丨凯瑟琳·西维特:Structures of Coastal Resilience


本期为东南大学122周年校庆系列学术讲座,由宾夕法尼亚大学斯图尔特·韦茨曼设计学院景观系系主任凯瑟琳·西维特(Catherine Seavitt)教授主讲,采取线上线下同步直播的方式开展。





Structures of Coastal Resilience

主讲人:凯瑟琳·西维特Catherine SeavittProfessor Catherine Seavitt, chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania, will present her research on strategic and collaborative approaches to coastal resilience and planning for climate change at New York City’s Jamaica Bay. In the face of sea level rise and an increased risk of riverine and coastal flooding from extreme rainfall, higher tidal elevations, and storm surge from tropical cyclones, communities must become less dependent on traditional approaches to flood control that have relied on levees, sea walls, and other forms of hard infrastructure. Landscape architects, designers, and planners must develop adaptive and resilient nature-based alternatives for waterfront communities to address increasingly uncertain climate futures. With this new paradigm, the physical infrastructures of defense must give way to the flexible strategies of ecological systems, policy, and planning at the dynamic coastal edge.

Image © Catherine Seavitt
Storm surge inundation for Jamaica Bay, mapping a projected 100-year return period for 2055.

Image © Catherine Seavitt

Plan of the proposed atoll terrace design strategy for Jamaica Bay, with elevated marsh terraces for sediment capture and marsh migration.

Image © Catherine Seavitt
Water tank study model of Jamaica Bay’s Floyd Bennett Field, testing the design of a proposed marsh inlet.


凯瑟琳·西维特(Catherine Seavitt)是宾夕法尼亚大学斯图尔特·韦茨曼设计学院景观系系主任、教授,同时担任Martin and Margy Meyerson城市主义主席。她是伊恩·麦克哈格城市化与生态中心的联合执行主任,也是《LA+ Journal》的创意总监。作为一名注册建筑师和景观设计师,她的研究方向包括城市景观、后工业遗址、毒副作用、创造性设备相关,重点关注气候危机和脱碳的可行对策。西维特的著作包括《Depositions: Roberto Burle Marx and Public Landscapes under Dictatorship》(德克萨斯大学出版社,2018年);与 盖伊·诺登森和朱莉娅·查普曼合著的《Structures of Coastal Resilience》(岛屿出版社,2018年);以及与盖伊·诺登森和保罗·刘易斯合著的《Four Corridors》(Hatje Cantz出版社,2019年)。

Catherine Seavitt is professor and chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania’s Stuart Weitzman School of Design, where she holds the Martin and Margy Meyerson Chair of Urbanism. She is the co-executive director of the Ian L. McHarg Center for Urbanism and Ecology and creative director of LA+ Journal. A registered architect and landscape architect, she studies urban landscapes, post-industrial sites, toxicity, and inventive plant knowledge, with a focus on actionable responses to the climate crisis and decarbonization. Seavitt’s books includeDepositions: Roberto Burle Marx and Public Landscapes under Dictatorship(University of Texas Press, 2018);Structures of Coastal Resilience(Island Press, 2018), with Guy Nordenson and Julia Chapman; andFour Corridors(Hatje Cantz, 2019), with Guy Nordenson and Paul Lewis.
