
东南大学与意大利米兰理工大学正式签署建筑学硕士双学位协议  Southeast University and Politecnico di Milano Formally Signed the Double Degree Program of Master in Architecture

 1127日,东南大学常务副校长王保平会见意大利米兰理工大学副校长Emilio Faroldi一行三人,并正式签署建筑学硕士双学位协议。米兰理工大学曼托瓦校区副校长、联合国教科文组织教席主任Federico Bucci,米兰理工大学建筑、规划与工程学院副教授Laura Pezzetti及相关领导出席了会谈。

On Nov. 27th, Prof. Wang Baoping, Executive Vice President of Southeast University (SEU), met with the delegation from Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi) led by Prof. Emilio Faroldi, Vice Rector, and signed the Cooperation Agreement for the Double Degree Program of Master in Architecturebetween Southeast UniversityandPolitecnico di Milano.Prof. Federico Bucci, Pro-Rector PoliMI’s UNESCO Chair at Mantua, Delegate Rector for Mantua Campus, Assoc. Prof. Laura Pezzetti of School of Architecture Urban Planning and Construction Engineering and leaders involved from SEU School of Architecture attended the meeting.

会上,王保平和Emilio Faroldi分别介绍了各校的办学历史、学科优势以及建筑学院的学科优势,双方一致认为协议的签署将进一步增进两校学生交流活动的开展。

After the introduction of the university histories, the disciplines advantages, as well as the academic structure and advantages of the School of Architecture, the two universities reached full recognition within each other. The signing of the agreement will further promote the exchange of studentsbetween the two universities.

会后,建筑学院院长张彤、副院长葛明、鲍莉和江泓会见了Emilio FaroldiFederico BucciLaura Pezzetti,并签署《与米兰理工大学建筑、城市规划与结构工程学院建筑学专业硕士双学位项目合作协议附录》。东南大学与米兰理工大学的硕士双学位协议面向建筑学专业硕士,该协议将从2019-2020学年第三学期开始执行。

Then, for SEU School of Architecture part, Dean Zhang Tong, Vice Dean Ge Ming, Bao Li and Jiang Hong had a meeting with Prof. Faroldi, Prof. Bucci, and Assoc. Prof. Pezzetti, and signed Appendix to the Double Degree Program of Master in Architecture between SEU School of Architecture and PoliMiSchool of Architecture Urban Planning and Construction Engineering. The double degree program between SEU and PoliMi is for the master students in Architecture. Theagreement will be implemented from the third semester of 2019-2020 academic year.

当晚,Federico Bucci为建筑学院师生进行了题为The Milano School of Architecture 1930-60的学术讲座,加深了建院师生对米兰理工大学建筑学派的了解。

 In the evening, Prof. Bucci gave an academicreport titled The Milano School of Architecture 1930-60, from which the faculty and students of SEU School of Architecture had gained greater understanding aboutthe Milano school of architecture.


It was known that in June of 2018, Southeast University and Politecnico di Milano signed the university cooperation agreements, which include Student Exchange Agreement between Southeast UniversityandPolitecnico di Milanoand Addendum to the Student Exchange Agreement between Southeast University andPolitecnico di Milano. Since the implementation of the student exchange program, six students of SEU School of Architecture have been to Italy for study.

(文字编辑:于长会 摄影:钟旻)

Words/Yu Changhui, Photos/Zhong Min
