

Advanced Urban Development Strategies (Spring Semester)


Klaus R. Kunzmann


Technische Universität Dortmund, Professor

本课程教学内容以国际上国土空间规划和城市发展理论前沿为主线,教学方式以理论讲授和讨论课相结合,学生在阅读大量指定国际相关学术文献的基础上,开展主题性讨论,通过讨论学习掌握国际城市研究最新动态和理论发展。Klaus Kunzmann是德国空间规划科学院院士、多特蒙德工业大学教授、东南大学客座教授,曾任欧洲规划院校联盟创始主席和德国联邦规划教育委员会主席。他的研究兴趣集中在创新性的城市政策与大欧洲的空间规划,区域结构重组与慢速的区域发展策略,创新性、知识与艺术对于空间和内生型经济发展的角色,以及最近关注于中国的快速经济增长对于欧洲的城市和区域的影响研究。

The teaching content is based on the frontiers of international spatial planning and urban development theories. The teaching method is a combination of theoretical lectures and seminars. Based on reading a large number of designated international academic documents, students carry out thematic discussions and master the latest trends and theoretical developments in urban research. Klaus R. Kunzmann is an Academician of Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL), a professor at TU Dortmund, and a guest professor at Southeast University, Nanjing. He was the founding chairman of the European Union of Planning Schools (AESOP) and the chairman of the German Federal Planning Education Committee. His research interests focus on innovative urban policies and spatial planning in Greater Europe, regional restructuring and slow regional development strategies, the role of innovation, knowledge and art in the development of space and endogenous economy. His recent focus concentrates in research on the impact of China's rapid economic growth on European cities and regions.
