

Advanced History of Asian Architecture(Autumn Semester)


Klaus Zwerger


Technical University of Vienna, Architectural Internalization Demonstration School, Professor

本课程旨在帮助学生把握亚洲建筑史研究的前沿话题,建构多样化、国际化的史学视野;同时通过写作与讨论,培养学生建筑历史研究的能力,掌握批判性建筑历史研究的思维方式。课程特点是每年邀请在本领域卓有成就的不同学者主讲,以期提供多样化的视角。自2017年起,已邀请过宾夕法尼亚大学Nancy Steinhardt、Justin McDaniel,范德堡大学Tracy Miller等5位教授,授课主题包括“从东亚反观中国建筑”、“南亚神圣建筑原则在中国传播与涵化”、“物质文化与佛教研究”、“东南亚建筑”、“后殖民理论视野下的亚洲建筑研究”等,涵盖了亚洲建筑研究的重要问题、前沿话题与理论方法。2021-2024年度的课程由东南大学建筑兼职教授、奥地利维也纳理工大学教授Klaus Zwerger主讲,以跨文化的木造建筑历史及其比较为中心,每年围绕不同的专题展开。

This course aims to help students grasp the cutting-edge topics in the study of Asian architectural history and construct an international perspective. Through writing and discussion, students will also develop the ability to research architectural history and acquire a way of critical thinking about architectural history. This course features a variety of scholars who are accomplished in the field each year, with the aim of providing diverse perspectives. Since 2017, we have invited 5 Professors including Nancy Steinhardt and Justin McDaniel of the University of Pennsylvania, Tracy Miller of Vanderbilt University to lecture on topics such as Reflections on Chinese Architecture from East Asia, “South Asian Sacred Architectural Principles in in China, Material Culture and Buddhist Studies, Southeast Asian Architecture, and The Study of the Buddhist Culture in China in the Perspective of Postcolonial Theory,etc. These lectures cover important issues, cutting-edge topics and theoretical approaches in the field of Asian architecture study. From 2021 to 2024, this course will focus on the cross-cultural history of wooden architecture and its comparison, and discuss different topics each year. The course will be given by Prof. Klaus Zwerger of the Architectural Internalization Demonstration School, SEU and the Technical University of Vienna, Austria.
