

Advanced Architectural Design Theory (Spring Semester)


David Leatherbarrow


Architectural Internalization Demonstration School, Professor

戴维·莱瑟巴罗是东南大学国际建筑示范学院教授和外籍院长。他是世界著名的建筑历史与理论家,也是建筑现象学领域的代表性学者,他的研究强调历史理论对建筑设计的贡献。在历史、理论、设计领域,他的学术声誉源自他在建筑的设计、技术的观念与历史发展方面做出的研究,以及他对园林与景观、还有近年来在可持续发展等领域的贡献。他的著作集中探讨建筑学科的两个基本问题:建筑场所(景观或城市)和建筑建造。这既是建筑实践中的两个基本问题,也是今天需要予以关注并重新思考的重要领域。迄今,莱瑟巴罗教授出版了10本著作和120多篇学术论文,在重要国际学术会议和研讨会上做主旨报告近百场。在学术研究以外,莱瑟巴罗教授还是国际知名的教育家,曾获多个教育奖项,包括全美建筑教育最高奖“黄玉奖章”(AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Architectural Education,2020年度)。在任教于东南大学之前,从1984年起,他一直在宾夕法尼亚大学任教。此前,他曾在英国剑桥大学和伦敦中心理工学院任教。

Professor and the foreign Dean of the Architectural Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast University. He is an expert in the history and theory of architecture, with specific emphasis on their contribution to architectural design, especially in the modern period. Within history, theory, and design, he is known internationally for his contributions to ideas and historical developments of architectural design and technology, gardens and landscapes, and more recently architectural sustainability. All of David Leatherbarrow’s work in scholarship examines two essential problems or topics in architectural design: the architectural site (landscape or urban) and architectural construction. These two topics are unavoidably commonplace in contemporary design practice. They are also in need of reconsideration, in light of changes in contemporary culture and society. To date, David Leatherbarrow has published ten scholarly books and over one hundred and twenty scholarly articles. In addition to his scholarship, Leatherbarrow is highly respected internationally as an educator, having won numerous awards for his teaching, among which is the AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Architectural Education (2020). Before teaching at Southeast University, he has been teaching at Pennsylvania University since 1984, and Cambridge University and the Polytechnic of Central London before that.
This course takes the form of both lectures and seminars, and by guiding students to reflect on the common problems in architectural design to gain new understandings, so as to develop students' awareness and ability of theoretical thinking. In terms of teaching content, this course probes into different topics for each year. These topics, on the one hand, are based on architecture’s ontological problems such as site, enclosure and materials; and at the same time, explores issues like temporality, corporeality, and ecological dimensions of architecture. The scope of the topics covers the research field of Professor David Leatherbarrow in the last two decades, and embodies his academic study and research approach. The course is 32 academic hours, and the lectures are typically given in May and June. Lectures are all given by Professor Leatherbarrow, and the seminars are co-hosted by Professor Leatherbarrow and Professor SHI Yonggao. If conditions permit, seminars usually integrate classroom discussion (based on lecture content) and outside study (on-site investigation and discussion).
