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MRl zku_ 1 kP 20-25N f[b\9hncf[u O`Qv^BR  T^tMRl|R 4Nenx[0 Discipline[Architecture] (Discipline Code: 0851) Brief Introduction of Discipline The Architecture Discipline of Southeast University established in 1927 is the origin of Chinese modern architectural education. Based on the school motto of aim at absolute perfection, its development continuously guides Chinese higher architectural education, and boasts profound international influence. At present, the Architecture Discipline is an authorized center for the doctoral degree of primary discipline and a national key discipline for primary discipline, with such research directions as architectural design and theory, architectural history and heritage protection, urban design theory and method, architectural science and technology, architectural operation and application and indoor design and theory. This discipline is now a key construction discipline of 985 Program and 211 Program of Southeast University, a national key discipline of primary discipline, and always a directorship unit subordinated to the Professional Guidance Committee of National Institutions of Higher Learning Architecture Discipline. It has 3 Academicians, 2 Chang Jiang scholars, 18 doctoral supervisors, 59 master supervisors, 1 national outstanding youth, 8 winners of Chinese architectural education award, 1 national teaching group, 2 national superior courses, and a key lab of Ministry of Education of urban and architectural heritage protection, a GIS center based on cooperation between UNESCO and Southeast University, the traditional wooden building and construction techniques research- key scientific research base of the State Bureau of cultural relics, and digital operation and application and other professional labs. Based on inheritance of the history of Southeast University, the discipline pursues frontier science through cross-integration, exploration and innovation. The Academicians enjoy an acknowledged academic leading position in the domestic research of urban environment and architectural creation. In addition, this discipline now has a batch of middle-aged and young scholars who have been gradually emerging in such professional research directions as urban design, urban architectural integration, architectural history and theory, architectural heritage protection, architectural operation and application, forming their features and exerting nationwide and international influence. Training Objectives Students shall be trained to meet the future demand of national construction, adapt to future scientific and technological progress, master the fundamental theory and professional knowledge of this discipline, understand the technological status quo and development trend of this discipline, grasp the advanced technical solutions and modern techniques for solving engineering problems, become familiar with professional frontiers, understand relevant interdisciplinary sectors, acquire the capability of independently undertaking scientific research and practice and desirable capability of innovation, and become a high-level innovative application-oriented talent with an international vision in such fields as architectural design and its theory, architectural history and theory and heritage preservation, and science of building technology. Research Direction Architectural Design and Theory (including four major directions: Architectural Design Theory and Method, Urban Design Theory and Method, Interior Design Theory and Method, Architectural Computing and Application) Architectural History, Theory and Heritage Preservation (3) Building Science and Technology Training Period The program usually lasts 2-3 years and might be extended to 4 years. Credit Requirements and Curriculum (refer to the attached list) Supervisors In principle, the "double supervisor" system which is composed by campus supervisor and enterprise supervisor will be adopted. The cultivation of postgraduate students shall be mainly based on campus supervisor, and supplemented by enterprise supervisor. Relevant matters shall be agreed upon by the two supervisors. Enterprise Practice The school shall contact and approve enterprises (bases) for the internship and design of postgraduate students as a whole, and set up a standardized plan of enterprise training. Internship-undertaking enterprises (bases) must meet some qualified conditions and enjoy good reputation in the industry. The staff serving as an enterprise supervisor shall hold a senior technical title. If a campus supervisor meets professional qualification condition at the design or engineering center on campus, he/she can also undertake the above guidance work on campus. Upon completion of all degree courses studying and dissertation / degree design proposal, postgraduate students shall seek for opinions of the faculties and the supervisors, and complete enterprise practice for 6 months at minimum from the third to the fifth semester. Design Thesis / Research Thesis Literature Reading Students are required to read at least 20 literatures on topics related to their graduation design and research including 10 literatures in foreign languages and to write a literature review. Internship and Topic Selection In principle, postgraduate students shall complete academic degree design proposal in the third semester. The topic selection direction shall be agreed upon by the two supervisors. It is compulsory to combine with the requirements of national economy construction and discipline development or the research direction of the supervisor to choose topics with some application prospect and innovative value; Postgraduate students can also combine with discipline development and social demand to proceed with topic selection and writing of dissertation. The topic selection report shall subject to discussion by the corresponding expert committee, and be submitted to the school/department for confirmation after adoption. The duration of design and research conducted on the basis of academic degree design and dissertation shall be at least one year. Outcome Requirements Academic degree design shall be completed by combining with practice projects and on the basis of literature reading and investigation. The part undertaken independently must reach a certain workload and a corresponding depth, and must possess some innovativeness. Outcomes are in such forms as design outcomes of practice projects and research reports of relevant contents (at least 10 to 15 thousand Chinese characters in principle). The requirements include clear design idea, full expression of drawings, concise writing of report and excellent illustrations. Dissertation shall comply with the stipulations of the school, and must be a systematic, complete academic paper. The selected topic needs to reflect the actual demand and major concern of social development. The empirical research shall be carried out by combining theory with practice. The dissertation must have a very definite opinion, clear concept, correct argument, full textual research, rigorous description, highly organized, concise writing structure, smooth and concise writing style, clear chart and comments marked according to academic norms.  HYPERLINK "http://dict.youdao.com/w/thesis/" ThesisDefense Every postgraduate student shall take an active part in academic research activities within the scope of their discipline at least twice and write 1 academic paper during the period of study. The paper shall, after signed by their supervisors, be published at the proceedings of Postgraduate Student Academic Symposium of the School or any other academic journals. Students are required to acquire all the credits required by the training program, complete all required parts and design thesis or research thesis, and go through the relevant procedures of the Graduate School for blind review of thesis. They are allowed to participate in the Thesis Defense only after passing the random check. The Defense shall be organized by the department authorities and shall be held during the same period. Among the reviewers of design thesis or research thesis and members of the defense committee, at least one off-campus expert with senior professional and technical title is needed. Students can apply for degree after passing the thesis defense, and can be awarded a degree after passing the review of Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee and University Degree Evaluation Committee. Attached List Course catalogueCourse numberCourse nameTermsCredit hoursCreditsTeaching methodExamOthers Public Degree Courses AS000301Theoretical and Practical Research on socialism with Chinese characteristicsSpring and autumn362LectureExamB000113China PanoramaAutumn362LectureExamOverseas studentsS000151Degree EnglishSpring and autumn724LectureExamS000156ChineseSpring and autumn1204LectureExamOverseas studentsProfessional Degree Courses BProfessional Fundamental CoursesS001202Modern Architectural Theory Spring543LectureExamCompulsory for each major S001222Academic Reading and Writing of ArchitectureAutumn362Lecture & seminarCheckS001324Architectural Design Autumn (one academic year)543SeminarCheckS101101 Limited to Architectural Research InstituteS101101Architectural Design (Architectural Research Institute )Autumn362SeminarCheckPractical Teaching SeriesS000908Professional Practice (Enterprise Internship)Spring and Autumn1083seminarCheckCompulsory for various majorsS000133Professional quality educationSpring181 Face-to-face lecturingCheckProfessional Compulsory Courses Archite ctural Design and Theory S001325Modern Architectural Design TheorySpring362Lecture & seminarCheckS101107 Limited to Architectural Research InstituteS101107Research into Special Topic on Architectural Design (Architectural Research Institute )Autumn362SeminarCheckS001304Modern Urban Design Methods 362Lecture & seminarExam No less than 2 creditsS001327Digital Technology and Architecture (1)Autumn362Lecture & seminarExamArchitectural History, Theory and Heritage PreservationS001204The Building Techniques of Song and Qing DynastiesSpring543 Lecture & seminarCheckNo less than 2 creditsS001226Western Classical ArchitectureAutumn362  $(.024:<BJbz {iS>S,S#h`8Eh9DCJOJPJQJaJo((h`8Eh9DCJKHOJPJQJ^JaJ+h`8Eh9DCJKHOJPJQJ^JaJo("h`8Eh9D0J5OJPJQJo(%h`8Eh9D5CJOJPJQJ\o("h`8Eh9D5CJOJPJQJo(h`8Eh9D0JOJPJQJo(h`8Eh9DCJOJPJQJ\"h`8Eh9DCJOJPJQJ\o(h`8Eh9DCJOJPJ\#h`8Eh9D0JCJOJQJ\aJh`8Eh9D5CJ PJo(02< n p z "$&0R 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#$/1$Ifb$gdRl $d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $FfOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFfd$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $Lecture & seminarCheckBuilding Science and TechnologyS001615- History of Architectural TechnologySpring362LectureCheckS001617Design and Building ProcessAutumn362Lecture & seminarCheck no less than 2 creditsS001603Urban Physical Environment and Sustainable Development2 Autumn362Lecture & seminarCheckS001605Building Energy Efficiency TechnologySpring362Lecture & seminarCheckS001613Architectural Structure Technology and Architectural ModelingSpring362Lecture & seminarCheckS001608Generation and Manifestation of Building Material, Construction and StructureAutumn362Lecture & seminarCheckNon-Degree Limitative Courses CS000302Dialectics of Nature and Scientific SocialismSpring and autumn181LectureExamAdvanced courses S001300 Advanced Architectural Design TheorySpring and autumn 36 2 Lecture & seminar CheckChoose one of six for all majorsS001328Advanced Series of Famous Architects TheoriesSpring and autumn362Lecture & seminarCheckS001001Advanced Architectural History Spring362Lecture & seminarCheckS00S002Advanced Architectural TheorySpring362Lecture & seminarCheckS001003Advanced Urban and Architectural Heritage PreservationSpring362Lecture & seminarCheckS001614Advanced Building Environment and Its ControlSpring362Lecture & seminarCheckArchitec tural Design and Theory S001326Architectural Design Topic Research I Autumn362seminarCheck Architectural History, Theory and Heritage PreservationS001224Architectural Criticism Autumn181Lecture & seminarCheckchoose one of the threeS001225Architectural Heritage ConservationAutumn362Lecture & seminarCheckS001223Research Methods of Architectural History Autumn362Lecture & seminarCheckS001228Research of Architectural History, Theory and Heritage IAutumn362SeminarCheckchoose one of the twoS001227Architectural Design for Architectural History, Theory and Heritage IAutumn543SeminarCheckS001219Authentication and Investigation of Historic Buildingsspring and summer holiday362Seminar & TourCheckBuilding Science and TechnologyS001612Building Technology and Environmental Design Special ResearchAutumn362SeminarCheckCompulsory parts Choosing to listen to series lectures of humanities and scientific literacy Students are required to attend at least 8 lectures before the mid-assessment, among them at least one lecture about law, psychological health and academic morality respectively. 1 QuizAcademic partsStudents are required to participate in at least 2 academic seminars, and write at least one academic paper, and must participate in teaching practice of this discipline and complete a report of teaching practice.1Quiz  Note: (1) The minimum total-credit requirements of Master students are 30credits; of which the minimum credit requirements of degree courses: 22 credits; In addition, students should obtain 2 credits from compulsory courses. (2) All courses for Master students are normally required to be completed within one and half years after registration. Of which degree courses are normally required to be completed within one year after registration. (3) Degree courses are subject to this course plan, non-degree courses can be chosen from Graduate Courses Catalog. At least 5 courses and at least 8 credits for non-degree courses is required. (4) For advanced courses, each student can choose 1 course, and each course is limite=EkruwFf$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $=DXZ*1fg|}45-.>h`8EhR6PJ *h`8EhR6PJaJ h`8EhR6h`8EhR6PJ\aJh`8EhR6PJaJmH sH  h`8EhR6OJPJQJ^JaJh`8EhR6KHPJaJh`8EhR6PJaJ:`ntxFf$$& #$/Ifa$b$gdRl $d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $"&JVXZ\^`pd$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff.$$& #$/Ifa$b$gdRl $$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $'u|FfB$$& #$/Ifa$b$gdRl $d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $)*23Xjknoqr$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $rFf d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $!AHKM_efghiqFfd$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $FfV$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $'W^acu{d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl ${|}~(0Ffxd$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff7$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $0IPSUgmFfd$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $-34567?x$$& #$/1$Ifa$b$gdRl $d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $FfY$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $ VFf$$& #$/1$Ifa$b$gdRl $d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $Vpsud$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff;$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $$$& #$/1$Ifa$b$gdRl $!"no"#c$$& #$/1$Ifa$b$gdRl $!$d$& #$/Ifa$b$gdRl $$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $Ff#%&',-$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $$$& #$/Ifa$b$gdRl $-.kd$$If4֞Q  $s'=Z:RS 6 044 lae4ytR./>d$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $"$d$& #$/1$Ifa$b$gdRl $$& #$/1$Ifb$gdRl $d$& #$/Ifb$gdRl $> $%%%%%%%%%%&&&:'<'H'L'N'R'T'`'b'Ѿ}y}y}y}ypipa[a[Wa[ah9D h9D0Jjh9DU h9D5PJh9D5PJo(hujhuU&h`8Eh9D5CJOJPJQJ^Jo(U#h`8Eh9DOJPJQJ\^JaJ h`8Eh9DOJPJQJ^JaJ$h`8Eh9DCJOJPJQJ^JaJ h`8EhR6OJPJQJ^JaJh`8EhR6PJaJ$h`8EhR6PJ\fHq (dkd$$If4֞Q  $s'=Z:RS 6 044 lae4ytR(%%%%%%%%%%%%8':'N'P'R'h'j'l'n'&`#$  dWDH` dgdLH&;dWDj^;`d to 20-25 students. The school will make corresponding adjustment according to the selection of students, and the  advanced series of masters theory needs to be determined when required.     NNf[MOUxXuW{QeHh Professional Master s Program PAGE  PAGE 4 b'd'f'h'l'n'p'&h`8Eh9D5CJOJPJQJ^Jo(huh9D h9D0Jjh9DUh0JmHnHun'p'  dWDH` 0182P. 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