Solar Decathlon Design Challenge丨2019年研究生建筑设计课程

Solar Decathlon Design Challenge2019年研究生建筑设计课程


2020 Solar Decathlon Design Challenge

国际太阳能十项全能竞赛(Solar Decathlon,简称SD)被誉为太阳能和绿色建筑行业的“奥运会”,竞赛由美国能源部发起,借助世界顶尖研发、设计团队的技术与创意,每个参赛团队需要将太阳能、节能与建筑设计以一体化的新方式紧密结合,设计、建造并运行一座功能完善、舒适、宜居、具有可持续性的太阳能住宅。竞赛期间,太阳能住宅的所有运行能量完全由太阳能设备供给。目前在全球范围内已有美国、中国、欧洲、中东、非洲、拉美六大组委会。

The International Solar Decathlon competition (SD) is known as the "Olympic Games" of solar energy and green building industry. The competition is sponsored by the U.S. Department of energy. With the technology and creativity of the world's top R & D and design teams, each team needs to closely integrate solar energy, energy conservation and architectural design in a new integrated way, design, build and operate one Solar energy residence with perfect function, comfortable, livable and sustainable. During the competition, all the operating energy of the solar house is completely supplied by the solar equipment. At present, there are six organizing committees in the world, namely, the United States, China, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.


一直以来密切关注可持续建筑的发展动向,参与了多届竞赛并取得了优异的成绩,东南大学—德国布伦瑞克工业大学队获2018SDC竞赛总分第三名。作为2018SDC竞赛的延续,在2019年研究生建筑设计课程中,建筑技术与科学研究所的教师们开设了“基于性能定量分析的建筑产品优化设计与建筑类型扩展研究”课程,探讨了建筑产品设计模式追求从“有”到“更好”的优化和改善,详见中大院2019-01-31的微信推送(基于性能定量分析的建筑产品优化设计与建筑类型扩展研究|研究生建筑设计课程 )。

The school of architecture of Southeast University has always paid close attention to the development trend of sustainable architecture, participated in many competitions and achieved excellent results. The C-House of Southeast University - Braunschweig University of technology team won the third prize of SDC competition in 2018. As a continuation of the SDC competition in 2018, in the course of architectural design for graduate students of the school of architecture of Southeast University in 2019, the teachers of the Institute of building technology and science set up the course of "Research on the optimal design of building products and the expansion of building types based on the quantitative analysis of performance", and discussed the optimization and improvement of the design mode of building products from "have" to "better". For details, see WeChat push at 2019.01.31.


Based on the 2020 sd design competition, this architectural design course requires students to learn performance-oriented architectural design methods. As a new competition direction, design competition is different from construction competition. This competition is the second design competition. With ten indexes as the main evaluation criteria, you can choose to design in the directions of suburban single family house, urban single family house, row house, commercial residential mixed, primary school, office building, etc.



1 基于性能的定量分析与建筑设计优化研究

1 Research on Performance-Based Quantitative Analysis and Architectural Design Optimization

传统建筑设计着眼于建筑形式、空间、功能的设计,属于艺术、人文研究的范畴。本次课程的设计研究专注于建筑性能的控制研究,性能、建造、艺术。本次课程在前一届设计课程的基础上,探索Rhino, Sketch Up等不同设计软件与各类性能模拟软件的配合。每组根据自身情况选择合适的性能模拟软件进行定量分析,与建筑设计同步优化设计方案。

Traditional architectural design focuses on the design of architectural form, space and function, belonging to the category of art and humanities research. The design research of this course focuses on the control research of architectural performance, performance, construction and art. Based on the previous design course, this course explores the cooperation between Rhino, Sketch Up and various performance simulation software. Each group selects the appropriate performance simulation software according to its own situation for quantitative analysis, and simultaneously optimizes the design scheme with the architectural design.

2 不同背景的住宅设计研究

2 Research on Housing Design With Different Backgrounds


This course hopes to combine the humanities and technology in architectural design and explore the residential design in different regions and cultural backgrounds. Select the right story for the specific environment to highlight the significance of this competition.


3 Research on Collaborative Design


Collaborative design of architectural design and quantitative simulation calculation. Students are required to learn how to carry out quantitative performance calculation and design optimization simultaneously. Students with architecture background should actively learn energy consumption simulation calculation and other knowledge. Students with non architecture background should learn how to carry out architectural design. Each student should break through their own comfort zone, actively learn new knowledge, and achieve the purpose of two-way learning.



1 教学设计阶段

1 Teaching and Design Stage

2019.09.23 - 2019.10.28


Interpret and analyze decathlon indicators, and learn relevant performance simulation software

2019.10.28 - 2019.11.11


Determine the design topic and location, and tell the theme story well

2019.11.11 - 2019.11.26


Team logo design, photovoltaic panel inclination calculation, architectural scheme design, project introduction submission

2019.11.26 - 2019.12.30


Scheme promotion, performance optimization and architectural collaborative design, preparation for final defense

2019.12.30 - 2020.01.10


Prepare the form of reply in H5

答辩现场 The Scene of Presentation

评委点评 Judges Comment

2 准备竞赛阶段

2 Prepare for the competition stage

2020.01.10 - 2020.02.18


Perfect the specific methods and software to achieve the ten indicators, complete the online building science training course



Submit project progress reports



Submit project reports and team photos



Submit the project results with poster or video attached

2020.04.17 - 2020.04.19


The finalists displayed project posters and announced the winners in Colorado, USA



Attached Housing



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Tuyugou Grand Canyon is the most mysterious place in the West and the intersection of many famous religions, history and culture in the world. Tuyugou Mazha village, which has been named as "a famous historical and cultural village in China", is the oldest Uygur village in Xinjiang. It has a history of more than 1700 years, and still has the oldest Uygur folk customs, known as "living fossil of folk customs". The ancient native buildings in the village still sparkle with the light of "yellow clay culture"; they are the holy land that Muslims at home and abroad worship today, the post station where scholars in the religious, historical, cultural and art circles rest, and the dream home of painting and photography artists.


回应主题,治理沙漠 Responding to the theme of desert governance

Solar Ark 宣传视频


Urban Single-Family




The students of the Urban Single Family group chose Nanjing as the design site. Nanjing belongs to the hot summer and cold winter zone, which needs to consider both heat insulation in summer and heat insulation in winter. The energy-saving technology design is relatively complex, and the sunshine intensity is in the middle level in the whole country, so it is difficult to realize zero energy consumption operation. Although the site selection in Nanjing is not conducive to the realization of some performance indicators of the competition, it is of practical significance to explore the sustainable architectural design of the hot summer and cold winter zone cities.

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The team hopes that this design can not only realize high-performance architecture, but also reflect regional characteristics and culture, so they choose to find inspiration and breakthrough in the development history of traditional residence. During the period of the Republic of China, the close cultural exchanges between China and the West had a significant impact on the form of housing, and Western villas began to integrate into Chinese life. The traditional layout of decentralized and courtyard buildings began to shift to the centralized layout of Western villas, the latter is more conducive to the energy conservation of active buildings, and the Chinese living mode began to move towards modernization. Among the existing residential buildings of the Republic of China in Nanjing, Yihe Road area is the most representative. In the field survey, the team found a vacant old building in Kaiyuan apartment area. Some of the houses located in the conservation area are not under the protection of cultural relics. In order to improve the quality of the building, the team finally chose to redesign the new building on the original site and consider the reuse of the old building components.


颐和路住宅区规划源于1929年的《首都计划》,由美国建筑师亨利·墨菲(Henry Killam Murphy1877-1954)担任顾问。在该规划中,当时的设计师探索了西方别墅与中式居住生活的有机结合,其中的中西融合思想值得我们学习。取名“Light-Up”一方面意在传承优秀的建筑设计思想,将技术与文化融合,应用太阳能利用技术实现零能耗建筑,点亮可持续发展的意识与现代文明,体现国际影响力;另一方面是希望通过设计提升建筑与片区的品质,点亮文化传承。

The planning of Yihe Road residential area originated from the capital plan in 1929. And Henry killam Murphy (1877-1954), an American architect, acted as a consultant. In the planning, the designers at that time explored the organic combination of Western villas and Chinese living style, in which the idea of Chinese and Western integration is worth learning. Named "light up", on the one hand, it aims to inherit excellent architectural design ideas, integrate technology and culture, apply solar energy utilization technology to realize zero energy consumption building, light up the awareness of sustainable development and modern civilization, and reflect international influence; on the other hand, it hopes to improve the quality of buildings and areas and light up cultural heritage through design.



According to the Nanjing urban climate data downloaded from the energy plus official website database, the team analyzed the climate of Nanjing. In order to reduce the use of heating or cooling equipment, the team preliminarily determined that the high-efficiency energy-saving measures adopted in the architectural design are: 1) relying on the indoor heat production of people and electrical appliances in spring and autumn; 2) indoor dehumidification in summer; 3) sunshade design in summer; 4) passive solar heat gain in winter 5) ventilation and heat dissipation in summer.


Suburban Single-Family



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The suburban single-family house group is located in Tibet. There is the most spectacular Panshan Highway here, but at the same time, the difficulty of transportation also increases the difficulty of construction; affected by the high cold weather conditions and geographical environment, people here have a difficult life, but here People have the most pious respect for nature.The life of the Tibetan people can be divided into two modes of settlement and permanent residence --- fixed residence and mobile residence.

 TASHI取自藏语“扎西德勒” ,虽然只有简单的一个词,但表达了藏族人民对世界和客人美好的祝愿与欢迎。这同时也表现了我们的房子对藏行者的欢迎以及对自然的感激和尊重。

Tashi comes from the Tibetan language "zhaxidler". Although there is only one simple word, it expresses the Tibetan people's best wishes and welcome to the world and the guests. At the same time, it also shows our house's welcome to Tibetans and its appreciation and respect for nature.






Guide design from meteorological analysis

1. The design site has high wind speed and low temperature in winter, so the window wall ratio in the north direction is reduced in the design to reduce the infiltration of cold wind;

2. The dominant wind direction of the design site in the transition season is southeast wind, with large wind speed and low wind temperature. Therefore, windows from east to South should be added in the design to strengthen the natural ventilation in the transition season;

3. The temperature of the design site is low throughout the year, so the main energy-saving measures in the design are to enhance the insulation performance and heat storage performance of the enclosure structure; increase the acquisition ability of the solar radiation of the construction team; enhance the air tightness of the building, etc.


南向窗墙比0.5DGJ540001-2016 要求大于0.45

北向窗墙比0.2DGJ540001-2016 要求小于0.2

采暖温度为15℃( 基于DGJ540001-2016 




Basic simulation settings:

South window wall ratio 0.5 (DGJ540001-2016 requires more than 0.45)

North window wall ratio 0.2 (DGJ540001-2016 requires less than 0.2)

Heating temperature is 15 ℃ (based on DGJ540001-2016)

The cooling temperature is set to 26 ℃, and the air change times are 0.5 times / h

Equipment energy consumption 45W / , lighting energy consumption 3W

Fresh air volume: 30m³/ (person × h)

基于能耗的优化过程 Optimization process based on energy consumption

建筑构造 Building structure

工程建设无法摆脱自然环境的影响,西藏高海拔、高寒冷、高烈度地震及生态脆弱等“三高一脆”特点,使得工程建设受到恶劣自然环境的制约更为严重。我们针对西藏工程现状,设计选用分层装配框式结构体系,因地制宜,推动高原藏区建筑产业工业化、装配化、现代化进程, 争取早日实现西藏地区的跨越发展、快速建造。

The project construction cannot get rid of the influence of the natural environment. The "three highs and one embrittlement" characteristics of Tibet, such as high altitude, high cold, high intensity earthquake and fragile ecology, make the project construction more seriously restricted by the harsh natural environment. In view of the current situation of Tibet's projects, we have designed and selected a hierarchical assembly frame structure system, adapted measures to local conditions, and promoted the industrialization, assembly and modernization of the construction industry in the Tibetan Plateau, so as to achieve the leapfrog development and rapid construction in Tibet as soon as possible.

可移动式房屋部分 Movable housing


The concept is taken from the traditional mobile residence of nomadic people - yurt, and the outer protective structure of the movable module is taken from the outer protective component Hana of yurt. It can be folded and stored for easy carrying, and can meet the needs of pilgrims to set up camp at any time.


For plateau assembly building, BIM information model of structure is generated by BIM special structural design software to determine the size, shape and opening position of each steel component and wall panel; according to the BIM information model, steel component, wall panel and other components are produced in prefabricated component factory by using automatic equipment, and pipeline opening is completed in the factory; at the house construction site, then The "Lego building block" operation mode is adopted, that is, on the site foundation, the site installation is carried out according to the number of each steel member, the site construction is carried out by the "dry" method, the joint splicing is completed in the form of bolt connection, without grouting and welding operation, and the roof lifting and water and electricity installation are finally completed.

Tashi House

Tashi House 宣传视频



1 Next Generation Architectural Design Method

经典建筑学 (Classical Architecture) 注重建筑人文、空间与形式的艺术性表现,新型建筑学(Next Generation Architecture)在经典建筑学的基础上,注重将性能、建造的技术性应用融合进建筑设计之中,进而促进设计方法与建筑工业化建造技术的结合。新型建筑学是对经典建筑学知识结构和知识内容的扩展和补充,在建筑作品创作研究和教学之外,扩展基础理论研究和基础科学研究等知识内容。2018SDC东南大学和德国布伦瑞克工业大学联合赛队的参赛作品C-House是在新型建筑学基础上进行的建筑产品设计和建造实践。本次设计课程延续了基于定量分析的产品化建筑设计方法,设计过程中通过定量的模拟计算不断优化建筑设计,以性能优先为导向,同时注重建造和人文艺术。通过建立完整的建筑建造、建筑性能知识系统,并与建筑艺术知识系统相结合,培养新型建筑师的“跨学科”综合能力,对建筑师指导和解决设计与建造过程中的各类工程问题和艺术问题有促进作用,为建设行业培养新型建筑学人才,从而推动建筑产业现代化向前发展。

Classical architecture pays attention to the artistic expression of architectural humanity, space and form, and next generation architecture, based on classical architecture, pays attention to the integration of performance and construction technology into architectural design, so as to promote the combination of design methods and industrial construction technology. The next generation architecture is the extension and supplement of the knowledge structure and content of the classical architecture. In addition to the research and teaching of architectural works creation, it expands the knowledge content of basic theoretical research and basic scientific research. C-House, a competition of SDC Southeast University and Brunswick University of technology in 2018, is an architectural product design and construction practice based on next generation architecture. This design course continues the product based architectural design method based on quantitative analysis. In the design process, the architectural design is continuously optimized through quantitative simulation calculation, guided by performance priority, and focused on construction and humanities. Through the establishment of a complete knowledge system of building construction and building performance, combined with the knowledge system of building art, we can cultivate the "interdisciplinary" comprehensive ability of next generation architecture, which will promote the architects to guide and solve all kinds of engineering and art problems in the process of design and construction, train next generation architecture talents for the construction industry, so as to promote the modernization of the construction industry development.

2 新媒体技术的应用

2 Application of New Media Technology


This design adopts the form of H5 report, realizing the cloud text report without drawings and documents. It only needs an account to report on any computer at any time, and there is no shackle of software and drawings, which greatly saves costs and improves efficiency. It is a future media way.


3 Research on Zero Energy Consumption Building

2020 SD太阳能十项全能设计竞赛是美国能源部面向全球的太阳能建筑界最高竞赛,是建筑,土木,能源,给排水,工程管理,造价,电力等多专业,设计方,供应商,施工方等多方向共同协同的复杂竞赛,这对于各方全面学习研究零能耗建筑有着巨大的意义。

2020 Solar Decathlon design competition is the highest competition of the US Department of energy for the global solar energy construction industry. It is a complex competition in which the construction, civil engineering, energy, water supply and drainage, engineering management, cost, electricity and other disciplines, designers, suppliers, constructors and other aspects work together. Moreover, this is of great significance for all parties to study and research the zero-energy building comprehensively.


东南大学2020 SD太阳能十项全能设计竞赛感想:

设计课过程照片 Process photo of design course














助教 Assistant


参与学生 Students

王朝红,孙学林,周超,曲恺辰,金宇航,任佳雯,Mayank Singk,王明琦,田帅,朱郁松,石紫宸,Buyan May

特邀评委 Invited Judges

甘昊,特聘研究员、木土工作室Atelier MUTO创始人





