China. Finally he wished the workshop and forum a big success.

论坛“城市与景观研究”分会场由Stephen Cairns教授和王建国院士担任主席,发言博士(后)在城市与景观学科日益交融的背景下,关注城市、景观或两者交叉领域中新近的思考与实践,就历史、理论、当代设计与实践的主题进行探讨。“技术”分会场由瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院Ludger Hovestadt教授和李飚教授担任主席,发言博士(后)着重关注或推进建筑技术在当下的思考和实践,探讨其在模拟、建造和生产方面的优势,以及创新的方法技术与传统之间的张力。“建筑设计”分会场由瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院Emanuel Christ教授和香港中文大学建筑系顾大庆教授担任主席,发言博士(后)就在国际实践与理论发展中兴起的当下设计思维这一主要议题,从设计方法、视觉化/表现的方法与概念、设计与建造之间的关联等主题入手讨论,将设计项目作为研究的焦点,探讨项目过程中的概念和想法。“建筑历史与理论”分会场由瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑学院院长Philip Ursprung教授和东南大学建筑外籍院长、教授、宾夕法尼亚大学建筑学院教授David Leatherbarrow担任主席,发言博士(后)关注不同时期、不同地域的建筑史研究,既讨论建筑与其他领域的交叉,也对建筑学基本问题做出回应。

The panel on “Urban and Landscape Studies” was chaired by Professor Stephen Cairns and Academician Wang Jianguo. The doctoral students and postdoctors who gave presentations mainly focused on current thinking and practice in either of these two fields—urbanism and landscape—or their intersection, as is becoming increasingly common today (landscape urbanism). Historical and theoretical topics were addressed, or themes that are particular to contemporary design and practice. The panel on “Technology” was chaired by Professor Ludger Hovestadt of ETH Zurich and Professor Li Biao of SEU-ARCH. The presenters addressed and contributed to current thinking and practice in architectural technology, its advances of course, in simulation, fabrication, and production, as well as the tensions between new and traditional methods or techniques. The panel on “Architectural Design” was chaired by Professor Emanuel Christ of ETH Zurich and Professor Gu Daqing of CUHK. The presenters addressed current issues in design thinking, as they have arisen in practices and theories that are developing throughout the world. Any one of several themes were possibly considered: design methods, techniques and ideas of visualization/representation, or the connections between design and construction. Design projects were the focus of their studies, also the ideas and thinking at work in those projects. The panel on “Architectural Theory and History” was chaired by Professor Philip Ursprung, Dean of ETH Zurich, and Professor David Leatherbarrow, Foreign Dean of the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School of Southeast University. The presenters focused on research in architectural history from one or several periods, in different parts of the world. They discussed not only the intersections between architecture and other fields, but also architecture’s basic subjects.

论坛最后,由院长韩冬青和瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑学院院长Philip Ursprung致论坛闭幕辞,表达了对所有到场嘉宾和参与论坛工作人员的感谢,对本次论坛促进国际性教育、推动两校双边合作的肯定,以及对来年春季将在苏黎世举办的第二届博士(生)论坛的期待。

At the end of the workshop and forum, Professor Han Dongqing, Dean of SEU-ARCH, and Professor Philip Ursprung, Dean of ETH Zurich, delivered the closing speeches, expressing their gratitude to all the guests and staff involved in the forum, their appreciation of the promoting effect on international education and bilateral cooperation between two universities, as well as the expectation of the second PhD workshop and forum to be held in Zurich next spring.


This successfully-held PhD workshop and forum in Nanjing marked the 35th anniversary of the establishment of cooperative relations between the two universities. New breakthroughs in cultural exchange, education and research cooperation have been made, which provide a broader communication platform to young scholars of the two universities and related institutions (especially doctoral students and postdoctors), as well as reach a milestone of cultivating leading talents in the field of architecture and improving the social innovation of architecture discipline.

(夏萌/文  钟旻王笑/)
