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The education propose is to establish a complex subject cluster focusing on landscape science and combining relevant engineering technologies and ecology. Relying on the superior scientific platform in SEU, the landscape department actively structures the professional laboratory; explores and accelerates the landscape research while achieving great success in the analytical assessment of landscape environment and the studies on landscape design methods. Supported by the State Natural Science Fund and Advantageous Subject Fund of Jiangsu Province, the goal is to accelerate integration, publication and application of relevant scientific research achievements. Last several years the subject behaves locally, innovates keenly. The landscape department has presided over and participated in six projects of the State Natural Science Fund. In addition, more than ten teaching awards and excellent design awards of the state level have been obtained, as well as forty excellent design awards of ministry or provincial level in total. Training Objectives Students will grasp Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaopings Theory, love the motherland, and abide by the laws and regulations. The students will enhance their capability of seeking truth from facts, rigorous learning, professional dedication, and the team spirit. Students are expected to meet the demands of national construction and future scientific progress, grasp basic theory, professional knowledge, statute and development trends, as well as advanced designing method and modern technology to tackle practical engineering problems. A comprehensive professional competence will be required: be familiar with forefront of the discipline and relevant interdisciplinary subjects; be competent to conduct the research, design, construction and management, etc. of engineering projects. They are expected to be talents with both application ability and innovation, who have innovative thinking, international perspective, project designing ability, as well as organizing and coordinating ability. Be proficient in one foreign language. Cultivation standard and realization of matrix Our school education for full-time master with landscape and architecture degree is aimed at fostering future excellent innovative, practical high-quality professionals who are good at design as well. They are supposed mainly work in the landscape planning, design and related research, while they should live up to the following requests about knowledge, ability and caliber: Have rich cultivation in social studies, intensive social responsibility and good occupation ethics. Have good sense in marketing, quality and security, pay attention on the protection of environment, balances of ecology and continuous development. Manage solid theory and methods of landscape design, related technology and knowledge, know the current condition and the tendency of the subject. Have innovative thinking and systematic logic Be able to use the learning scientific theory methods and technology to analyze and solve professional landscape problems independently. Have the ability to grasp information, update knowledge and study throughout lifetime Be familiar with the technology standard of the subject and related policy, laws and regulations. Have good capability to organize and manage projects, strong communication and adapting the environment quickly as well as teamwork Own international perspective and the ability to communicate, compete, cooperate under the intercultural backgrounds. Full time landscape architecture master cultivation standards and realization of matrix are as follows: indexKnowledge, ability and caliber request Approach(course, practice, lectures and activities)1Have rich cultivation in social studies, intensive social responsibility and good occupation ethics.Course: Research on Theories and Practices of Chinese Socialism, Introduction to Dialectics of Nature, Issues on history theory of Landscape and Gardens, Issues on Culture of Landscape Architecture, China Traditional Culture and Ideological and Political Education, Technology Revolution and Comparison for Modernization, Social Psychology and etc.. 2Have good sense in marketing, quality and security, pay attention on the protection of environment, balances of ecology and continuous development.Course: The Theory and Methods of Modern Landscape Architecture Design, Introduction to Dialectics of Nature, Landscape Architecture Practice, Special Research on Landscape Planning and Design, Issues on Landscape Architecture, Issues on Landscape and Recreation Planning, Issues on Culture of Landscape Architecture, Advanced Urban Theory, Advanced Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation Theory and etc.. 3Manage solid theory and methods of landscape design, related technology and knowledge, know the current condition and the tendency of the subject. Course: The Theory and Methods of Modern Landscape Architecture Design, Landscape Planning and Design(common course), Issues on Landscape Ecology, Issues on landscape plants, Advanced Landscape Discipline, Advanced Landscape Technology, Special Research on Landscape Planning and Design, Issues on Engineering Technology for Landscape Architecture, Issues on Landscape and Recreation Planning, Issues on Culture of Landscape Architecture.. 4Have innovative thinking and systematic logicCourse: The Theory and Methods of Modern Landscape Architecture Design, Landscape Planning and Design(common course), Advanced Landscape Discipline, Advanced Landscape Technology, Advanced Architectural Theory, Advanced Architectural Design Theory, Advanced Architectural History, Advanced Technology Development for Architecture, Advanced Urban Design, Advanced Urban Theory, Advanced Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation Theory, and a series academic seminar. 5Be able to use the learning scientific theory methods and technology to analyze and solve professional landscape problems independently.Course: The Theory and Methods of Modern Landscape Architecture Design, Landscape Planning and Design(common course), Landscape Architecture Practice, Issues on Landscape Ecology, Issues on landscape Plants, Advanced Landscape Discipline, Advanced Landscape Technology, Introduction to Dialectics of Nature, Special Research on Landscape Planning and Design, Issues on Landscape Architecture, Issues on History Theory of Landscape Architecture, Issues on Engineering Technology for Landscape Architecture, Issues on Landscape and Recreation Planning. Practice: internship, and a series of seminar.6Have the ability to grasp information, update knowledge and study throughout lifetimeCourse: The Theory and Methods of Modern Landscape Architecture Design, Landscape Planning and Design(common course), Foreign Language for Masters Degree, Analysis Reading of Foreign Professional Literature, Advanced Landscape Discipline, Advanced Landscape Technology, Advanced architectural Theory, Advanced Architectural Design Theory, Advanced Architectural History, Advanced Technology Development for Architecture, Advanced Urban Design, Advanced Urban Theory, Advanced Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation Theory and etc. Practice: internship, and a series of seminar.7Be familiar with the technology standard of the subject and related policy, laws and regulations.Course: The Theory and Methods of Modern Landscape Architecture Design, Landscape Planning and Design(common course), Career caliber Education, Analysis Reading of Foreign Professional Literature, Issues on Engineering Technology for Landscape Architecture, Modern Real Estate Investment and Development and etc. Practice: internship.8Have good capability to organize and manage projects, strong communication and adapting the environment quickly as well as teamworkCourse: The Theory and Methods of Modern Landscape Architecture Design, Landscape Planning and Design(common course), Special Research on Landscape Planning and Design, Issues on Landscape Architecture, Modern Real Estate Investment and Development and etc. Practice: internship, and a series of seminar.9Own international perspective and the ability to communicate, compete, cooperate under the intercultural backgrounds.Course: The Theory and Methods of Modern Landscape Architecture Design, Landscape Planning and Design(common course), Advanced Landscape Discipline, Advanced Landscape Technology, Advanced Architectural Theory, Advanced Architectural Design Theory, Advanced Architectural History, Advanced Technology Development for Architecture, Advanced Urban Design, Advanced Urban Theory, Advanced Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation Theory, Modern Real Estate Investment and Development and etc. Practice: internship, and a series of seminar.  Research Direction (1) Garden and Landscape Design (2) Landscape History Theories and Heritage Protection (3)Recreation and Landscape Architectural Design (4) Landscape Planning and Ecological Restoration (5) Landscape Engineering and Technology (6)Digital Landscape and its Technology Training Period Usually 2-3 years, maximum can be extended to 4 years. Credit requirements and curriculum (refer to the attached list) Mentor system According to the specific condition such as professional qualification of supervisor of postgraduate and cooperation of projects, professional practice should take the double-mentor system which consists of school mentor and enterprise mentor. Cultivation of post undergraduate students is mainly affected by school mentor, while enterprise mentor attend in tutoring enterprise practice course, the selection of degree design topic and oral defense. The related decision should be made by both mentors. Internship and enterprise practice: SEU will contact and assign post undergraduate students internship and design enterprises, setting up standard enterprise cultivation plan; these enterprises should have certain quality, have great reputation in this industry, and people who are chosen to be mentors should have senior title of professional post. If school mentors possess professional quality in school design department or engineering center, the complement of internship can be mainly guided by school mentors with the assistance of the enterprise mentors. Post undergraduate students should refer suggestion from department and mentor after finishing all study for the degree and thesis proposal, then complete their thesis in school or enterprises and do the internship not less than 1 year. Degree design/Drgree Thesis Full time landscape architecture degree design should be completed independently, which should reflect students ability to manage scientific theory, methods and technology to handle real life problems comprehensively. The degree design topic should be the main problems existing in construction of landscape and gardens or a planning and design project which reaches a certain scale and requires functionality. The degree design topic should possess some theoretical significance and application value. The achievement of degree design consists of two main parts having close relevance in contents: documents and photographs for practical projects, related analyze and research, while the first part is the core to assess the degree design. The degree thesis is a systematic, complete academic paper, with very definite opinion, clear concept, correct argument, full textual research and rigorous description. Topic Selection Post undergraduate students should finish their topic selection in the third term. The topic of degree design is decided by two mentors, which should relate to the construction of national economy, the need for subject development or the supervisor research direction, aimed at real problems in production or engineering projects which have a certain degree of application prospect and creative value. The topic selection should be discussed and agreed by corresponding expert committee and confirmed by department review. Literature Reading (for reference only, the same below) Students are required to read at least 20 literatures on topics related to their degree design and research direction including 10 literatures in foreign languages and to write a literature overview. Outcome Requirements Academic degree design shall be completed by combining with practice projects and on the basis of literature reading and investigation. The part undertaken independently must reach a certain workload and a corresponding depth, and must possess some innovativeness. In the degree design, drawings should be more than 8 paper of A1, and the words of research report part should be at least 10 thousand , and no more than 15 thousand. The requirements include clear design idea, full expression of drawings, concise writing of report and excellent illustrations. Degree design documents, maps and drawings should emphasize engineering and professional features.Degree design should be written based on students own study and research. The degree design should have Reasonable layout design, clear and completed drawings, maps and technology documents, precise data, and the depth and contents should satisfy corresponding industry regulations and drawing standards. The research report for degree design should emphasize on discussion, be based on practice in engineering projects and have improvements in some aspects such as theory understanding, technology, which contents and depth should be better than normal engineering instructions. The report shall be vivid represented by both pictures and words, possess a certain degree of application value and advance. Dissertation shall comply with the stipulations of the school, must be a systematic, complete academic paper, with very definite opinion, cle $&(*,24ȶn`RC3hh)0J5OJQJo(hhQK5CJPJ\o(hhQK5CJPJo(hhQK0JOJQJo("hhgCJOJPJQJ\o("hh^CJOJPJQJ\o("hh8CJOJPJQJ\o("hhQKCJOJPJQJ\o("hh5PCJOJPJQJ\o(hhQKCJ PJ\o(hhg5CJ PJo(hh^5CJ PJo(hhPb5CJ PJo((*68  ` t v dWD`gdr} dG$^gdr} dG$^gd5P$dh1$WD`a$gd@|>Dvݷݷoݷݷݷݷݷ#hh*|OJPJQJ^JaJo(#hhOROJPJQJ^JaJo(#hhEEHOJPJQJ^JaJo(#hhr}OJPJQJ^JaJo(&hhr}5OJPJQJ^JaJo("hh5OJPJQJaJo("hhr}5OJPJQJaJo(hhr}CJOJPJQJo(+0m^RR d$Ifgd]$d$Ifa$gd]kd$$IfTFH(@ 06    44 laytr}T6&m^RR d$Ifgd]$d$Ifa$gd]kdP$$IfTFH(@ 06    44 laytr}T&(,N>m^RR d$Ifgd]$d$Ifa$gd]kd$$IfTFH(@ 06    44 laytr}T>@Dm^RR d$Ifgd]$d$Ifa$gd]kd$$IfTFH(@ 06    44 laytr}Tm^RR d$Ifgd]$d$Ifa$gd]kdH$$IfTFH(@ 06    44 laytr}T >m^RR d$Ifgd]$d$Ifa$gd]kd$$IfTFH(@ 06    44 laytr}T$~  "8tvx˹˹˒tdTdTdTdTtDhh_aCJOJPJQJo(hhLCJOJPJQJo(hh #CJOJPJQJo(hho?5CJPJ\o(hhQK5CJPJ\o(%hh~#5CJOJPJQJ\o(&hhr}5OJPJQJ^JaJo("hhr}5OJPJQJaJo(hhr}CJOJPJQJo(#hhr}OJPJQJ^JaJo(#hhOROJPJQJ^JaJo(m^RR d$Ifgd]$d$Ifa$gd]kd$$IfTFH(@ 06    44 laytr}T m^RR d$Ifgd]$d$Ifa$gd]kd@$$IfTFH(@ 06    44 laytr}T "8Ztm```RDD dhWD`gdL dhWD`gd # 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