国际在线教学季 Advanced Lecture Series丨建筑设计方法预告

国际在线教学季 Advanced Lecture Series丨建筑设计方法预告



讲座 Lecture


Architectural Design Methods


Chair : Prof. Gu Daqing


 1.  202065日下午3:00-5:00

 Dietmar Eberle教授,苏黎世联邦理工学院


 2. 2020622日下午3:00-5:00



 3.  2020623日下午3:00-5:00

 Jesús Ulargui教授,马德里理工建筑学院


 4.  2020624日下午3:00-5:00

 Bruce Lonnman教授,香港中文大学建筑学院


 5.  2020625日下午3:00-5:00

 Vito Bertin教授,浙江大学建筑系


 6.  2020626日下午3:00-5:00



1. 15:00-17:00. June 5, 2020 

Professor Dietmar Eberle, ETH-Z

Recent Works (in English)

2. 15:00-17:00. June 22, 2020 

Professor Gu Daqing, School of Architecture, SEU

Three Discussions on Composition (in Chinese)

3. 15:00-17:00. June 23, 2020 

Professor Jesús Ulargui, School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid

Wearing Two Hats: Teaching and Practicing Architecture (in English)

4. 15:00-17:00. June 24, 2020 

Professor Bruce Lonnman, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Origins of a Formalist Pedagogy (in English)

5. 15:00-17:00. June 25, 2020 

Professor Vito Bertin, Department of Architecture, Zhejiang University

Graphic Analysis – Reading a Building by Drawing It’s Plan (in English)

6. 15:00-17:00. June 26, 2020 

Mr. Dong Gong, Vector Architects

Sections of Light (in Chinese)

主讲人 Lecturer

Dietmar Eberle教授   Prof. Dietmar Eberle

苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑学院前院长,Baumschlager Eberle Architekten事务所合伙人。Dietmar Eberle 1952年生于奥地利,是晚期现代主义建筑大师,美国建筑协会荣誉会员,也是世界著名的高舒适度,微能耗住宅的推动者。Eberle及其设计团队Baumschlager Eberle Architects在全球的设计作品超过400项之多,包括住宅、社区以及维也纳机场等著名建筑。Eberle同时也是著名的建筑教育家,长期主持二年级建筑设计教席,有关教学法体现在From City to House: A Design Theory9x9: A Method of Design两本专著中。目前是苏黎世联邦理工学院的荣休教授以及的客座教授。

Former Dean of the department of architecture ETH Zurich,SwitzerlandPartner of Baumschlager Eberle Architekten, Dietmar Eberle was born in Austria in 1952. He is a master of late modernist architecture, an honorary member of the American Architectural Association, and a world-famous promoter of high-comfort, low-energy houses. Eberle and Baumschlager Eberle Architects have completed more than 400 design works in the world, including residential, community and Vienna Airport and other famous buildings. Eberle is also a well-known architectural educator, long time served as the Chair of the 2nd year studio. His design pedagogy is well presented in his two books: From City to House: A Design Theory and 9x9: A Method of Design. Now he is Emeritus Professor of ETH-Z and Guest Professor at SEU.

顾大庆教授   Prof. Gu Daqing


Gu Daqing completed his basic architectural education at Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University), became interested in architectural education during his master’s study and later went to ETH-Z to receive his further training as a design teacher. His doctoral thesis is about the formation of the design studio and the evolution of design pedagogy. From 1994 to 2019, he taught at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and retired as Emeritus Professor. Since 2019 August, he is Professor at The Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School, SEU. He has published enormous journal papers and books on design pedagogy, design theory and method, architectural education and Hong Kong modern architectural design including books Design and Visual Perception, Introduction to Architectural Design, and Space, Tectonics and Design. 

何苏斯·乌拉尔基教授   Prof. Jesús Ulargui

何苏斯·乌拉尔基1989年于马德里理工大学建筑学院(E.T.S.A.M.  U.P.M )获得建筑学专业学位,并于2004年在该学院以最优等论文评价获得建筑学博士学位。自1993年以来,Jesús Ulargui开始在建筑学院教授建筑设计,2010年成为正教授。现担任副系主任和本科设计课程教学组 "Grupo 4!”组长。乌拉尔基具有25年的建筑设计实践经验,所有的项目均来自于公开设计竞赛。截止2012年,作为Uparquitectos  s.l.p的主要合伙人,乌拉尔基完成了若干重要获奖项目。此后成立了自己的事务所,以独立及合作方式参与国际项目的竞赛。乌拉尔基获得过瑞士、德国、中国、匈牙利及巴勒斯坦等国的设计奖项。他在西班牙的最新大型项目“La Rioja Law Courts”获得了2017年的“Luis Moreno Mansilla”奖。

Jesús Ulargui received his professional degree from ESCUELA TÉCNICA SUPERIOR DE ARQUITECTURA DE MADRID, UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, (E.T.S.A.M. U.P.M) in 1989 and Ph.D with distinction in 2004. Since 1993, he teaches architectural design at E.T.S.A.M.  U.P.M  and became full professor in 2010. Now he is the deputy head of the department of architecture and the studio master of design foundation course “Group 4!”. Ulargui has a 25 years experience in conceiving and building outstanding projects of architecture, all of them coming from public competitions.  Until June of 2012, as a main partner of Uparquitectos  s.l.p, he has built several important awarded buildings. Since then, he is the principal of Ulargui arquitectos s.l.p, a company created to compete in international competitions, sometimes partnered with foreign offices. He has been awarded in many countries, as Suisse, Germany, China, Hungary and Palestine.  His last big project in Spain “La Rioja Law Courts” was awarded with the “Luis Moreno Mansilla” prize in 2017. 

布鲁斯·朗曼教授  Prof. Bruce Lonnman


Bruce Lonnman completed his architectural education at Syracuse University (BArch) and Cornell University (MArch), taught at several universities in United States, Hong Kong SAR, and Sharjah. Currently an adjunct associate professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lonnman teaches architectural design and building structures. He researches on structural models, structural design in architectural education, and beginning studio design teaching.

维托·柏庭卫教授  Prof. Vito Bertin


Vito Bertin received his professional education from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH-Z). He began teaching career in Nanjing, Zurich and Kobe after practiced shortly in Switzerland and Zimbabwe. From 1996 to 2009, he taught at The School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Now he is an Adjunct Professor at Zhejiang University. Bertin has devoted himself to researching and teaching basic architectural design, co-authored with Gu Daqing for two books: Introduction to Architectural Design and Space, Tectonics and Design. His study on leverworks structure resulted in the book: Leverworks: One Principle and Many Forms. And, the study on Hong Kong container architecture resulted in the co-authored book Hong Kong Container Architecture. His recent research interest is on parametric descriptions of form and space through his teaching at Zhejiang University and Southeast University. 

董功先生  Mr. Dong Gong

董功,直向建筑创始人/主持建筑师,是目前积极活跃于中国建筑界的新锐建筑师。董功先生毕业于清华大学,获得清华大学建筑学学士学位和硕士学位,后留学美国,获美国伊利诺大学建筑学硕士学位。董功及事务所多次受邀参与国内外重要展览,于2018年参加第16届威尼斯建筑双年展FREESPACE主题展及中国馆展览。事务所曾获得意大利Domus“100+最佳建筑事务所”(2019);瑞士建筑奖入围奖(2018);意大利“Archmarathon”建筑奖最高奖(2016);美国建筑实录国际十大设计先锋(2014)等重要奖项。事务所的作品广泛发表于国内外的著名专业杂志,包括《AV Monographs》出版第220期直向建筑专辑《Cosmopolitan Vernacular》。董功于2019年被授予法国建筑科学院外籍院士,同年被聘为美国伊利诺大学杰出教授,自2014年起在清华大学建筑学院担任设计导师。

Dong Gong, Founder / Design Principal of Vector Architects, is a cutting-edge architect currently active in China. Mr. Dong graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor degree and a master degree in architecture. After studying in the United States, he obtained a master degree in architecture from the University of Illinois. He and Vector Architects have been invited to various major national and international exhibitions, including the 2018 “FREESPACE” Venice Biennale, and have won international awards such as “100+ Best Architecture Firms” selected by Domus (2019); nominated for the Swiss Architectural Award (2018); the overall winner of the Italian “Archmarathon Awards” (2016); and the “Design Vanguard” selected by Architectural Record (2014). His works have been widely published in international renowned architectural journals including a monograph of Vector Architects on AV Monographs titled "Cosmopolitan Vernacular" (vol.220). He was elected as the Foreign Member of French Academy of Architecture in 2019 and in the same year, was appointed as the Plym Distinguished Visiting Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has been teaching Design Studios at Tsinghua University since 2014.
