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As an important professional direction of the first level subject of architecture, the major urban planning has been developed since the birth of the architecture subject of Southeast University. In the year 1958, urban planning major was set; and in 2011, it was upgraded to first level subject. There are 8 supervisors of doctors degree candidates, 15 supervisors of masters degree candidates,4 people sponsored by the Excellent Talents Supporting Program of New Century of the Ministry of Education. Main research directions include regional and urban and rural development and overall planning, urban space theories and planning design methods, urban planning history and heritage protection, urban planning design and renovation, urban residential area planning and community development, etc. In 2004 and 2010, the postgraduate education of urban planning passed the education assessment of the urban planning major in all colleges of China with a double-excellent result. Currently the subject of urban planning of Southeast University has the spot of conferring doctors degree and masters degree of the first level subject urban planning. It is a national featured major construction spot of the Ministry of Education, a key subject of Jiangsu Province and a branded major of higher education of Jiangsu Province. Training Objectives Students will be able to meet the future needs of our national construction, adapt to the advancement of science and technology, develop morally, intellectually and physically, grasp the basic theory and professional knowledge of their own discipline; understand the technological status quo and development trend of their own discipline, master the advanced technology and measures method to solve engineering project issues; become high-level application talents of urban and rural planning with an international vision, capable of independently engaging in urban planning and design practice and capable of desirable innovation. Training Method and Achievement Matrix (refer to Appendix:1) The full-time professional masters program of Urban and Rural Planning of our university aims to cultivate high-level application talents of urban and rural planning who are excellent in future design and research, chiefly engaging in the research and design of urban and rural planning. They are required to meet the following requirements of knowledge, capability and qualities: t$ Possessing rich attainments of arts and science, a strong sense of social responsibility and desirable professional ethics; (2) Having a desirable awareness of market, quality and safety; attaching importance to environmental protection, ecological balance and sustainable development; v$ Grasping solid planning principles and techniques and the fundamental theoretical knowledge of this major, and understanding the frontier development status quo and trends of this major; w$ Capable of innovative and systematic thinking; x$ Capable of independently analyzing and solving planning problems by comprehensively applying learned scientific theoretical methods and technological measures; y$ Capable of information acquisition, knowledge upgrading and life-long learning; z$ Becoming familiar with the technical standard of various professional fields, and the policies, laws and regulations of relevant industries; {$ Capable of desirable organization and management, skillful communication and exchange, environmental adaption and teamwork; |$ Having the basic skills of communication, competition and cooperation with an international vision and in the cross-culture context. Appendix 1Training Standard and Achievement Matrix of Full-time Professional Master s Program of Urban and Rural Planning Serial numberKnowledge, Ability and Quality RequirementAchievement Channel Course, Practical Training, Lecture, Activity, etc. 1Possessing rich attainments of arts and science, a strong sense of social responsibility and desirable professional ethics; Courses: Education Oriented to Professional Qualities; Theoretical and Practical Research on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics; Dialectics of Nature and Scientific Socialism; Monographic Research on Chinese Classic Gardens; Protection Design of Architectural Heritages; Traditional Chinese Culture and Ideological and Political Education; Technological Revolution and Comparative Modernization; Social Psychology, etc. Series Academic Seminars. 2Possessing a desirable awareness of market, quality and safety; attaching importance to environmental protection, ecological balance and sustainable development; Courses: Dialectics of Nature and Scientific Socialism; Urban Planning Research Methodology; Historic Cities Protection and Planning; Modern Urban Design Methodology; Urban Morphology and Natural Process; Modern Real Estate Investment and Development; Research into the Tourism Development of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities in China, etc.; 3Grasping solid planning principles and techniques and the fundamental theoretical knowledge of this major, and understanding the frontier development status quo and trends of this major; Courses: Urban Planning Research Methodology; Introduction to Contemporary Regional Planning; Modern Traffic System and Urban Spatial Development; Planning Management Information System; Modern Urban Design Methodology; Urban Planning and Design; Monographic Research on Chinese Classic Gardens; Modern Landscape Design Theory and Methodology; Modern Architectural Theory, etc.; Series Academic Seminars 4Capable of innovative and systematic thinking;Courses: Urban Planning Research Methodology; Planning Management Information System; Modern Urban Design Methodology; Urban Morphology and Natural Process; Modern Architectural Theory; Research into the Tourism Development of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities in China; Design Methodology, etc. Series Academic Seminars 5Capable of independently analyzing and solving planning problems by comprehensively applying learned scientific theoretical methods and technological measures; Courses: Modern Traffic System and Urban Spatial Development; Planning Management Information System; Modern Urban Design Methodology; Monographic Research on Urban Planning and Design; Urban Planning and Design; Urban Morphology and Natural Process; Design Analysis and Expression, etc. Professional Practice: Enterprise Internship; Series Academic Seminars 6Capable of information acquisition, knowledge upgrading and life-long learning;Courses: Monographic Research on Urban Planning and Design; Urban Planning and Design; Urban Morphology and Natural Process; Regional Development and Policies, etc.; Professional Practice: Enterprise Internship; Series Academic Seminars7Becoming familiar with the technical standard of various professional fields, and the policies, laws and regulations of relevant industries; Courses: Education Oriented to Professional Qualities; Urban Planning and Design; Urban Morphology and Natural Process; Modern Landscape Design Theory and Methodology; Research into the Tourism Development of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities in China; Modern Real Estate Investment and Development, etc. Professional Practice: Enterprise Internship;8Capable of desirable organization and management, skillful communication and exchange, environmental adaption and teamwork; Courses: Monographic Research on Urban Planning and Design; Urban Planning and Design; Urban Morphology and Natural Process; Protection Design of Architectural Heritages; Modern Real Estate Investment and Development, etc. Professional Practice: Enterprise Internship; Series Academic Seminars9Possessing the basic skills of communication, competition and cooperation with an international vision and in the cross-culture context.Courses: Monographic Research on Urban Planning and Design; Professional English; Monographic Research on Chinese Classic Gardens; Protection Design of Architectural Heritages; Modern Architectural Theory; Modern Real Estate Investment and Development, etc. Series Academic Seminars  Research Direction (1) Urban Space Theories and Planning Design Methods (2) Urban Planning Design and Methods (3) Urban Planning History, Theories and Heritage Protection (4) Urban Development and Overall Planning (5) Urban Residential Area Planning and Community Development (6) Technology and Management of Urban Planning Training Period Usually 2-3 years, maximum can be extended to 4 years. Credit requirements and curriculum Tutorship System In principle, the double tutorship system which includes campus tutors and enterprise tutors shall be adopted according to the professional qualifications of master student tutors and the requirements of project cooperation. However, the cultivation of master students is mainly based on the guidance of campus tutors, and enterprise tutors participate in courses of enterprise practice, the topic selection and defense of degree theses and other guidance work. Relevant matters shall be discussed jointly by both campus and enterprise tutors. Internship and Practice The school shall contact and identify enterprises/bases for the practice and design of master students as a whole, and set up a standardized plan of enterprise cultivation. Enterprises/bases which undertake the internship must have required qualifications and enjoy good reputation in the same industry, and personages who serve as enterprise tutors should have senior technical titles. If campus tutors have required professional qualifications in the design units or engineering centers on campus, the internship and practice can also be completed under their guidance. After completing all required courses for the master program and the topic selection of degree theses, master students must participate in relevant internship or practice and complete the thesis on the campus or in corresponding enterprises according to requirements after seeking the opinion of school/department and tutors. Credit requirements and Curriculum (refer to Appendix 2) Design Thesis / Research Thesis Topic selection In principle, master students are required to complete topic selection of  &*,.248<> B ²’„vhZL8'h|h:CJKHOJPJQJ^Jo(h|h:CJOJPJo(h|h#OJQJ\o(h|h#5CJPJo(h|hA5CJPJo(h|h#0JOJQJo(h|h2oCJOJPJ\o(h|h1NCJOJPJ\o(h|hJfCJOJPJ\o(h|h#CJOJPJ\o(#h|h#0JCJOJQJaJo(h|h1N5CJ PJo(h|h#5CJ PJo(24> \ <d dWD`gdzidG$WDd`gdzi dWD` dG$^dG$WD^`gd: dG$WDd`$da$B h j X ^ B h ˽ݭݙewhZLZLZ>h|hziCJOJPJo(h|h2oCJOJPJo(h|h#CJOJPJo(h|h#5CJPJ\o(h|h#5CJPJ\&h|h#0J5CJOJPJQJo('h|h:CJKHOJPJQJ^Jo(h|h:CJKHOJPJo(h|h:CJOJPJo(#h|h:CJOJPJQJ^Jo("h|h:CJOJPJQJ\o(h|h:CJOJPJQJo( (,0jl68< "&vxPRVxz(ξΜyyyΜyyyΜyΜyyy h|hziOJPJQJ^JaJ#h|hziOJPJQJ^JaJo(h|hziCJh|hziCJo(h|hziCJOJ PJ QJh|hziCJOJ PJ QJo(h|hziCJOJPJo(&h|hzi5CJOJPJQJaJo(h|hzi5CJPJ\o(/`*$d$Ifa$gd( dWD`gdzi *,0l6o`TT d$Ifgd($d$Ifa$gd(kd$$IfTFd  0    44 layt(T68< o`TT d$Ifgd($d$Ifa$gd(kd$$IfTFd  0    44 layt(T "&xPo`TT d$Ifgd($d$Ifa$gd(kdJ$$IfTFd  0    44 layt(TPRVz(o`TT d$Ifgd($d$Ifa$gd(kd$$IfTFd  0    44 layt(T(*.v@o`TT d$Ifgd($d$Ifa$gd(kd$$IfTFd  0    44 layt(T(*.tv@BFnp46Zln,>Rf:Ntvͼͼͼͼͼͼͼͼͼͼ#h|h:CJKHOJPJ^J o(h|h#CJOJPJo(h|h#5CJPJ\o( h|hziOJPJQJ^JaJ#h|hziOJPJQJ^JaJo(h|hziCJOJPJo(h|hziCJo(h|hziCJ1@BFpo`TT d$Ifgd($d$Ifa$gd(kd9$$IfTFd  0    44 layt(T6o`TT d$Ifgd($d$Ifa$gd(kd$$IfTFd  0    44 layt(To`TT d$Ifgd($d$Ifa$gd(kd$$IfTFd  0    44 layt(Tto`TT d$Ifgd($d$Ifa$gd(kd($$IfTFd  0    44 layt(Ttvx4oi_PPPPPPjWD^`jgd: dG$^dG$kd$$IfTFd  0    44 layt(T  4@HL`bdv6:wgWgWgGh|hH8CJOJPJQJo(h|hCJOJPJQJo(h|hziCJOJPJQJo(h|hziCJOJPJ\o(h|hzi5CJPJ\o(h|hziCJOJPJo(h|h#CJOJPJo(h|h:CJOJPJo(h|hq8CJOJPJo(h|h#5CJPJ\o(#h|h:CJKHOJPJ^J o(h|h:CJKHOJPJo(46@bdtv6<>RT d^gdzidgdzi dG$^gdzi dWD`gdf@dgdf@ dG$gdzidG$WD`gdzi dWDd`gdzi dWD,`gdK dG$^:bpv:<>PRTZϼvgTgD3!h|hzi5CJOJPJ\o(h|hzi5CJOJPJ\%h|hW]5CJOJPJQJ\o(h|hzi5CJPJ\o("h|hf@5CJOJPJQJ\"h|hf@CJOJPJQJ\o(h|hf@CJOJPJQJo("h|hf@5CJOJPJQJ\%h|hf@5CJOJPJQJ\o(h|hziCJOJPJQJo(h|hziCJOJPJ\o(h|hziCJOJPJQJo(TZfhr,   6!!!!!! dG$^ $WD`a$gdf@ dWD`gd&Adgdzi d^gdzidVDWD^`gdzidgdf@dgdziZ|\fhpr   " X Z j l 4!6!ƵƥƵmmm[IӀm"h|hW]CJOJPJQJ\o("h|hf@CJOJPJQJ\o($h|hf@CJKHOJPJQJ^J'h|hf@CJKHOJPJQJ^Jo(!h|hf@5CJOJPJ\o(h|hzi5CJOJPJ\!h|hzi5CJOJPJ\o(h|hziCJOJPJh|hf@CJOJPJQJo(h|hW]CJOJPJo(h|hziCJOJPJo(6!n!x!!!!!!!!!!0"H"X"v"x""""""ĵssk]TITB]7]7h|hm%iOJQJ h|hm%ih|hm%iQJaJh|hm%iaJh|hm%iOJQJaJo(h|h#o(!h|hmp5CJOJPJ\o(!h|h#5CJOJPJ\o(!h|hW]5CJOJPJ\o(h|hzi5CJPJ\o(h|h#5CJPJ\o($h|hf@CJKHOJPJQJ^J'h|hW]CJKHOJPJQJ^Jo('h|hf@CJKHOJPJQJ^Jo(!!!!!!!!!" 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Master students should select graduation project design topics with some application prospect and innovative value according to the construction of national economy, the requirements of disciplinary development or the research direction of tutors and against practical problems in production or engineering. Thesis topics must be discussed at the corresponding meeting of the committee of experts and, after adoption, submitted to the school/department for approval. Literature Reading Master students must study and analyze at least 20 literatures (case study) according to the topic selection and research direction of graduation project design, including at least 10 literatures in foreign languages, and work out a literature overview. Achievement requirements Academic degree design shall be completed by combining with practice projects and on the basis of literature reading and investigation. The part undertaken independently must reach a certain workload and a corresponding depth, and must possess some innovativeness. Outcomes are in such forms as design outcomes of practice projects and research reports of relevant contents (at least 10 to 15 thousand Chinese characters in principle). The requirements include clear design idea, full expression of drawings, concise writing of report and excellent illustrations. Dissertation shall comply with the stipulations of the school, and must be a systematic, complete academic paper. The selected topic needs to reflect the actual demand and major concern of social development. The empirical research shall be carried out by combining theory with practice. The dissertation must have a very definite opinion, clear concept, correct argument, full textual research, rigorous description, highly organized, concise writing structure, smooth and concise writing style, clear chart and comments marked according to academic norms. Graduation project design defense Master students must attend the defense for their graduation project design after completing it within the training period. The defense is organized by the school/department and conducted within a uniform period stipulated by the school/department. The appraisers of theses and the members of Defense Committee should be experts with senior professional and technical titles in the relevant industry practice fields. Appendix 2 Course CatalogCourse NumberCoursesTermsCredit HoursCreditsTeaching MethodExamOthersPublic Degree CoursesS000301Theoretical and Practical Research on socialism with Chinese characteristicsSpring and autumn362lectureWritten examB000113China Panoramaautumn362lectureWritten examOverseas studentsS000151Degree EnglishSpring and autumn724lectureWritten examS000156ChineseSpring and autumn724lectureWritten examOverseas studentsProfessional Degree CoursesBasic Theory CoursesS001501Urban Planning and Design(1)Autumn 543lecture & seminarCheckRequiredS001509Modern Urban Planning TheoriesSpring362lecture & seminarCheckAt least select 1 courseS001508Methodology of Urban Planning ResearchSpring362lecture & seminarWritten examProfessional Skill CoursesS001507Introduction to Contemporary Regional PlanningAutumn 362lecture & seminarWritten examAt least select 3 coursesS001702Planning Management Information SystemAutumn362lecture & seminarWritten examS001513Modern Transportation System and Urban Space DevelopmentAutumn362lecture & seminarCheckS001503Development Theories and Urban SpaceAutumn362lecture & seminarCheckS001304Modern City Design MethodsAutumn362lecture & seminarCheckS001505Protection and Planning of Historical CitiesAutumn362lecture & seminarCheckPractical Teaching SeriesS000129Education Oriented to Professional QualitiesSpring181lecture & seminarWritten examRequiredS000908Professional Practice (Enterprise Internship)Spring and autumn1083seminarCheckS001512Monographic Research on Urban Planning and DesignAutumn362lecture & seminarPass-failNon-professional CoursesS000302Generalities of Dialectics of NatureSpring and autumn181lectureWritten examLimited selectiveS001500Advanced Urban DesignSpring362lecture & seminarCheckAt least select 1 courseS001004Advanced Urban TheorySpring362lecture & seminarCheckS001518Advanced Urban Development StrategiesAutumn362lecture & seminarCheckS001003Advanced Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation TheorySpring362lecture & seminarCheck Compulsory TrainingLecture Series of Arts and Scientific QualityStudents are required to attend at least 8 lectures before the mid-assessment, among them at least one lecture about law, psychological health and academic morality respectively.1quiz Academic Seminar & Academic Paper WritingStudents are required to participate in at least 2 academic Seminars and write at least 1 academic paper.1quiz Note: (1) The minimum total-credit requirements for full-time Master of Urban and Rural Planning curricula is 30 credits, among them at least 22 credits for degree courses . In addition, students should obtain 2 credits from compulsory training. (2) All courses are normally required to be completed within one and half years after registration. Degree courses are normally required to be completed within one year after registration. (3) Degree courses are subject to this course plan, non-degree courses can be chosen from Graduate Courses Catalog. At least 5 courses and at least 8 credits for non-degree courses is required. 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