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It obtained the master degree s authorisation in 1987 and began its formal admissions in 1988. It is the first master of fine art degree program in Architecture school in China. Now it has 9 master supervisors. After more than twenty years exploration and development of multidisciplinary cultivation and inter-disciplinary enrollment, this discipline gradually formed the training mode of incorporating liberal art and science and integrating art and engineering. Nowadays, master of fine art program is expended from developing by school of architecture to the cooperation between school of architecture and school of art. And it carries out recruitment and cultivation respectively according to the characteristics of each school. Great achievements have been made in teaching and researching by the efforts made by all the teachers over the years, and a group of national constructions much-needed professional master talents have been cultivated in environmental art and theory research, and art creation and theory research. A large number of environmental art theory, art theory have been published, a plenty projects of environmental art design and art creations have been fulfilled. Many of these achievements were national and provincial research projects and construction projects, and have been won awards of academic and scientific research at all levels. Training Objectives The students will obtain very high social responsibility, creativity, humanity and team spirit, and will have good professional ethics, professional dedication and excellent comprehensive quality. Students can choose one of the following five directions as their research direction: environmental art and visual design, interior decoration design, architectural theory of aesthetics and history, fine arts creation and theory, art history and theory. They will have systematic and thorough expertise specialized in design and visual art research areas, and become design and art talents with innovative ability. Students graduated with a Master degree are competent for independent research in theory research, design and artistic creation. The graduated students will be proficient in one foreign language. Research Direction School of architecture Environmental Art and Visual Design Interior Decoration Design Architectural Theory of Aesthetics and History College of art Fine Arts Creation and Theory Art History and Theory Training Period The program usually lasts 2-3years and can be extended to 4 years. Credit requirements and curriculum (refer to the attached list) Thesis Literature review Students are required to read at least 20 literatures on topics related to their thesis and research direction including 10 literatures in foreign languages and to write a literature overview. Students have to publish at least 1 paper in the area of their disciplines before being eligible for applying for a Master's degree. In order to understand the national and international development of the subject and the latest achievements of academic frontier, the master students in research direction (1),(2),(3) are required to read at least 20 literatures on topics related to their thesis and research direction, including at least 10 literatures in foreign languages. Students in research direction (4),(5) are required to read at least 40 literatures on topics related to their thesis and research direction, including at least 20 literatures in foreign languages. Students of all direction must complete 1 literature reading report. Topic Selection Dissertation should be on the basis of investigation and study, requirements to synthesise, discover problems, put forward the research subject .The findings presented in the thesis should have higher academic value and positive impact on economic development of China. Students are required to conduct at least one-year research. Thesis Writing In addition to compliance with the provisions of school, thesis must be written in a systematic and complete manner, presenting clear concepts, correct argument, realistic description, concise writing structure, smooth and concise writing style, correct calculation, reliable data, and clear icons. Thesis should be written based on students own study and research. Degree Awarding Students should actively take part in academic seminars at least 2 times within the scope of this discipline to and write 1 academic paper during master learning period. And the paper has to be published in the schooldepartment s proceedings, or other academic journals after examined and signed by the supervisor. In accordance with the requirements of the training scheme, getting full credits and completing all training links and dissertation work, students need to conduct illiteracy review relevant formalities in the graduate school, and will be qualified to attend the thesis defense after sampling inspection. The Defense is organized and arranged in the unified time by department. Thesis review and defense committee members shall have the relevant industry practice with senior professional technical position in the field. Students can apply for degree after passing dissertation defense. The academic degree can be awarded after the approval of degree evaluation committee and the academic degree evaluation committee. Attached List Course CatalogCourse NumberCoursesCredit HoursCreditsTermsTeaching MethodExamOthersA Public Fundamental CoursesS000301Theoretical and Practical Research on socialism with Chinese characteristics362.0Spring/AutumnLecture ExamB000113Introduction to China362.0LectureExamFor international students S000150Masters Degree English724.0Spring/AutumnLectureExamS000110 Chinese 724.0LectureExamFor international studentsProfessional Degree Courses B Professional Fundamental CoursesS001104Environmental Art Design Theory362.0AutumnLecture& SeminarExamFor research direction (1)0(2)0(3)S001112Architecture Environment Design362.  $&(*24JRhp̾u`L<1<1<1h{Gh#CJPJh{Gh#CJOJPJQJo(&h{Gh#5CJOJPJQJaJo()h{Gh#5CJOJPJQJ\aJo(h{Gh#CJPJo(h{Gh#5CJOJQJ\h{Gh#CJPJaJh{Gh#CJOJPJQJ h{Gh#CJOJPJQJaJh{Gh#5CJPJ\h{Gh#CJOJQJ\o("h{Gh#CJ OJPJQJ\o("h{Gh#5CJ OJPJQJo( (*4 ^ L b d n x $hd1$G$WD`ha$ $d1$G$a$$d1$@&G$a$gd8Km  d@$d1$G$WD`a$$da$ dG$WD`dG$$da$   . 0 L Z \ ^ > D H L b d n x ~   & ( : < ʻﻭʛʻzh"h{Gh#CJOJPJQJ\o(!h{Gh#5CJOJQJ\o(h{GhDTCJOJPJQJo("h{Gh#5CJOJPJQJo(h{Gh#CJOJQJo(h{Gh#CJOJPJQJ%h{Gh#5CJOJPJQJ\o("h{Gh#0J5CJOJQJo(h{Gh#CJOJPJQJo((  & ( F H R \ Z\f^`j j dG$WD` !dWD`!!WD`! dWD` dG$^ XdWD`XdG$< B D H R \ b d "HJ`bf>BX\f\`j hjͺ{{{{{{{{{{{{nh#CJOJPJQJo(h{Gh#CJOJPJQJh{Gh#CJOJPJQJo(h{Gh#CJOJQJo("h{Gh#5CJOJPJQJo(%h{Gh#5CJOJPJQJ\o(!h{Gh#5CJOJQJ\o("h{Gh#CJOJPJQJ\o(h{Gh#CJOJQJ\o(%jlxz$*, $$Ifa$$IfFf $$Ifa$dG$ dG$WD`jlvxz~0>@JX\46HJNP\^h{GhaJo( h{Ghh{Gh#PJaJh{Gh#aJh{Gho( h{Gh#h{Gh#5!h{Gh{G5CJOJQJ\o(h#5CJOJQJ\o(!h{Gh#5CJOJQJ\o(h{Gh{GCJOJPJQJ4,.0@JPX^djtvx $$Ifa$Ffy d$Ifid$IfWD2`i$id$IfWD2`ia$ $d$Ifa$ i$IfWD2`i $$Ifa$Ff  $d$Ifa$Ff/ i$IfWD2`i$If $d$Ifa$id$IfWD2`i $d$Ifa$i$IfWD2`igdFfN d$If $$Ifa$ $&6JPX^djpFf8 d$If $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$ $d$Ifa$46<DFfh  (*. dh "(*04@X$FHVh{Gh#PJh{Gh#KHaJh{Gh#\aJh{Gh aJo(h{Gh#aJo(h{Gh#o(h{Gh o(h{Gh#aJ h{Gh#C &(*,.>NT\ $d$Ifa$Ff $$Ifa$$If $d$Ifa$Ffa d$If i$IfWD2`i\bhnFf $$Ifa$ d$IfFf i$IfWD2`i d$If $d$Ifa$ "&*.26FTZbhntz $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$$If $d$Ifa$Ff i$IfWD2`i d$If $d$Ifa$z Ffo% i$IfWD2`i $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$$If $d$Ifa$FfF" d$If d$If *02468HZ`hntv|Ff+ $$Ifa$id$IfWD2`i $d$Ifa$ d$IfFf( d$If$If i$IfWD2`i"(*,.0Ff+2 i$IfWD2`iFf. d$If $$Ifa$ $d$Ifa$ d$If0@PV^djprtvxFf}8 i$IfWD2`iFfT5 d$If $$Ifa$ d$If"*06<>@ZjFf> i$IfWD2`i i$1$IfWD2`iFf; 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The minimum credit requirements of degree courses is 18 credits, other credits in non-degree courses. In addition, students should obtain 3 credits from compulsory courses. (2) All courses are normally required to be completed within one and half years after registration. Degree courses are normally required to be completed within one year after registration. (3) Degree courses are subject to this course plan, non-degree courses can be chosen from Graduate Courses Catalog.     PAGE  PAGE 9 DFH$ $$1$G$Ifa$kd$$If4֞$  !$|)880+44 laPf4ytzPHUYZ_` d$If $$Ifa$ $d$Ifa$`ab$ $$1$G$Ifa$kd$$If4֞$  !$|)88`0+44 laPf4ytzPb  d$If $$Ifa$ $d$Ifa$$dkd$$If4֞$  !$|)88 0+44 laPf4ytzP?stvwyz|}&`#$gdXFddWDj^` & Fdh{Ghmo(hR'hK0JmHnHuh#jh#U h#0J 0182P. 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