


Jiamu Magazine was founded in 1997 by SEU alumni Shen Yang, Liu Quan, Li Lin, and other undergraduates of School of Architecture graduated in 1996. To these founders, the verse "There is fine wood (Jiamu) in the South" seems to indicate the efforts of SEU students striving to grow. At present, Jiamu Magazine has become an important medium for academic communications among SEU students under the joint efforts of both teachers and students. SEU ARCH borrowed the meaning of "Jiamu" and proposed the activity plan of "Southeast Jiamu Scholars", whose purpose is to establish an open network among SEU alumni, as well as teachers and students at school to promote their long-term academic exchanges, continuously improve the level of disciplinary research and design in the international perspective, and comprehensively display the exploration achievements of outstanding alumni, so as to form a talent strategy of training, assisting, supporting and feeding. This event will hopefully bring together young scholars from SEU ARCH to discuss the traditions of SEU architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture, exchange thoughts on the inheritance and innovation of current disciplines, and interact with teachers and students at school to together create a communication network with SEU style of study.The first session of Southeast Jiamu Scholars Exhibition and Forum invited 27 outstanding young SEU scholars (or in group) from the three disciplines of architecture (16 scholars and groups), urban planning (6 scholars) and landscape (5 scholars). They presented their works later in batches according to different disciplines.

Jiamu Scholars activity plan will invite different outstanding young SEU alumni to participate in its exhibition and forum every three years. Besides, various types of activities will be continuously organized every year to attract more excellent young scholars to join this project in the future. They are encouraged to cooperate fully in the fields of research, teaching, practice, etc. to move forward together with better communication. Recommendations among SEU alumni to join this project are also warmly welcomed.

Jiamu grows into forest; young scholar always forges ahead.










Yajun Chen

建筑学 学士, 东南大学, 2005 

Bachelor of Architecture, SEU, 2005

建筑学 硕士,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,2009 

Science of Architecture, Master, TU Delft, 2009

毕业后在比利时 BEL Architecten事务所工作。2015 年始与谭高飞参加设计竞赛。2018 年与谭高飞正式创建ACT有行建筑。获得过第 13EUROPAN欧洲青年建筑师竞赛二等奖。荷兰皇家注册建筑师,比利时注册建筑师。

Collaborated as an independent architect in BEL Architecten (BE) after graduation. Since 2015, participated competitions with TAN Gaofei. In 2018, founded Architecture atelier Chen Tan (ACT), together with TAN Gaofei. Awarded the second prize in EUROPAN 13 (Belgian site). Registered archiect in the Netherlands, and also in Belgium.

Gaofei Tan

建筑学 学士, 东南大学, 2005 

Bachelor of Architecture,SEU, 2018

建筑学 硕士,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,2010 

Science of Architecture, MasterTU Delft,2010

毕业后在比利时 UR Architects 事务所工作。2015 年始与陈亚君参加设计竞赛。2018 年与陈亚君正式创建 ACT 有行建筑。获得过第 13 EUROPAN 欧洲青年建筑师竞赛二等奖。荷兰皇家注册建筑师,比利时注册建筑师。

Collaborated as an independent architect in UR Architects (BE) after graduation. Since 2015, participated competitions with CHEN Yajun. In 2018, founded Architectureatelier Chen Tan (ACT), together with CHEN Yajun. Awarded the second prize in EUROPAN 13 (Belgian site). Registered archiect in the Netherlands, and also in Belgium.

雌雄同体 - 桥非桥

αυδρσγμυoυ - Bridge/non-Bridge

建筑学中的是否也存在雄性与雌性的色彩 ? 当我们这样来讨论建筑的时候,我们是否已经触及到了建筑的“内/ 外”、“强/ 弱”?

Where is the tinge of male and female in the Architecture? And whether we had touched such concepts of Architecture as 'inner / outer' and 'strong / weak', simultaneously since we paid attention to it?

宜居 +

Living +


The architectural type is changing with the time. The current society features the physical abundance and spiritual barrenness. What does the dwelling architecture for the urban youth look like then?

Pingping Dou

学士, 东南大学

Bachelor ,SEU


MPhil (Cambridge), PhD (Cambridge)


Pingping Dou is Associate Professor at Nanjing University, Guest Design Tutor at Sheffield University, Guest Editor of AD 2018, Editor of Cambridge Journal of China Studies, Tutor of RIBA President Medals 2015. Her research interest is environmental and adaptable design in architecture. Currently in charge of several international and national research grants. Published 30+ scholarly books and articles.


Design Research on Environmental Design of Cocoonery Architecture

研究蚕室建筑既源于民居又用于生产, 既调和环境也承载文化,既依赖经验认识也结合科学观念。对一系列蚕室建筑性能的类型分析为当下的环境设计带来了新的启示。

Cocoonery architecture is a convergence of vernacular dwelling and agricultural device, of environmental mediator and cultural carrier, of empirical knowledge and scientific notion. The typology analysis on the performance of cocoonery architecture has shed new lights on contemporary environmental design.


Jiujiang Fan

久舍营造工作室创始人 /主持建筑师

Continuation Studio Founder / Lead Architect


Bachelor of Architecture, School of Architecture, Southeast University


Master of Art, The Department of Architecture, China Academy of Art


the winner of ‘Perspective’s 40 under 40 Architeture Award ’ in 2019


He realises high concept design with spatial construction methods of narratives, concerning about the ongoing development in urban and rural spaces as well as local construction activities. Being known for connecting the design to the local area and its community, he believes in designers to have appropriate values  and  foreseeability to utilise the relation amongst architectures, users and designers, which 'continuously' causes mutual influence and changes.


舟山年轮公园 1 号楼
Zhoushan Zoring Park 1# (Reception house)


Concrete is used in the foundation and part ofthe basement, and steel frame is applied to the main structure to achieve large-span windows with continuous mountain views. In addition, a series of wooden butterfly roof is designed as asymmetrical with different eave heights, in response to the topographical features. Viewing from the interior, it resembles the frame of ships, as a memorial of the local shipbuilding tradition.





Qin Gao


Bachelor degree, architecture school of SEU, 2007


 Master degree, architecture school of SEU, 2011


Master degree, architecture school in Mendrisio of USI, 2014

2007年毕业于本科,2011年毕业于硕士,2014年毕业于瑞士蒙德里西奥建筑学院硕士。有声建筑工作室合伙人;瑞士注册建筑师及瑞士工程师与建筑师协会(SIA)会员。2016年客座讲师;指导学生作业(院宅设计(单宅))在 2017年“全国高校建筑设计教案 /作业观摩和评选”活动中评为优秀作业。

Bachelor degree, architecture school of SEU, 2007; Master degree, architecture school of SEU, 2011; Master degree, architecture school in Mendrisio of USI, 2014; Chief Achitect of Atelier Sounding Architecture; Guest Lecturer in architecture school of Southeast University, 2016; Membership of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects. 


Dezhong Kong 

Master Degree

2011 年毕业于本科, 2014 年毕业于硕士,2018 年毕业于瑞士蒙德里西奥建筑学院硕士,有声建筑工作室合伙人。参与设计微园美术馆获 2016 年中国建筑学会建筑创作银奖;独立设计四川省西昌市川兴镇主街 - 立体院宅获 2015 年第一届住房城乡建设部田园建筑一等优秀作品。瑞士注册建筑师及瑞士工程师与建筑师协会(SIA)会员。

Bachelor degree, architecture school of SEU, 2011; Master degree, architecture school  of SEU, 2014; Master degree, architecture school in Mendrisio of USI, 2018; Chief Achitect of Atelier Sounding Architecture; Membership of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects; Chief designer of Vertical Courtyard housing in Xichang main street (first prize of Vernacular Architecture 2015 organized by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development).


Chang Liu


Ph.D candidate

2007 年毕业于本科, 2011 年毕业于硕士,2014 年毕业于瑞士蒙德里西奥建筑学院硕士,2014-2015 年工作于瑞士马里奥·博塔(Mario Botta)建筑设计事务所。2018 年就读中国美术学院建筑与艺学院博士。中国美术学院建筑与艺术学院讲师;有声建筑工作室合伙人;瑞士注册建筑师及瑞士工程师与建筑师协会(SIA)会员。2018 7 月获中国美术学院优秀毕业导师奖。Bachelor degree, architecture school of SEU, 2007; Master degree, architecture school of SEU, 2011; Master degree, architecture school in Mendrisio of USI, 2014; Chief Achitect of Atelier Sounding Architecture; Lecturer in school of Architecture and Art of China Art Academy in Hangzhou; Chief Architect of Atelier Sounding Architecture; Membership of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects.

Qianfenxi Art Practice Base 2018-2019


The original site  was  a grain factory. The transformation strategy draws on the local typology of Lounge Bridge. Through seven new lounge bridges plus a house within a house, it forms an open and labyrinth-like system, offering diverse space for art exhibiting, art creating and ideas exchanging.


Wenjun Ge


BArch, SEU. SMArchS, MIT


Deeply believing design by research in order to search the source of creativity. Developed movable and transformative house Movilla, now focus on architecture for education.


Farmers’ Community Center


Farmers’ Community Center locates at North China Plain, with cold, dry and windy spring, fall and winter. Courtyard house is widely adopted to defense the harsh weather. In community center, different programs are assigned to different courtyards, which are all connected inseries by a ring corridor, in order to create chance of encounter and to provide experience of “montage”. 



Li Huang

建筑学 学士, 东南大学

Bachelor of Architecture,SEU

建筑学 硕士,麻省理工

B.Arch MIT, M.Arch

否则建筑创始合伙人,中国美术学院建筑系讲师。曾任罗德岛设计学院访问学者, 参与工作于荷兰 OMA 大都会建筑事务所, 日本 Ate-lier-Bowwow 犬吠工作室和美国NADAAA 设计事务所。在麻省理工期间获Floyd.A.Nar-amore 学院全额奖学金及学院CAMIT 艺术奖金。

Li Huang is currently a lecturer in architecture department at China Academy of Art and a visiting lecturer at Rhode Island School of Design, 2018. Before his own practice, he has several professional experience at OMA, Atelier Bow-Wow, NADAAA and other internationally renowned office. He received Floyd. A. Nar-amore Fellowship and CAMIT art award in MIT. His personal work and academic research has been published and exhibited at CAA Museum and The National Art Museum of China.


Yao Zhang

建筑学 学士, 东南大学

Bachelor of Architecture,SEU

建筑学 硕士,麻省理工

B.Arch MIT, M.Arch

否则建筑创始合伙人,麻省理工建筑系讲师。曾担任哈佛大学建筑设计学院、弗吉尼亚大学建筑学院等多个研究生院评图讲师,并多年参与并组织麻省理工学院与东南大学的联合教学与学术研究。曾受聘于麻省理工学院前院长桑托斯个人事务所,Landworks 以及哈佛大学教授 Mack Scogin 事务所。

此项目位于龙泉大窑考古遗址公园的北口,作为展览和交通转换的游客中心。设计以一道连续转折的, 六米高的红色夯土墙建立起了场地内外之间的联系,建筑的元素以一种看似散落的的方式被有序的组织了起来。

This project is located at the north entrance of Longquan National Archaeological Park, as a visitor centre for exhibition and public exhibition. A continuous zigzag rammed earth wall is designed to build connections outside and inside, and other architectural elements are organized in a seemly scattering order.

作品是个两米长的筒状装置,以45 度角突出于房间一角,房间的两面墙自然的形成了与装置间的距离变化。置于空间中观者的体量,时时刻刻影响着空间中以及装置中的光线变化,从而使得体验全过程中的现象变化是根据观者在空间中的位置而变化着的。

The procedure exposes the spectator to “unstructured” sensations by placing the 2m installation and a light passage way in the corner of the room and 45 degrees to the side walls so that the casted shadow of the spectator and the lighting condition inside the installation is constantly changing according to spectator’s movement.

Menglin Jiang

建筑学 硕士, 东南大学

Master of Architecture, Southeast University

建筑学 理科硕士,麻省理工

Master of Science in Architecture Study (SMArchS) ,Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2008 年作为助理设计师参加威尼斯建筑双年展中国馆设计与建造。曾就职于美国 SOM 建筑设计事务所,任建筑项目经理职位至 2018 年回国。

Worked as main design assistant of Professor Ge Ming to complete MurMur Installation of Chinese pavilion at the 11th International Biennial Architecture Exhibition of Venice in 2008. Worked as project architect and project manager at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM)

顾园 - 私人住宅设计

Gu Garden - Private House

设计在瞻园之北,又名顾园,取“瞻前顾后”之意。既体现与瞻园似顺似隔的意图, 又提供了一种相互观看、借用的关系,以当代园林的方式体现生活模式的变化。

The site is selected to against the northern wall of the Zhan Yuan, one of the oldest Chinese gardens in Nanjing. The name of the design is taking the meaning of "looking forward and backward". It not only embodies the intention of looking at the garden as if it is in order but also provides a relationship of looking at and borrowing from each other, and reflects the change of life mode in the way of contemporary garden.
