
与苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑系长达28年的交流计划瑞士一方的主要推动者和负责人、东南大学和南京大学特聘教授,赫伯特·克莱默教授(Herbert Kramel)2022129日不幸因病去世。南京工学院与苏黎世联邦理工学院于1984年正式签署校际合作协议,两校建筑系于1986年签署交换生协议,后南京一方改为派遣年轻教师。同年,第一批赴ETH- Z的两位青年教师抵达苏黎世,由克莱默教授负责指导,此后16年直至2002年退休,他一直是ETH方面的负责教授。克莱默教授对维持两系交流计划做出了决定性的贡献,即使在最艰难的岁月中,仍以一己之力保证其不至中断。交流计划至2011年结束,前后有33位东大老师赴瑞士交流,其中有20位直接受到克莱默教授的教诲,瑞士的经历对他们后来的学术发展产生了深刻的影响,他成为其中一些人的博士生导师、终身的师友。不仅东南大学的建筑教育直接得益于交流计划,后来又在南京大学和香港中文大学分别发展,更对中国建筑教育也产生深刻影响。

克莱默教授的建筑教育遗产就是“使得现代建筑设计变得可教”,其中包含了两个重要的方面:其一是结构有序、循序渐进的、练习化的设计教学法,一方面克莱默延续了霍伊斯利的建筑教育理念,另一方面他对霍伊斯利(Bernhard Hoesli)的“抽象练习+综合性设计”的模式有批判性思考,进而发展出一套独特的“设计练习化”的入门教学体系,一种属于现代大学的教学方法;其二是他的设计教学集中体现了1980年代欧洲现代建筑设计的理念和方法的影响,如荷兰结构主义思想,现代建筑的空间形式语言,建造的艺术与建构,类型学,瑞士提契诺学派等。这些影响具体反映在练习的设计以及整体教案的结构。克莱默的设计教学即是特定历史时期建筑学发展的产物,又具有超越时代的设计教学法的普遍价值。








A Symposium on Herbert Kramel with Chinese Architectural Education: It’s More Than a Piece of History

An academic event to be held on June 26, 2022, Sunday, in Nanjing as a tribute to Prof. Herbert Kramel’s contribution to Chinese Architectural Education, co-organized by Southeast University and Nanjing University.

Professor Herbert Kramel, the Emeritus Professor of ETH-Z and Honorary Professor of Southeast University and Nanjing University, has passed away on January 29th, 2022. The Nanjing Exchange Program between Southeast University and ETH-Z started in 1986 and ended in 2011 for 28 years. From 1986 till 2001, Prof. Kramel was the responsible professor at ETH for the Nanjing Exchange Program and about 20 junior teachers from SEU under his supervision, out of 33 in total studied at ETH. They exposed themselves to a very different architectural and educational culture in Zurich and learned from Prof. Kramel the pedagogy on “how to make modern architecture teachable”, a question which troubled Chinese architects and educators for decades. Returned back to China, they have developed new teaching programs and demonstrated the new design methodology through practice first at Southeast University and later at Nanjing University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and eventually exerted influences to other universities across the nation. 

36 years has passed since the first two SEU junior teachers arrived at Zurich in 1986. The Nanjing Exchange Program could be seen as a pure historic event. But it is more than a piece of history. Its impact on Chinese architectural education lasts up to today and even longer. At this particular time we will invite the participants of the Nanjing Exchange Program to share their reflections on what have learned from Prof. Kramel and how these have changed their ways to think about the task of architectural design and design education. We would also like to invite other scholars, who are familiar with either Prof. Kramel or the works done by those learned from Zurich, to provide their comments on the impact of the Nanjing Exchange Program.
