丨Foster + Partners福斯特建筑事务所:建筑的时间性


本期,由Foster + Partners福斯特建筑事务所合伙人Aaron HoldenFoster + Partners福斯特建筑事务所主任建筑师黄菲柳主讲,采取线上线下同步直播的方式开展。






Temporality in Architecture

主讲人:Aaron Holden黄菲柳(Feiliu Huang

Foster + Partners建筑事务所介绍

Foster + Partners是诺曼-福斯特(Norman Foster)于1967年创立的一家全球性建筑、城市规划和设计工作室,以可持续发展为根基。事务所将建筑学与工程学(包括结构和环境)、城市规划、室内设计和工业设计、模型和电影制作、航空学等技能融为一体。该工作室凭借纽约赫斯特总部、伦敦圣玛丽斧30号(俗称"小黄瓜")、法国米劳高架桥、柏林国会大厦德国议会、大英博物馆中庭、香港和伦敦汇丰银行总部等建筑,在国际上树立了良好的声誉。最近的作品包括西棕榈滩的诺顿艺术博物馆、悉尼的Duo Central Park、加利福尼亚州的苹果公司总部,伦敦的彭博社新欧洲总部和大疆位于深圳的“天空之城”总部。自成立以来,该事务所已在75个国家开展工作,其作品在世界各地展出,其作品被纽约现代艺术博物馆和巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心永久收藏。

About Foster + PartnersFoster + Partners is a global studio for architecture, urbanism and design, rooted in sustainability, which was founded over fifty years ago in 1967 by Norman Foster. The studio integrates the skills of architecture with engineering, both structural and environmental, urbanism, interior and industrial design, model and film making, aeronautics and many more. The studio has established an international reputation with buildings such as the Hearst Headquarters in New York, 30 St Mary Axe, popularly known as The Gherkin, in London, Millau Viaduct in France, the German Parliament in the Reichstag, Berlin, The Great Court for the British Museum, Headquarters for HSBC in Hong Kong and London. Recent work includes the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach, Duo Central Park in Sydney, Apple’s headquarters in California, Bloomberg’s new European headquarters in London and DJI’s headquarters in Shenzhen. Since its inception, the practice has worked in 75 countries and the practice’s work has been exhibited around the world. The practice is represented in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.



Aaron joined Foster + Partners in 2011 after graduating from the University of Nottingham and the University of Westminster with first class distinctions. His work was nominated for the RIBA Bronze Medal Award and RIBA Silver Medal Award respectively. Working with the belief that innovative design thrives when meticulous attention to detail intersects with a thoughtful approach to placemaking, creating spaces that seamlessly blend aesthetics and functionality. Aaron was a project-lead for the Amazon HQ, London. After winning multiple international competitions in the region, he relocated to Shenzhen, China to support ongoing Practice goals and the establishment of the Shenzhen office as Partner. Now based in London, his experience leading some of our largest international projects, including working for some of the largest financial and technological institutes within China, reflects his expertise in the design and delivery of landmark developments for our clients.

黄菲柳是一名注册建筑师,在知名国际设计工作室工作期间,她参与了众多重点项目。在中国东南大学就读期间,她以优异的成绩获得了国家奖学金和国家优秀本科生交流奖学金。之后,黄菲柳在英国剑桥大学完成了硕士学位,并获得了Kythé Waldram旅行奖和Sidney and Marguerite Cody奖学金,她的设计项目获得了该课程最高分。通过在联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心、苏黎世联邦理工学院Urban Think-Tank的工作经历,她对社区主导的遗产保护和城市更新产生了浓厚的兴趣,并在2021年加入Foster + Partners伦敦工作室后不断探索。

Feiliu is a registered architect with a diverse portfolio of high-profile projects gained while working at internationally renowned design studios. As an undergraduate at Southeast University in Nanjing, China, she was awarded the National Scholarship and the National Outstanding Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarship for her academic excellence. Feiliu went on to complete her master’s degree at the University of Cambridge in the UK, where she received the Kythé Waldram Travel Award and the Sidney and Marguerite Cody Studentship Award, with her design project scoring highest in the course. Through her experience at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Urban Think-Tank at ETH Zurich, she has developed an interest in community-led heritage conservation and urban regeneration, and has continued to explore since joining Foster + Partners’ London studio in 2021.
