国际在线教学季 Advanced Lecture Series丨城市与区域规划预告


讲座 Lecture


Urban and RegionalPlanning


主持人:Prof. Nicholas Phelps

联合主持人:夏铸九 教授

讨论环节协调人:李迎成 教授

ChairProf. NicholasPhelps

Co-chairProf. Chu-joe Hsia

CoordinatorProf. YingchengLi


1. 2020616日下午2:00-4:00

Nicholas Phelps教授,澳大利亚墨尔本大学


2. 2020617日下午2:00-4:00

Kim Dovey教授,澳大利亚墨尔本大学


3. 2020624日上午9:00-11:00

Weiping Wu(吴维平)教授,美国哥伦比亚大学


 4. 202071日下午3:00-5:00




Jürgen Rosemann教授,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学


6. 202079日下午4:00-6:00

Ben Derudder教授,比利时根特大学


7. 2020714日下午4:00-6:00

Mark Tewdwr-Jones教授,伦敦大学学院巴特莱特规划系




1. 2:00-4:00 PM, June 16, 2020

Prof. Nicholas Phelps, University of Melbourne     

 Enclave Urbanism as Polycentric urbanization (In English)

2. 2:00-4:00 PM, June 17, 2020

Prof. Kim Dovey, University of Melbourne     

The Urban DMA: Density, Mix and Access (In English)

3. 9:00-11:00 AM, June 24, 2020

Prof. Weiping Wu, Columbia University  

Chinese Cities in Global Context: Urban Form and Spatial Design (In Chinese)

4. 3:00-5:00 PM, July 1, 2020

Prof. Chu-joe Hsia, Southeast University  

Theorizing Metropolitan Region in the Global Informational Age and the Yangtze River Delta (In Chinese)

 5.3:00-5:00 PM, July 2, 2020

Prof. Jürgen Rosemann, TU Delft      

From City Network to Network City: The Transformation of the Randstad Holland (In English)

6. 4:00-6:00 PM, July 9, 2020

Prof. Ben Derudder, Ghent University     

Chinese cities in the world city network, 2000-2018 (In English) 

7. 4:00-6:00 PM, July 14, 2020

Prof. Mark Tewdwr-Jones, University College London

Urban innovation, New Forms of Planning and Shaping the Future of Cities       (In English)

主讲人 Lecturer

Nicholas Phelps教授  Prof. Nicholas Phelps

Nicholas Phelps教授是澳大利亚墨尔本大学建筑与规划学院副院长(负责国际交流与合作事务)、城市规划系主任。曾任伦敦大学学院教授、副教务长,浙江大学、新加坡国立大学、智利北部天主教大学的访问教授。目前担任Economic GeographyJournal of Economic GeographyProgress in PlanningUrban Geography等国际著名期刊的编委。研究领域包括跨国公司及其对外直接投资的经济地理、郊区化的规划与政治等。迄今出版著作5部、编著5部以及在国际同行评议期刊发表论文80余篇。

Prof. Nicholas Phelps is Chair of Urban Planning and Associate Dean International at the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne. Before that he was Professor of Urban and Regional Development and Pro Vice Provost regional at University College London. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Zhejiang University, National University of Singapore and Universidad Catolica del Norte in Chile. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Geography, Progress in Planning and Urban Geography. His research interests cover the economic geography of multinational enterprises and their foreign direct investment and the planning and politics of suburbanization. He has authored five books, edited another five and published over 80 internationally peer reviewed journal articles.

Kim Dovey 教授  Prof. Kim Dovey  

 Kim Dovey教授是墨尔本大学建筑学院建筑与城市设计教授,同时也是非正规城市主义研究中心主任。曾任建筑系主任和建筑与规划学院副院长。他对建筑、城市设计与规划中的社会问题有深入研究,出版了多本著作,包括Framing Places: Mediating Power in Built Form1999/2008),Fluid City2005),Becoming Places2010)和Urban Design Thinking2016)等。

Kim Dovey is Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Melbourne, where he is also Director of InfUr- the Informal Urbanism Research Hub.  Kim is also a former Head of Architecture and Associate Dean in the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning.  He has published and broadcast widely on social issues in architecture, urban design and planning. Books include 'Framing Places', 'Fluid City', ‘Becoming Places’, ‘Urban Design Thinking’ and ‘Mapping Urbanities'. He currently leads research projects on urban morphology and informal settlements.

吴维平教授  Prof. Weiping Wu

吴维平教授是美国哥伦比亚大学建筑、规划与保护研究生院城市规划硕士项目主任,同时也是哥伦比亚大学Weatherhead东亚研究所和人口研究中心研究员。吴教授具有建筑和城市规划的教育背景,是一位国际知名的规划学者,致力于全球城市化问题研究,尤其专注对移民、住房和中国城市基础设施等问题的研究。在她出版的八部著作中,最新的两本书包括:2018年出版的《当代中国手册》,该书分为两卷,共58章,涉及了一系列有助于了解当代中国的问题;2012年出版的《中国城市》,该书第二版即将发行。吴教授是美国规划院校联合会前主席,担任Journal of Planning Education andResearch编辑,并在世界银行、福特基金会和林肯土地政策研究所担任过顾问职务。

Weiping Wu is Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the M.S. Urban Planning Program in the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University. She also is on the faculty of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute and Columbia Population Research Center. Trained in architecture and urban planning, she is an internationally acclaimed planning scholar working on global urbanization with a specific expertise in issues of migration, housing, and infrastructure of Chinese cities. Among her eight books, the most recent are The SAGE Handbook of Contemporary China (2018), a two-volume, 58-chapter reference on the important issues in understanding China; and The Chinese City (2012), with the second edition forthcoming. She is the immediate past President of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning and served as the editor of the Journal of Planning Education and Research. She has worked as a consultant for the World Bank, the Ford Foundation, and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

夏铸九教授  Prof. Chu-Joe Hsia

夏铸九(Chu-Joe Hsia),东南大学建筑教授、童寯讲席教授,台湾大学名誉教授,国际城市论坛杰出研究员(IFoU) (2013-现在)。曾任亚洲规划学院学会(APSA)会长(2014-2016), 香港理工大学社会创新学院2015驻院思想家(2015)以及台湾大学建筑与城乡研究所教授兼所长(2005-2011),城市与设计主编(1997-2012)等。已出版十余本学术著作,包括《空间再现》(2020)、《异质地方之营造(123册)》(2016)与《窥见魔鬼的容颜》(2015)等,编译五本学术译作,包括《曼威‧柯司特的信息时代:经济,社会与文化》(2003)三部曲等。研究与专长领域为建筑、都市设计及规划的理论与历史、历史保存、都市社会学。

Prof. Chu-Joe Hsia is Tongjuan Chair Professor within the School of Architecture, Southeast University and the Professor Emeritus of National Taiwan University. He is the Distinguished Fellow of International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) (2013-present). He was Yixing Chair Professor of Nanjing University from 2013 to 2016 and the President of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) (2014-2016), as well as the Thinker-In-residence Public Lecture of Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2015. He was the former Director at the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University (2005-2011), Chief Editor of Cities and Design (1997-2012). He has published more than 10 books, including Representations of Space (2020), On Heterotopias: Selected Essays (I, II, III) (2016), A Glimpse of Devil Appearance: Planning and Design in Urban and Regional Processes (2015). He has also translated five academic books, including The Rise of the Network Society, The Power of Identity, and End of Millennium. His researches focus on Architecture, Histories and Theories of Architecture and Urbanism, Historic Conservation, and Urban Sociology.


尤根罗斯曼教授  Prof. Jürgen Rosemann


Jürgen Rosemann是荷兰代尔夫特特理工大学名誉教授(TU Delft),国际城市论坛成立人及名誉主席(IFoU)。曾任荷兰代尔夫特特理工大学建筑学院院长与贝尔拉格学院主席(Berlage Institute),亚洲和南美洲多所大学访问学者。除学术领域之外,曾任职于德国、荷兰、奥利地、中国与印尼各国有关于城市更新与发展项目顾问。出版超过150篇著作,涉及城市设计与规划、城市更新与管理、住宅与永续发展等议题。

Prof. Jürgen Rosemann is emeritus professor Urban Renewal and Management at Delft University of Technology (DUT). Besides, he is co-founder and honorary chairman of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU). He was Chair Professor at the faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology and the chairman of the Berlage Institute. He was a visiting professor in many universities in Asia and South Africa and was professor at the School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore between 2009 to 2019. In addition to academic research, he has acted as urban planner, researcher and consultant in various urban renewal and development projects in Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, China and Indonesia. His publications (more than 150 titles) have appeared in the fields of urban planning and design, urban renewal and management, housing and sustainable urban development.

Ben Derudder教授  Prof. Ben Derudder


Ben Derudder教授工作于比利时根特大学地理系,是全球化与世界城市研究网络副主任。研究领域包括:(1)全球城市网络的理论与实证研究(主要关注生产与基础设施网络);(2)多中心城市区域,相关研究成果发表于国际城市与区域研究的主流期刊。参与出版多本著作,包括《全球化与世界城市国际手册》、《世界城市网络:一个关于全球城市的分析》(第二版)等,后者于2018年被翻译成中文出版。目前担任Regional Studies编辑,并联合主持国际区域研究协会资助的“多中心城市区域”研究网络。

Ben Derudder is Professor of Urban Geography at Ghent University’s (Belgium) Department of Geography, and an Associate Director of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) research network. His main research interests are (1) the conceptualization and analysis of transnational urban networks (with a focus on production and infrastructure networks) and (2) the (putative) emergence of polycentric urban regions. His research has been published in major scientific journals dealing with urban and regional questions. He has co-edited a number of books, including the ‘International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities’ (Edward Elgar, 2011, with P.J. Taylor, F. Witlox & M. Hoyler). A second edition of the ‘World City Network: a Global Urban Analysis’ (Routledge, 2016, together with P. Taylor) was published with Routledge in 2016, and later translated and published in Chinese with Phoenix Education Publishing in 2018. He is currently one of the Editors of Regional Studies, and co-coordinates a Regional Studies Association Research Network on ‘polycentric urban regions’. 

Mark Tewdwr-Jones教授  Prof. Mark Tewdwr-Jones

Mark Tewdwr-Jones是伦敦大学学院城市与区域教授。在此之前,他是纽卡斯尔大学的城市规划系主任、城市未来研究中心负责人。出版著作15本,包括《城市与区域规划》(Routledge2019年),《空间规划与治理》(Macmillan2012年)和《城市思考》(Policy Press2011年)等。Mark教授是一位具有国际影响力的学者,目前担任国际区域研究协会主席,曾担任伯克利、香港、新南威尔士、瓜达拉哈拉、奈梅亨、比勒陀利亚和维也纳等地许多著名大学的杰出访问学者。此外,他还曾任英国政府有关规划、土地使用和住房问题的咨询顾问。

Mark Tewdwr-Jones is Professor of Cities and Regions at University College London. Before that he was Newcastle University's Chair of Town Planning and Director of Newcastle City Futures. Mark is the author of 15 books including Urban and Regional Planning (Routledge, 2019), Spatial Planning and Governance (Macmillan, 2012), and Urban Reflections (Policy Press, 2011). Active internationally, he currently serving as Chairman of the Regional Studies Association, and he has been the recipient of distinguished visiting fellowships at a number of prestigious universities including Berkeley, Hong Kong, New South Wales, Guadalajara, Nijmegen, Pretoria, and Vienna. He was previously UK Government Advisor on planning, land use and housing issues.
