




Chenghe Guan




ChengHe Guan is a Professor of Urban Science and Policy at NYU Shanghai and a Global Network Professor at NYU Wagner. He is a research consultant at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford. He worked at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University. He was a Harold A. Pollman Research Fellow of Real Estate and Urban Development at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a consultant to the World Bank.

元胞自动机和机器学习在城市政策制定评估中的应用:该项目利用地理计算和基于陆地的模拟方法,研究了城市,区域和全球范围内未来的城市增长模式。基于场景的 CA 模型用于评估不同区域增长政策的影响。

This project examines the future urban growth patterns at urban, regional, and global scales, utilizing geocomputation and land-based simulation methodologies. The scenario-based CA model was applied to evaluate the impact of different regional growth policies.


Shuaishuai He




        Dr Shuaishuai He obtained her BEng and MEng from Southeast University and DPhil from the University of Oxford. She was a researcher and lecturer at Oxford for four years. Since her return to China, she has headed research, strategic operation, and executive teams within large-scale SOEs and government departments. Currently she is the founder and CEO of Abraxas Tech & Design, and deputy to the Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress. Dr He has carried out research and practice in heritage conservation and urban revitalization, mobility and social inclusion/exclusion, FTZs and regional development in the UK, Belgium, Colombia, Chile, and China.


Chongqing is set to pioneer in opening-up in inland China. China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone Shapingba Area focuses on developing trade, logistics, finance, advanced manufacturing, information and technology. I have been working on improving both the built and policy environment here in the past three years.


Hong Jiang



副院长,副教授,硕士研究生导师,东南大学前沿城乡研究中心执行主任, 中国城市规划学会城市规划历史与理论学术委员会委员兼副秘书长,麻省理工学院访问学者。主要研究方向为城乡历史与遗产保护、城市空间形态分析和理论。

Associate Professor, Associate Dean, School of Architecture, SEU; Director of Advanced Urban-Rural Research Center; Member and Deputy Secretary General Academic Committee of Urban Planning History and Theory, Urban Planning Society of China; Visiting Scholar in MIT. Research field: Heritage Conservation, Urban Morphology.


Research and Conservation Planning of Mrauk U Ancient City for World Heritage Nomination

2017 年始,受联合国教科文组织和缅甸文化部邀请,团队为缅甸历史古城妙乌开展了深入研究,助力其申报世界文化遗产。研究团队先后十余次赴缅进行现场工作, 进行了3次大规模的实地调研、基础测绘和入户访谈工作,获得了大量的第一手资料,并在此基础上开展了历史演变、形态特征、重要建筑等研究, 为妙乌古城“突出普遍价值”(OUVOutstanding Universal Value)的提出提供了重要的支撑。随后,结合缅甸实际情况,编制了历史遗产保护规划、管理规划和发展规划等技术文件, 有力的支撑了古城申遗工作的开展。

Since 2017, invited by the UNESCO and Ministry of Culture in Myanmar, SEU ARCH team began to carry out the research on Mrauk U, historic city in Myanmar, to help with its world cultural heritage nomination dossier. The research team went to Myanmar for over a dozen times to carry out the on-site work. After large- scale field survey and interviews and investigation, the team obtained  a large amount of first-hand data. Based on this, the features of the heritage including historical evolution, spatial features, important buildings, etc. were systematically studied, and therefore the OUV (Outstanding Universal Value) of the heritage could be summarized. Subsequently, combined with the situation in Myanmar, technical documents such as conservation planning, management planning and development planning were compiled, which effectively supported the work of world cultural heritage nomination.


Yingcheng Li




Dr. Yingcheng Li is now a Professor of Urban and Regional Planning in School of Architecture, Southeast University. He graduated from Southeast University in 2014 and obtained his PhD degree from Bartlett School of Planning, University College London in 2017. Before joining in Southeast University, Dr. Li worked as a postdoctoral associate  in MIT from 2017 to 2019. His main research area includes urban innovation networks, urban and regional spatial structure. He has published 15 papers (as first author) in leading international journals including Urban Studies, Regional Studies, Landscape and Urban Planning, Urban Geography, etc.

基于对近 60 万份合作论文数据的分析,本项目从全球、全国和城市群三个层面构建了长三角大都市圈多尺度城市创新网络。

Drawing upon data on more than 600,000 co-publications, this project constructs a multi-scalar urban innovation network of China’s Yangtze River Delta megalopolis.


Pingjia Luo



中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院院长 , 博士生导师。教育部高等学校教学指导委员会城乡规划专业教学指导分委员会委员,中国建筑学会地下空间分会委员。主要从事城市更新设计、资源枯竭型矿区生态转型等领域的研究工作。生态空间调控下的资源枯竭型矿区转型模式策略研究于2012年获中国煤炭科技进步奖二等奖。

Dean of School of Architecture and Design, China University of Mining and Technology, doctoral supervisor.Member of the Advisory Subcommittee on the teaching of Urban and Rural Planning Department of the Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, member of the Underground Space Branch of the Architectural Society of China. Prof. Luo engaged in the research of urban renewal design and ecological transformation of resource-exhausted mining areas for many years. In 2012, she won the second prize of China Coal Science and Technology Progress Award because of her achievement in the transformation model of resource-exhausted mining area under the control of ecological space.


Planning and Design of the Creative Park of Quantai Coal Mine Site

权台煤矿遗址创意园旧址为徐州矿务集团的所属权台矿生产厂区,距离主城区24 公里,占地面积1174亩(约78公顷)。规划中完整的保留了西井的生产流线,包括井架、运煤廊、洗煤楼、沉淀池、储煤仓等主要建、构筑物,融入了剧院、餐饮、零售、运动功能,使场地完成了将生产空间转变为生活空间,从生产能源到生产创意转型目标。

The former site of Quantai Coal Mine Site Creative Park is the affiliated production area of Xuzhou Mining Group. It is 24 kilometers away from the main city and covers an area  of 1174 acres (about 78 hectares). In the plan, the production line of Xijing is completely preserved, including the main building structures, such as derrick, coal transport passage, coal washing building, sedimentation tank and coal storage bin. It integrates theater, catering, retail and sports functions. This plan enabled the site to transform the production space into a living space, from the production of energy to the production of creative transformation goals.


Junyan Yang



教授,博士生导师,东南大学智慧城市研究院副院长,中国建筑学会高层建筑与人居环境学术委员会副主任,中国城市科学研究会城市更新学术委员会副主任委员,中国城市规划学会学术工作委员会委员,中国城市规划学会城市设计学术委员会委员;中国首届 " 科学探索奖 " 获得者;中国首届 " 城市规划青年科技奖 " 获得者;研究重点为数字化城市设计。Professor & Doctor superviser of School of Architecture, Southeast University; Vice President of Smart City Institute, Southeast University; Deputy Director of Academic Committtee of the High-rise Buildings and Habitat Environment, Architectural Society of China; Deputy Director of Urban Renewal Academic Committe, Chinese Society for Urban Studies; Member of The Academic Work Committee & Urban Design Academic Committee, Urban Planning Society of China; Winner of Scientific Exploration Award of China; Winner of Urban Planning Youth Science and Technology Award of China; the research interests in digital urban design. 

大连总体城市设计运用大数据技术从四个维度挖掘和诊断城市内在问题,提出彰显多元化海湾的城市总体空间格局及“湾区 +”的核心设计理念,并通过十大体系的详细设计,凸显城市精气神。

The Overall Urban Design of Dalian is based on multi-source urban big data to discover and have an insight into urban intrinsic problems from four dimensions. The project proposes the overall spatial pattern of the diversified Costal city and the core design concept of "Bay Area+". Afterwards, the charming and spirit of city is improved through the detailed design of the ten major structures.


Jiemin Bao



上海同济城市规划设计研究院城市更新规划研究中心研究员、雄安智慧规划设计分院规划师。2018 年毕业于东南大学建筑学系建筑学(景观建筑学)专业,获工学博士学位。从事城市规划与风景园林规划与设计工作1年多,参与项目10余项,参与科研课题3项。

Jiemin Bao graduated from the Department of Architecture, Southeast University, majoring in architecture (landscape architecture) in 2018 with a Ph.D. degree in engineering in 2018. At present, she is a researcher at Urban Renewal Planning Research Center of Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute, and a planner of Xiong'an intelligent Planning and Design Branch. She has engaged in urban planning and landscape planning and design for more than 1 year, participated in more than 10 projects and 3 research subjects.


Fuqing Central Park conceptual planning, Fuqing


The project located to the south of the main urban area of Fuqing City is a core mega comprehensive park. As an "Renovation and Restoration" demonstration project, two circles are formed with Central Park as the center to drive the development of Fuqing.


Simin Bian




Bachelor of Southeast University, Master and Ph.D. of Tsinghua University, and Lecture of Beijing Forestry University. She has participated in a number of high-quality landscape projects both in China and overseas, published papers, and made oral reports in international conferences. She focuses on the construction of landscape spaces on the scale of body experiences, as well as the extensive connections between landscape and art fields.


Zhigang Li 



同济大学建筑设计研究院景观建筑师。景观建筑学硕士,2006-2014 年就读于东南大学。主要从事教育建筑的设计与研究,参与新疆大学、贵州理工、西交利物浦大学等高等院校的校园设计。

Master of landscape architecture, studied in Southeast University from 2006 to 2014, worked in the Architectural Design Institute of Tongji University since 2014, mainly engaged in design and research of campus architectural Design, participated in the  campus design of Xinjiang University, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong- Liverpool University (XJTLU).


North Canteen of Xinjiang University

结合当地饮食文化,设计创造性地提出了双流线与公共交通的就餐模式, 同时借助自然高差,高效地组织人流。

Considering the culture of local diet, “double routes”and public transportation is proposed creatively, meanwhile, the flow of students is organized efficiently in the use of natural topography.


Yangyang Yuan



副研究员,主要研究领域为风景园林规划设计及理论、数字景观、海绵城市、景观建筑设计。近三年, 主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、参与2项;获华夏建设科学技术奖一等奖1项,中国风景园林学会科学技术奖二等奖1项,全国优秀工程勘察设计一等奖等国家及省部级设计奖8项;参编指南1部,发表论文10篇,获奖3项。

The main research areas are landscape architecture planning and theory, digital landscape, sponge city. In the past three years, she has presided one National Natural Science Foundation project and participated in two projects; Received the first prize of the China Construction Science and Technology Award, and second prize of Science and Technology Award of China Landscape Architecture Society; She Received 8 national and provincial design awards, participated a technical guide, published 10 papers and won 3 awards.


Landscape and Architecture Design of Northern Niushoushan Scenic Spot, Nanjing

牛首山风景区是南京历史上南北轴线的重要节点,其中北部景区面积约为60.72公顷。设计充分挖掘场所的历史文化内涵,将多元的佛文化体验融入一条蜿蜒于自然山水之间的“寻禅道” 之中,营造出“天人合一”的禅宗境界。

Niushoushan Scenic Spot is an important node at which the northern and southern axes intersect in Nanjing’s history, and the north part covers an area of 60.72 hectares. The design fully extracts the site’s historical and cultural connotation, and integrates various Buddhist culture experience into a “Buddhist Searching Road” winding along the natural landscape, thus creating the Buddhist realm of “harmony between man and nature”.


Xingtong Zhu



江苏省城市规划设计研究院风景园林与旅游规划分院副院长,研究员级高级工程师,国家注册城市规划师,风景园林专业硕士生导师。2000 年毕业于东南大学建筑系,获工学(风景园林专业方向)硕士学位。从事城市规划与风景园林规划与设计工作20年,负责、分管和参与项目200余项,项目获奖20余项,其中国家级奖项2项,省级奖项20项;发表论文20余篇,其中核心期刊2篇。

Xingtong Zhu, graduated from the Southeast University with a Master of Engineering degree at the Department of Architecture (ARCH-SEU), where his  studies focused on landscape architecture. He is current an vice dean of Landscape Architecture and Tourism Planning Department, Jiangsu Institute of Urban Planning and Design (JUP). Also he is a senior engineer (research fellow level), national registered urban planner, MLA student tutor at the ARCH-SEU. He has presided over more than 200 planning and design projects, got more than 20 design project awards which were provincial level or above, published more than 20 pieces of articles, in which 2 of them were core journals.


China Green Expo park planning, design and improvement project, Nanjing 

项目借 2005 年中国绿化博览会和2014年青年奥林匹克运动会的契机建设,现已成为南京滨江岸线上最大的绿色开放型市民休闲公园。

Taking the opportunity of 2005 China Green Expo and 2014 Youth Olympic Games, the project has become the largest green and open public leisure park on Nanjing Riverside.
