

201911- 12月,中大院,209教室


        建筑理论和认识论在很大程度上是形式主义、文化主义和历史主义的。即使是更具批判性的构架——如批判地域主义或后批判思想——在社会关怀层面上依旧宽泛而遥远。今天,理论家和设计师们继续进行着跨国合作,其所依赖的政治经济基础,特别是其中的道德、意识形态和地缘政治状态,非常令人担忧,其问题日益凸显。然而东西方建筑师在追求某种醉人的建筑诗意中继续无视这些问题。这种有限视角使我们的学科与社会愈加脱节,使设计成为对现实的粉饰。为了重新找回建筑学的价值意义,我们必须面对真相和现实,以及不同尺度的充满地缘政治紧张关系的空间中的道德/意识形态的对立冲突,和它们所涉及的各种需要我们对其历史发展进行分析和批判研究的话题和事件。建筑是如何介入不同尺度的充满观念和对抗的空间实践甚至与之共犯的?我们有什么方法和理论来分析这些?我们需要什么新观念和新构想?我们是否需要一个新框架——以地缘政治及其维度和动态为基础——来研究建筑学及其历史?本课程试图回应这些问题,并探讨一个以地理为基本条件的可能的理论框架。我们从三个课题入手:a) 微观空间政治;b) 战争与建筑的地理学;c) 艺术、文化与政治的复杂联系。 


一 、 空间与权力

      1. 福柯:空间装置

        1126日周二,6:30-8:00 pm

2. 边沁、韩非、于连:故宫对话

        1128日周四,6:30-8:00 pm

二 、战争与地理


        1129日周五,2:00-3:30 pm


        123日周二,6:30-8:00 pm

三 、艺术与政治


        125日周四,6:30-8:00 pm


        126日周五,2:00-3:30 pm


        朱剑飞,伦敦大学博士,英国纽卡斯尔大学教授,从事建筑理论、批评和历史研究,尤其以中国、亚洲、比较研究、形式批判、社会分析和地理政治为关注重点。他发表了“天朝沙场”、“中国与西方之间的批评性”和“帝国的符号帝国”等论文(刊登于AA files, Journal of Architecture, Harvard Design Magazine);出版了《中国空间策略:帝都北京》(2004Routledge出版,2017年中译本由三联书店出版);主编了《中国建筑60年:历史理论研究》(中国建筑工业出版社,2009年)。他的文集《形式与政治:建筑研究的一种方法》2018年由同济大学出版社出版。他近期的研究课题包括亚太地区现代建筑与地缘政治的关系。

        朱剑飞在英语国家从事建筑教育25年,他曾任教于英国的AA建筑学院和伦敦大学院(UCL),以及澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚大学,并长期任教于墨尔本大学。他于今年上任英国纽卡斯尔大学东亚建筑讲席教授。英国纽卡斯尔大学是英国罗素大学集团成员之一,其建筑学院毕业生包括著名建筑师史密森夫妇(Alison and Peter Smithson)和特里 · 法雷尔(Sir Terry Farrell)。朱剑飞积极参与中国的建筑研讨,于2012年 和2017年分别成为南京东南大学和杭州中国美院客座教授。今年是他在东南大学第八次开设短期理论课程。

Towards a Geopolitical Criticism of Architecture

    Frontiers of Architectural History (2019-20), Part One, November–December 2019

School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing, China

By Jianfei Zhu, Professor, School of Architecture Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, UK

        Architectural theory and epistemology have been largely formalist, culturalist and historicist. Even the more critical formulations – from Critical Regionalism to Post-Critical thinking – remain generic and distant in their social concern. Today, theorists and designers continue to enjoy transnational collaborations backed up by a political economy whose moral, ideological and geopolitical underpinnings remain very concerning and increasingly problematic. Yet architects east and west continue to look away, in their pursuit of some intoxicating architectural poetics. Such an introvert perspective leads only to further irrelevance of the discipline and a status of design as ornament. To regain our relevance, we must confront the real and the present, and a moral-ideological war unfolding on a space of geopolitical tensions at many scales, and the various themes and issues involved whose historical developments require analytical and critical examinations. How is architecture entangled if not complicit with a space of ideas and tensions at various scales? What methods and theories are available for us to analyse these? What are the new ideas and notions needed? Do we need a new framework – one based on geopolitics and its dimensions and dynamics – for examining architecture today? This lecture programme aims to respond to these questions and explore a possible framework as geographically conditioned. We aim to start with three investigations: a) micro spatial politics, b) a geography of war and architecture, and c) the entanglement between art, culture and politics. 


A, Space and Power

 1, Foucault: Space as Machine    6:30-8:00 pm 26 Nov Tuesday

 2, Bentham, Han Fei & Jullien: Dialogue in the Palace    6:30-8:00 pm 28 Nov Thursday

B, War and Geography

 3, Virilio & Hirst: War Architecture    2:00-3:30 pm 29 Nov Friday

 4, Continent facing the Sea: Theatre    6:30-8:00 pm 3 Dec Tuesday

C, Art and Politics

 5, Benjamin: Cultural Politics    6:30-8:00 pm 5 Dec Thursday

 6, Rancière: Distribution of the Sensible    2:00-3:30 pm 6 Dec Friday

Lecturer: Jianfei Zhu

        Jianfei Zhu (PhD, UCL) is Professor at Newcastle University UK. He is the author of Chinese Spatial Strategies: Imperial Beijing (London: Routledge, 2004), Architecture of Modern China: A Historical Critique (London: Routledge, 2009) and Form and Politics (Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2018). He is also the editor of Sixty Years of Chinese Architecture (1949-2009): History, Theory and Criticism (Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press 2009). His recent research projects include a geopolitical study of modern architecture of key cities and states around and across the Pacific.

         Jianfei has taught architecture in the English-speaking countries for 25 years. He has lectured at the AA school and UCL’s Bartlett School, and at University Tasmania, then for a long time at University of Melbourne. In 2019, he became the Professor of East Asian Architecture at Newcastle University UK. Newcastle is a member of the Russell Group; Newcastle’s architectural school has well-known alumni including Alison and Peter Smithson, and Sir Terry Farrell. Jianfei is also active in participating the architectural debate in China. He became Visiting Professor at Nanjing’s Southeast University and Hangzhou’s China Academy of Art in 2012 and 2017. This is the 8th year for Jianfei to deliver an intensive theory lecture program for the postgraduates at the Southeast.
