
举办学科建设国际评估 SEU ARCH Held the 2019 International Review of Discipline Construction


        In order to accelerate the construction speed of both the SEU double first-class initiative and the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School (I.D.S.) of SEU, as well as improve the discipline connotation, comprehensive strength and international influence of the three disciplines of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture, SEU ARCH invited seven world-renowned experts in related fields to comprehensively review the whole school from various perspectives of overall structure, faculty construction, talent training, teaching and education, research and practice, international cooperation, facility and infrastructure, main features and relations of the three disciplines, etc. during the period from November 20th to November 22nd, 2019. The international review committee drafted an general report in the end which objectively analyzes and evaluates the construction status and development prospects of SEU ARCH, and in the meantime, puts forwards many valuable suggestions.


        本次评估由七位专家组成评审团队,其中包括美国麻省理工学院建筑与城市规划学院前院长Adele Santos教授,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学建筑学院前院长Sacha Menz教授,美国加州大学伯克利分校建筑学院荣誉教授Marc Treib教授,美国哥伦比亚大学建筑、规划与遗产保护学院Grahame Shane教授,瑞士门德里西奥建筑学院Quintus Miller教授,维也纳理工大学数字建筑与规划系主任、奥斯陆建筑与设计学院Michael Hensel教授,华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)山姆福克斯设计与视觉艺术学院Eric Mumford教授。

        The SEU ARCH international review committee consists of seven experts, including Professor Adele Santos, Former Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT; Professor Sacha Menz, Former Dean of the School of Architecture at ETH Zurich; Professor Marc Treib, Emeritus Professor of College of Environmental Design at UC Berkeley; Professor Grahame Shane from the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University; Professor Quintus Miller form Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio at USI; and Professor Eric Mumford from Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis.


        11月20日上午,本次国际评估学院与学科建设汇报会在东南大学四牌楼校区礼东二楼报告厅举行。东南大学常务副校长王保平教授致辞,代表校方对七位国际评委的莅临指导表示欢迎,并简要介绍了东南大学和建筑学院的历史与发展状况。建筑学院院长张彤从学院概况、办学机制、师资建设、人才培养、教学、科研与实践、国际合作、愿景与挑战几个方面,对建筑学院的整体发展作了评估总报告。韩冬青、董卫、成玉宁三位教授随后分别代表建筑学、城乡规划、风景园林三个学科作评估分报告,阐述学科建设特色。最后,由东南大学建筑外籍院长David Leatherbarrow教授从建设概况、国际合作、教育教学、研究成果、展望探索几个方面对示范学院成立两年来的建设历程及取得的阶段性成果进行了汇报。

        On the morning of November 20th, the international review meeting of school and discipline construction was held in the lecture hall, 2nd floor of Lidong Building at SEU Sipailou Campus. Professor Wang Baoping, SEU Executive Vice President, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of SEU, and briefly introduced the development history of both the university and the school. Dean Zhang Tong of SEU ARCH made a general report on the overview, educational mechanism, faculty construction, talent training, teaching, scientific research and practice, international cooperation, prospects and challenges of the school. Then Professor Han Dongqing, Professor Dong Wei and Professor Cheng Yuning made self-evaluation reports on behalf of the three disciplines of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture respectively, which mainly explains the features of discipline construction. Finally, Professor David Leatherbarrow, Foreign Dean of I.D.S., reported on the construction process and achievements of I.D.S. during the past two years from the aspects of its overview, international cooperation, teaching, research results and prospects.


Professor Wang Baoping, SEU Executive Vice President, Delivers the Welcome Speech


Professor Zhang Tong, Dean of SEU ARCH, Makes the General Report on SEU ARCH


Professor Han Dongqing Makes Self-evaluation Report on Behalf of Architecture Discipline


Professor Dong Wei Makes Self-evaluation Report on Behalf of Urban Planning Discipline


Professor Cheng Yuning Makes Self-evaluation Report on Behalf of Landscape Architecture Discipline

东南大学建筑外籍院长David Leatherbarrow教授对示范学院成立两年来的建设历程及取得的阶段性成果进行了汇报

Professor David Leatherbarrow, Foreign Dean of I.D.S., Reports on the Construction Process and Achievements of I.D.S. During the Past Two Years


Group Photo of the International Review Committee Experts, University Leaders and the School Faculty



        In the following two days, the seven international review committee members listened to reports by professors of the three disciplines respectively and had in-depth communication on their representative studies. The committee conducted field investigations on the basic facilities, teaching and research results of SEU ARCH, and visited places consisting of classrooms, building model rooms, laboratories, libraries, exhibition halls, teachers' offices, and the home of foreign scholars. They specially attended courses of SEU ARCH undergraduates and postgraduates, which includes basic courses jointly organized by the three disciplines. They also participated in the Southeast Jiamu Scholars 2019 Exhibition and Forum, visited the design works of the outstanding SEU ARCH young alumni and listened to some of their representative presentations, which resulted in a high praise for the talent training mode of SEU ARCH. Besides, the review committee also held various forms of discussions with teachers (represented by Academician Wang Jianguo) and students to have full communications.


International Review Experts and the School Leaders Discuss and Exchange Opinions in the I.D.S. Conference Room

评估专家发言,图为美国哥伦比亚大学建筑、规划与遗产保护学院Grahame Shane教授(左),华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)山姆福克斯设计与视觉艺术学院Eric Mumford教授(右)

International Review Expert Makes Remarks, Professor Grahame Shane from the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University (Left) and Professor Eric Mumford from Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis (Right)

评估专家发言,图为瑞士门德里西奥建筑学院Quintus Miller教授(左)、美国麻省理工学院建筑与城市规划学院前院长Adele Santos教授(右)

International Review Expert Makes Remarks, Professor Quintus Miller form Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio at USI (Left) and Professor Adele Santos, Former Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT (Right)


International Review Experts Visit Design Works of Undergraduates/Postgraduates and the Achievements of International Joint Studios


International Review Experts Communicate with Teachers and Students of the Design Courses


International Review Experts listen to the Introduction of Southeast Jiamu Scholars 2019 Work Exhibition


        11月22日下午,国际评估委员会在礼东二楼报告厅进行评估意见反馈,东南大学校长、中国工程院院士张广军,东南大学常务副校长王保平,中国工程院院士、教育部全国高等学校建筑类专业教学指导委员会主任王建国,建筑学院院长张彤,建筑外籍院长David Leatherbarrow,校国际合作处处长叶智锐、校宣传部部长顾永红和学校其它相关部门负责人,建筑学院党委书记冷嘉伟,副院长葛明、江泓、鲍莉,院长助理唐芃,建筑教授桙井修一、顾大庆、夏铸九、Marco Trisciuoglio,建筑院长助理史永高,建筑学院各学科带头人、系主任及相关老师参会。瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学Sacha Menz教授代表国际评估委员会做评估报告陈述。他首先对的办学情况和学科建设做了整体评价,通过对建筑学院的全面考察,学院的历史、架构、学科建设成果和建筑建设等给评委们留下了深刻印象,对建筑学院的教学课程结构与内容设置、老师与校友的研究与实践成果、建设的作用等方面给予了充分肯定与高度评价。与此同时,评估委员会也指出了目前存在的师资建设、学制年限、教学实验空间等问题,并就当前建筑学院发展所面临的机遇和挑战进行了分析。随后,建筑学院院长张彤、建筑外籍院长David Leatherbarrow、中国工程院院士王建国分别对国际专家的来访指导和提出的专业性意见建议表示接受与感谢。最后,张广军在总结发言中对各位国际评估委员会教授表示欢迎,对其为学校、学院以及三个学科发展方面评估工作的辛勤付出表示感谢和敬佩。他说,东南大学是中国近现代高等教育的发祥地之一,也是中国现代建筑学学科的发源地,具有深厚的办学底蕴和鲜明的文化特质。面对新时代新使命,在国际坐标系下寻求建筑学科的发展路径是当前我校“双一流”建设探索的重要开端。张广军高度肯定专家委员会提出的评估意见,并对评估提出的弱项和挑战给予回应,他表示,学校高度重视评估意见,并将加快推进建筑学科的发展,他也希望在评估委员会专家的大力支持下,学院师生自觉建立服务国家战略和人类命运共同体的大格局,聚力奋斗、引领发展,致力于培养出具有家国情怀和国际视野、担当引领未来和造福人类的领军人才,为我国建筑学科和中国特色世界一流大学建设发挥示范作用。

        On the afternoon of November 22th, the international review feedback meeting was held in the lecture hall, 2nd floor of Lidong Building. The attendees were as follows: Professor Zhang Guangjun (SEU President, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering), Professor Wang Baoping (SEU Executive Vice President) , Professor Wang Jianguo (Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of National Steering Committee of Architecture Education in China under the Ministry of Education), Professor Zhang Tong (SEU ARCH Dean), Professor David Leatherbarrow (Foreign Dean of I.D.S.), Professor Ye Zhirui (Director of SEU International Cooperation Department), Professor Gu Yonghong (Director of SEU Publicity Department) and leaders from other departments of SEU, Professor Leng Jiawei (SEU ARCH CPC Secretary), Professor Ge Ming (SEU ARCH Vice Dean), Professor Bao Li (SEU ARCH Vice Dean), Associate Professor Jiang Hong (SEU ARCH Vice Dean), Associate Professor Tang Peng (SEU ARCH Dean Assistant), Professor Shuichi Hokoi, Professor Gu Daqing, Professor Chu-Joe Hsia, Professor Marco Trisciuoglio (Professors of I.D.S.), Associate Professor Shi Yonggao (Dean Assistant of I.D.S.), leaders, directors and some teachers related to SEU ARCH departments and institutes. On behalf of the International Review Committee, Professor Sacha Menz from ETH Zurich presented the reviewing feedback report. Firstly, Professor Menz addressed an overall evaluation on the SEU ARCH education and discipline construction based on the comprehensive review, SEU ARCH history, structure, discipline achievements and establishment of I.D.S. and gave full recognition and high evaluation on the SEU ARCH curriculum structure and arrangement, faculty’s and alumni’s research and work achievements, establishing impact from I.D.S. and etc. At the same time, the review committee pointed out such existing problems as faculty establishment, schooling years, teaching and laboratory space and made an analysis on the opportunities and challenges which SEU ARCH are facing after that. Professor Zhang Tong, Professor Leatherbarrow and Professor Wang Jianguo conveyed their agreement and extended their thankfulness for the international committee’s professional guidance and suggestions respectively. Finally, Professor Zhang Guangjun, in his closing remarks, expressed warm welcome to all professors of international review committee and conveyed his gratitude and admiration for their great contributions to the evaluating work for the university, school and three disciplines. He said, SEU is one of cradles of modern higher education in China and the birthplace of modern architectural discipline in China with the profound educational and cultural characteristics. In face of the new era and mission, SEU searching for an international architectural development path will be an important start for the “double first-class” establishment. Professor Zhang Guangjun highly agreed with the committee and gave response to the existing problems and challenges. He expressed that the university would paid great attention to the evaluation and step up to promote the development of architectural discipline. He hoped that in great support of committee’s experts, SEU ARCH faculty and students consciously establish the overall pattern of serving national strategy and human destiny community, be striving together for leading development and dedicating to cultivating the top talents with national and international vision and leading to future and serving human beings for making demonstrative play in the establishment of national architectural discipline and world-class university with Chinese characteristics.


SEU-ARCH Dean Professor Zhang Tong Presides the International Review Feedback Meeting.

瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学Sacha Menz教授代表国际评估委员会做评估报告陈述

On Behalf of the International Review Committee, Professor Sacha Menz from ETH Zurich Makes Review Presentation


Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Wang Jianguo, Conveys His Agreement and Extends His Thankfulness for the International Committee’s Professional Guidance and Suggestions


SEU President Professor Zhang Guangjun Makes Concluding Remarks


Group Photo of the International Review Committee Experts and SEU Faculty



        The international review is a more accurate and comprehensive international example for SEU-ARCH development. The faculty and students will have more clear recognition of the current strengths and the existing weaknesses in the course of self-development. In combination of the experts’ evaluation, SEU-ARCH will continue to improve the school-running mechanism and strive for more fruitful achievements in varied aspects of world-class discipline construction, talents cultivation, research and practice and etc.
