国际在线教学季 Advanced Lecture Series丨建筑理论与历史预告

国际在线教学季 Advanced Lecture Series丨建筑理论与历史预告



Architectural Theory and History

系列主题 Title



时间:演讲当日20:30-22:30Time: 20:30-22:30 (Beijing Time) on each lecture day


Platform: ZOOM (URL to be issued the previous day)


Audience: SEU students and faculty


1. 整体-部分:论城市建筑的参与性与自足性

 07/06 (周一)戴维·莱瑟巴罗

Whole Parts: Engagement and Autonomy in Urban Architecture 

07/06 (M)David Leatherbarrow

2. 对街道、土地与天空的重新组织:斯科卡尼契楼(托德·威廉与比利·钱,费城)

 07/08 (周三)戴维·莱瑟巴罗

Reorganizing Streets, Soil, and Sky: Skirkanich Hall by Williams Tsien, Philadelphia

07/08 (W)David Leatherbarrow

3. 分层的都市地平线:霍托盖特群楼(斯文·马克利斯,斯特哥尔摩)

 07/10 (周五)戴维·莱瑟巴罗

Stratified Urban Horizons: Hortoget by Sven Markelius, Stockholm

07/10 (F)David Leatherbarrow

4. 建筑与建筑艺术, 一个现代性问题:奥托·瓦格纳与维也纳地铁站项目

 07/13 (周一)唐考·潘宁

Architecture and Baukunst, A Question of Modernity: Otto Wagner and the Vienna Metro Project

07/13 (M)Tonkao Panin

5. 都市地形学与工人的城市:胡安·欧高曼的墨西哥劳工联合会大楼     


Urban Topography and the Worker's City: Juan O'Gorman's Labor Union Architecture for Mexico

07/15 (W)Juan Manual Heredia

6. 公共领域的共享:文化综合体(多夫·卡米、雷切、雷切、卡拉万,特拉维夫)   


Sharing the Public Domain: Culture Complex by Dov Karmi, Z. Rechter, Y. Rechter, and A. Karavan, Tel Aviv

07/17 (F)Daphna Edie Half

7. 关于建筑、人造物与城市:斯维勒·费恩的挪威馆与对话的结构

 07/20 (周一)斯蒂芬·安德森

Of Architecture, Artifact, and the City: Sverre Fehn's Norwegian Pavilion and the Structure of Dialogue

07/20 (M)Stephen Anderson

8. 关于树林与城市: ·柯布西耶的24NC工作室/公寓    

 07/22 (周三)艾丝拉·萨赫欣·布拉特

Of the Woods and the City: Le Corbusier's Studio/Apartment 24 NC

07/22 (W)Esra Sahin Burat

9. 城市机构的地形:九德教堂(承孝相,首尔)   

 07/24 (周五)金贝克

The Terrain of Urban Institutions: Seung H-Sang's Gudeok Presbyterian Church, Seoul

07/24 (F)Jin Baek





Course Description

The purpose of this course is to discover and describe architecture’s implicit urbanity. We will ask a number of questions about the topography of cities, the most important of which is the following: how can single projects have productive afterlives, prompting but not controlling the transformation of locations in which they initially seemed out-of-place or discordant? Without intending to do so, the PSFS building by Howe and Lescaze, for example, provided a model for the transformation of center city Philadelphia. The same can be other important modern buildings: the Salvation Army Building in Paris, the Economist Building in London, and Hillside Terrace in Tokyo. 

The scope of this design topic is greater than the design of a single building, but smaller than urban design or city planning. Cities throughout the world are suffering fast-paced and ill-conceived urbanization. While single buildings or small ensembles are not the cause, and will not be the remedy, they do play a key part in urban transformation—productive or destructive as those changes might be. Today we need to see (again) the role that architecture can play in constructing alternative spatial patterns and opportunities for a life and culture that is more humane and just, less destructive and wasteful, and more beautiful. 

Though this study is prompted by current conditions, it will be wise to consider historical cases, at least those from the early decades of the 20th century until the present. Such a study should also address architecture and cities throughout the world, for locations one might think of as distinct suffer similar problems and might mutually contribute to a better understanding of real possibilities.






Primary Themes

Buildings as Whole Parts: buildings are whole in themselves, but part of a wider contextImplicit Urbanity in Architecture: typical urban conditions are assumed in architectural orderDisorientation and Reorientation: disturbances to spatial structure prompt its discoveryRescaling Locations: increasing dimensions pose primary problems for urban senseCity as Second Nature: working against or through the nature-culture opposition

主持人 Chair


Prof. David Leatherbarrow


He is an expert in the history and theory of architecture, with specific emphasis on their contribution to architectural design, especially in the modern period. Within history, theory, and design, he is known internationally for his contributions to ideas and historical developments of architectural design and technology, gardens and landscapes. All of his work in scholarship examines two essential problems or topics in architectural design: the architectural site (landscape or urban) and architectural construction. In his scholarly work he has published nine books, most recently Three Cultural Ecologies (2018), Twentieth-Century Architecture (2017), Architecture Oriented Otherwise (2009), Topographical Stories: Studies in Landscape and Architecture (2004), and Surface Architecture (2002), co-authored with M. Mostafavi, that won the Bruno Zevi Prize from the International Congress of Architecture Critics. Earlier books include Uncommon Ground: Architecture, Technology and Topography, The Roots of Architectural Invention: Site, Enclosure and Materials, and On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time, which won the 1995 International Book Award from the AIA. Translations of these books have appeared in many languages, two in Chinese, another two forthcoming. In addition to his scholarship, Leatherbarrow is highly respected internationally as an educator, having won numerous awards for his teaching, the most recent of which is the AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Architectural Education.

协调人 Coordinator


Prof. Yonggao Shi


Professor at School of Architecture, Southeast University, China. His research focuses on the basic issues of architectural discipline, especially the problem of material in architectural design, and its extended and related field, namely topography and space. Exploring their transformation in the modern architectural theory, also the opportunity of their potentional reconstitution in the modern/contemporary architectural and urban practice in China. He is the author of The Presence of Material: Research on Material’s Constructional and Spatial Properties in the 19th and 20th Century Western Architecture (2008, 2017) and co-authored Architectural Design Basics (2015).

演讲嘉宾  Lecturers


Prof. Tonkao Panin

泰国艺术大学建筑学院副教授,泰国曼谷。她的研究聚焦于十九世纪的建筑理论。迄今共出版了两本书:《建筑的空间性:空间和覆层概念之间的辩证法》和《城市追溯:19世纪以来的城市转型》。她也是一位执业建筑师,她的设计作品多次获得国际和国家级奖项。Associate Professor of Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Her research focuses on the nineteenth century architectural theory. Two books published: Architectural Spatiality: The Dialectic between the Concepts of Raum and Bekleidung, and Tracing the City: The Transformation of City from the 19th Century. She is also a practicing architect. Her design projects and works have won several prizes at national and international level.


Prof. Juan Manuel Heredia

波特兰州立大学建筑学院副教授。他的研究领域为建筑理论与历史,尤其是二十世纪的建筑理论与历史。他即将出版的书籍《墨西哥第一座现代建筑》(2020),着重介绍了几被人们遗忘的由瑞士建筑师汉斯·施密特(Hans Schmidt)和保罗·阿塔里亚(Paul Artaria)在墨西哥城设计的一座建筑。他还是劳特里奇(Routledge)《古典建筑手册》(2019)的合编者,也是《 胡安•索尔多•玛达勒诺 1916-1985》(2013)一书的合著者。

Associate Professor of architecture at Portland State University. His research focuses on architectural theory and history, especially those of the twentieth century. He is the author of the forthcoming book The First Modern Building in Mexico (2020), which focuses on an utterly forgotten building in Mexico City designed by Swiss architects Hans Schmidt and Paul Artaria. He is also the co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of the Reception of Classical Architecture (2019), and co-author of the book Juan Sordo Madaleno 1916-1985 (2013).


Postdoc research fellow. Daphna Edie Half


Postdoc research fellow at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Her research interests include typology, public space, craft, and topography as disciplinary issues that concerned architects from the 1930s in their search for a situated modern architecture in Palestine. She has recently published two papers, “A New Materiality – In Praise of the Ordinary. Palestine-Israel, 1940-1966”, and “Typology as Situatedness: The Architectural Dialectics of Modern Vernaculars in British Mandate Palestine.” Her completed dissertation on that theme is titled "From Frugality to Exuberance: Architecture and the City in Israel 1923-1977". Her current research is on public spaces designed in British Mandatory Palestine, with a specific focus on the modernization of the port city of Haifa.


Prof. Stephen Anderson

天普大学泰勒艺术学院教授,美国费城。他的研究聚焦于建筑的伦理和公民维度,城市、自然与建筑的交汇,尤其是关于自然与人性的概念及其与物质构造的关系,以及建筑戏剧性与日常生活实践和制度之间的张力与潜力。他目前的研究探索的是斯维勒·费恩(Sverre Fehn)建筑作品中的城市意识,并刚刚完成了关于该主题的博士论文《城市性与建筑计划:斯维勒·费恩》。

Professor at the Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia. His research focuses on the ethical and civic dimensions of architecture; the intersection of cities, nature and architecture, especially regarding concepts of nature and human nature and their relation to material configurations; and the tensions and potentials that arise between architectural theatricality and the practices and institutions of everyday life. His current research explores concepts of urbanity in the architectural works of Sverre Fehn. His recently completed dissertation on that theme is titled "Urbanity and the Architectural Project: The Case of Sverre Fehn."


Prof. Esra Şahin Burat

土耳其梅尔辛大学建筑系副教授兼系主任。她的研究聚焦于建筑理论和设计,尤其是建筑中的自然、材料、朝向、空间和再现理论,以及建筑与自然/文化环境之间的关系。她出版了一本书《开放:乌鲁博朗工作站的设计》,此外还有一些收录其他书中的章节,包括“论适度:古代美德及其在建筑理论中的接受”,以及“现代住宅中的远古力量:勒·科布西耶作品中远古主题的延续” 。她作为设计师参与了梅尔辛市政当局委托并实施的几个考古遗址的城市设计项目。 

Associate Professor and Department Chair at Mersin University Department of Architecture, Turkey. Her research focuses on architectural theory and design, particularly theories of nature, materials, orientation, space, and representation in architecture, and the relationship between architecture and the natural/cultural environment. She has published one book, Unclosure: Design for a Workstation at Uluburun, and some book chapters which includes “On Moderation: The Ancient Virtue and its Reception in Architectural Theory,” and “Archaic Forces in the Modern House: Continuity of Ancient Themes in the Work of Le Corbusier.” She participated as designer in several urban design projects for archeological sites commissioned and realized by the local municipalities in Mersin.


Prof. Jin Baek


Professor at the Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University. His research interests include phenomenology-based design theory, environmental ethics, cultural significance of urban regeneration, and cross-cultural issues between modern East Asian architecture and Western architecture. He is the author of Nothingness: Tadao Ando’s Christian Sacred Space (2009), Architecture as the Ethics of Climate (2016) and Punggyeongryuheang (Drifting through Landscapes) (2013). He is currently writing a book that interprets architectural and urban phenomena of the contemporary period from the perspective of the communicative and mediational aspects of phenomenology.
