国际在线教学季 Advanced Lecture Series丨建筑技术预告

国际在线教学季 Advanced Lecture Series丨建筑技术预告



Architecture Technology

 系列主题 Title


Digital Architectonics - the Role of Architecture in Times of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

主持人 Chair

Prof. Ludger Hovestadt 


Prof.  Li Biao

开场对谈 :Into the Digital Age, together

对谈嘉宾:Ludger Hovestadt教授 vs 李飚教授

Prof. Ludger Hovestadt vs Prof. Li Biao

现场主持:唐芃教授Moderator Prof. Tang Peng


14.07 Tuesday 10:00a.m. ZRH/ 16:00 p.m. BJH


Coorganized bySEU Arch & swissnex China   


1.Prof. Ludger Hovestadt ETH Zurich


15.07 Wednesday 10:00a.m. ZRH/ 16:00 p.m. BJH

2.Prof. Fabio GramazioETH Zurich


16.07 Thursday 10:00 a.m. ZRH /16:00 p.m. BJH

3.Prof. Philippe BlockETH Zurich


17.07 Friday 10:00 a.m. ZRH/16:00 p.m. BJH

4.Prof. Li Biao (SEU)


18.07 Saturday 10:00 a.m. ZRH/16:00 p.m. BJH 

5.Prof. Vera Bühlmann (TU Vienna)


20.07 Monday 10:00 a.m. ZRH /16:00 p.m. BJH

6.Prof. Benjiamin Dillenburger ETH Zurich


21.07 Tuesday 10:00 a.m. ZRH /16:00 p.m. BJH 


OrganizerSEU Arch/The Architecture Internalization Demonstration School of Southeast University


主讲人简介 Speaker

Prof. Ludger Hovestadt

Ludger Hovestadt是苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑学院建筑学教授和CAAD(计算机辅助建筑设计)教授。1997年至2000年,Ludger Hovestadt是德国凯泽斯劳滕大学CAAD系的客座教授。2000年起被任命为ETH建筑学院教授。2018年起,受聘中国东南大学建筑客座教授。他曾在德国亚琛工业大学和奥地利维也纳的HfG学习建筑。1987年完成学业后,在卡尔斯鲁厄大学的弗里茨·哈勒教授开始了他的学术生涯,他在该大学从事了超过十年的科学研究。Ludger Hovestadt1994年在TU KarlsruheCarnegie Mellon取得了博士学位,将Haller的简约功能举止学派扩展到了数字领域,从而为数字建筑学奠定了基础。Ludger Hovestadt is Professor of Architecture and CAAD (Computer-Aided Architectural Design) at the Institute for Technology in Architecture, ETH Zurich. Between 1997 and 2000 Ludger Hovestadt was a visiting professor in the Department of CAAD at University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. In 2000, he was appointed Full Professor at the Department of Architecture at ETH. Since 2018 he is a Visiting Professor at Southeast University in Nanjing, China.He studied architecture at the RWTH Aachen, Germany and the HfG in Vienna, Austria. Upon completion of his diploma in 1987, he started his academic career with Prof. Fritz Haller at TU Karlsruhe for whom he worked as a scientific researcher for over ten years. Under his supervision Ludger Hovestadt completed his doctorate at TU Karlsruhe and Carnegie Mellon in 1994, expanding Haller’s school of thought of minimalist-functional mannerism into the digital domain, thereby laying the foundations for digital architectonics.

Prof. Fabio Gramazio

法比奥·格拉玛齐奥(Fabio Gramazio)是一位跨学科的架构师,其兴趣范围从计算设计,机器人制造到材料创新。2000年,他与搭档Matthias Kohler共同创立了GramazioKohler建筑事务所,在那里实现了许多屡获殊荣的设计。目前的项目包括Empa NEST研究平台的设计,这是可持续建筑建设的未来生活和工作实验室。GramazioKohler还在苏黎世联邦理工学院开设了世界上第一个建筑机器人实验室,其研究在数字建筑领域具有开创性,独创先锋并创建了一个新的研究领域,通过定制使用工业机器人将高级建筑设计和增材制造工艺融合在一起。建造范围从11的原型安装到机器人制造的高层建筑的设计。他最近的研究在《机器人之触:机器人如何改变建筑》(Park Books2014)一书中进行了概述和理论上的框架。从2017年到2019年,Fabio Gramazio担任本科和建筑学研究主任。

Fabio Gramazio is an architect with multi-disciplinary interests ranging from computational design and robotic fabrication to material innovation. In 2000, he founded the architecture practice Gramazio & Kohler in conjunction with his partner Matthias Kohler, where numerous award-wining designs have been realised. Current projects include the design of the Empa NEST research platform, a future living and working laboratory for sustainable building construction. Opening also the world’s first architectural robotic laboratory at ETH Zurich, Gramazio & Kohler’s research has been formative in the field of digital architecture, setting precedence and de facto creating a new research field merging advanced architectural design and additive fabrication processes through the customised use of industrial robots. This ranges from 1:1 prototype installations to the design of robotically fabricated high-rises. His recent research is outlined and theoretically framed in the book The Robotic Touch: How Robots Change Architecture (Park Books, 2014). From 2017 to 2019, Fabio Gramazio was Director of Studies for Bachelor and Master Architecture.

Prof. Philippe Block

 Philippe Block是苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑技术研究所的教授,他与Tom Van Mele博士共同领导着Block Research GroupBRG)。他是瑞士国家数字制造研究能力中心(NCCR)的主任,也是Ochsendorf DeJongBlockODB工程)的创始合伙人。Block2009年在比利时的VUB和美国的MIT攻读建筑和结构工程学。在BRG的研究重点是曲面形式结构的形式搜索、和构造优化,研究未加固的砖石拱顶和混凝土壳。在NCCR中,BRG研究人员开发了创新的结构合理的定制预制策略和采用数字制造的新颖建筑范例。在BRGODB工程公司的帮助下,Block将他的研究成果应用于非钢筋砌筑中的历史古迹的结构评估以及新型壳体结构的设计和工程。

Philippe Block is Professor at the Institute of Technology in Architecture at ETH Zurich, where he co-directs the Block Research Group (BRG) together with Dr. Tom Van Mele. He is director of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) in Digital Fabrication, and founding partner of Ochsendorf DeJong & Block (ODB Engineering). Block studied architecture and structural engineering at the VUB, Belgium, and at MIT, USA, where he earned his PhD in 2009. Research at the BRG focuses on computational form finding, optimisation and construction of curved surface structures, specialising in unreinforced masonry vaults and concrete shells. Within the NCCR, BRG researchers develop innovative structurally informed bespoke prefabrication strategies and novel construction paradigms employing digital fabrication. With the BRG and ODB Engineering, Block applies his research into practice on the structural assessment of historic monuments in unreinforced masonry and the design and engineering of novel shell structures.

Prof. Li Biao

李飚教授是教授,博士生导师,建筑运算与应用研究所所长。全国建筑数字技术教学工作委员会副主任;中国建筑学会计算性设计学术委员会副主任;中国建筑学会数字建造学术委员会理事,主要从事建筑设计数字技术相关理论方法研究与教学工作。 瑞士联邦理工大学(ETH, Zurich)高级硕士学位,东南大学建筑学博士(2010年获全国优秀博士论文提名),2009-2013瑞士联邦理工大学(ETHZ)博士后工作。国内外各类学术期刊或会议发表论文数四十余篇。曾主持国家自然科学基金4项,参与重点基金1项,主持科技部十三五国家重点研发计划子课题。多年来李飚教授尝试将算法生成设计方法转化到实际工程,南京青奥会国际风情街幕墙设计获2016年江苏省优秀工程设计二等奖和优秀勘察设计二等奖;2015至今完成了大量数字构筑物的编码与建造,如印象太湖石、龙舟记忆、空影阑珊、汤山矿坑公园步行桥、成都安仁南岸美村“林·盘”设计与建造等。

Li Biao serves as the deputy director of National Architectural Digital Technology Teaching Committee, the deputy director of Computational Design Committee of the Architectural Society of China, and the director of Digital Construction Committee of the Architectural Society of China. He is mostly engaged in the research and teaching of the theories and methods related to digital technologies for architectural design. Li Biao obtained an advanced master’s degree from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH, Zurich), a doctor’s degree in architecture from Southeast University (nominated for National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in 2010), and engaged in postdoctoral research in ETH, Zurich between 2009-2013. He has published more than 40 papers on various academic journals or at various conferences at home and abroad. He has led three national programs funded by NSFC, participated in one key funded program and led one sub-project of the national key R&D plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology during the 13th Five-year Plan Period.

Prof. Vera Bühlmann

 VeraBühlmann是瑞士作家。维也纳工业大学建筑理论教授和建筑理论与技术哲学系主任。自2010年以来,她与Ludger Hovestadt一起在苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑部门建立并领导了应用虚拟化实验室,并共同编辑了应用虚拟化丛书。2012-2013年,任新加坡国立大学未来城市实验室的客座研究员。最新专着题为《米歇尔·塞雷斯的哲学中的信息与数学》。

出版专著有:《媒介:GenerischeMedialitätStädtischeArchitektonik》(伯克豪斯,2014年),《天才星球》(合著者)。她与Iris van der TuinFelicity Colman合着了《明尼苏达评论》的特刊,《新物质主义的谱系》(Duke UP2017年)以及《 Metalithikum书籍》:印刷物理学, (2012),“驯化符号”(2014),“识字编码”(2015),“符号存在”(2016)。她的出版物还有《捆捆捆包》,《无论情况如何》(2014年),《量子城》(2015年)等。她还撰写了许多关于媒体文化,技术,哲学和建筑的文章。

Vera Bühlmann is a Swiss writer. She is professor for architecture theory, and director of the Department for Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics ATTP at Vienna University of Technology. After studying philosophy and English language and literature in Zurich, Switzerland, she obtained a PhD in media theory/philosophy from Basel University (2009). Together with Ludger Hovestadt she founded and directs since 2010 the laboratory for applied virtuality at the Architecture Department at ETH Zurich, and co-edits the applied virtuality book series (Birkhäuser, Basel/Vienna, since 2012). From 2012-2013 she was a guest researcher at the Future Cities Laboratory at NUS Singapore. Her latest monograph is entitled Information and Mathematics in the Philosophy of Michel Serres. 

She is the author of Die Nachricht, ein Medium: Generische Medialität, Städtische Architektonik (Birkhäuser, 2014) and co-author with Ludger Hovestadt and Sebastian Michael of A Genius Planet (Birkhäuser 2017). She co-edited a special volume of Minnesota Review together with Iris van der Tuin and Felicity Colman on Genealogies of New Materialism (Duke UP, 2017), as well as the Metalithikum Books: Printed Physics, (2012), Domesticating Symbols (2014), Coding as Literacy (2015), Symbolizing Existence (2016). Among her publications are also Sheaves, When Things Are Whatever Can be the Case (2014), A Quantum City (2015), as well as with Martin Wiedmer pre-specifics. some comparatistic investigations on research in art and design (jrp ringier, 2009) and with Association MetaWorx, Metaworx, Young Swiss Interactives (Birkhäuser, 2003). She is also the author of many articles on media culture, technology, philosophy, and architecture.

Prof. Benjamin Dillenburger

建筑师本杰明·迪伦伯格(Benjamin Dillenburger)是苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑系建筑技术学院(ITA)的数字建筑技术教授,他的研究重点是基于算法的设计方法和数字制造的相互作用来开发建筑新技术和新材料,并挖掘增材制造在建筑中的潜力。他曾在多伦多大学约翰·H·丹尼尔斯建筑,景观与设计学院任教,并曾在苏黎世瑞士联邦技术学院建筑系CAAD小组担任高级讲师。他拥有苏黎世联邦理工学院的高级研究硕士学位和凯撒斯劳滕工业大学的建筑学位。他曾入围MoMA PS1青年建筑师计划。他的作品被广泛出版并在FRAC Archilab 2013展览,巴塞尔艺术博览会/迈阿密设计以及多伦多的设计交流博物馆中展出。

Architect Benjamin Dillenburger is Assistant Professor for Digital Building Technologies at the Institute of Technology In Architecture (ITA) at the Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich.His research focuses on the development of building technologies based on the close interplay of computational design methods, digital fabrication and new materials. In this context, he searches for ways to exploit the potential of additive manufacturing for building construction.

He previously was appointed as Assistant Professor at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto, and worked as a senior lecturer in the CAAD group at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology’s architecture department in Zurich. He holds a Master of Advanced Study degree from ETH Zurich and a Master of Architecture Degree from the Technical University Kaiserslautern. Benjamin Dillenburger was shortlisted for the MoMA PS1 Young Architects Program. His work has been widely published and exhibited at the FRAC Archilab 2013 exhibition, the Art Basel / Design Miami, and the Design Exchange Museum in Toronto.

