Academic Cooperation Agreements with IUAV University of Venice, Polytechnic University of Turin (PoliTo) and Polytechnic University of Milan (PoliMi)

Based on the early stage of the fully effective communication among the university-level offices and the Schools of Architecture of each University, a delegation from Southeast University (SEU, China) led by Prof. DING Hui, Vice President, visited the three leading universities in Italy from June 26th to 28th, 2018, and signed the academic cooperation agreements with IUAV University of Venice, Polytechnic University of Turin (PoliTo) and Polytechnic University of Milan (PoliMi). Prof. GE Airong, General Manager, Institute of Architecture Design and Research, Prof. BAO Li, Deputy Dean, School of Architecture, Prof. HUANG Zhen, Deputy Dean, School of Civil Engineering, Prof. LIU Wei, Division Chief, Scientific Research Institute and Mr. WU Yuequan, Vice Director, Office of International Cooperation, were involved as the SEU delegation members.


 June 26th, 10:00, at the Rectorate of the IUAV at Tolentini, the ceremony for the signing of the cooperation agreements linked by EMGdotART Foundation between the IUAV University of Venice and the Southeast University (SEU),China took place. Prof. Alberto Ferlenga, Rector of the IUAV University of Venice, accompanied by Prof. Enrico Fontanari, delegate of the Rector for International Affairs, Prof. Margherita Emma Turvani,School of Planning and by Prof. Marino Folin, the former Rector,representing the EMGdotART Foundation, attended the ceremony.

The agreements include and providing, in addition to the traditional exchange of teachers and students and the launching of joint activities for conducting research and the organization of conferences and seminars, also the establishment of the EMGdotART Foundation Architecture Award, to promote and support financially by the EMGdotART Foundation of Venice, to be allocated in particular to the candidates of the exchange project, the funding will also support the exchange project’s achievements in participation of Venice Architecture Biennale.


June 27th, 15:00, at the central campus of Polytechnic University of Turin, at Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, the ceremony for the signing of the cooperation agreements between Polytechnic University of Turin(PoliTo) and the Southeast University (SEU) took place. The agreements include , and . Based on those agreements, the based at Politecnico di Torino and at Southeast University was also signed by the delegates of School of Architecture of both sides. Prof. Guido Saracco, Rector of PoliTo, accompanied by Prof. Paolo Mellano, Head of the Department of Architecture and Design, Prof. Marco Trisciuoglio, Departmentof Architecture and Design, Ms.Silvia Vacca, Head of the International Affairs Area, Mr.Marco Begani and other members from International Relation office attended the ceremony. 

After the exchanges of the university histories, the development advantages, the scientific research achievements, as well as the academic advantages with the School of Architecture, the two universities reached full recognition within each other. As a continuation of the successful cooperation between the two schools, the serial of new agreements will further strengthen and deepen the collaboration, promote the exchange of students and professors, the launching of joint activities for conducting research, the organization of international conferences and seminars, and other exchanges. The student exchange and double degree program will begin with the School of Architecture of the two universities and will be further extended to other schools and disciplines.

June 28th, 15:00, at the Rectorate Building of Politecnico di Milano at Leonardo Campus, the ceremony for the signing of the cooperation agreements between Politecnicodi Milano (PoliMi)and Southeast University (SEU) took place. The agreements include and < ADDENDUM to the Students Exchange Agreement between Politecnico di Milano and Southeast University>.  Prof. Emilio Faroldi, Vice Rector of PoliMi, accompanied by Prof. Ilaria Valente, Dean, School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, Prof. Laura Pezzetti, Programme Coordinator, Prof. Stefano Della Torre, Head of Department of Architecture, Built Environment Construction Engineering and Ms. Clara Galeazzi, Assistant tothe Vice Rector for internationalization,attended the ceremony.

After the exchanges of the university histories, the disciplines advantages, the scientific research achievements, as well as the academic structure and advantages of the School of Architecture, the two universities reached full understanding and recognition with in each other. The signing of the agreement will create all-round cooperation between the two universities,promote the exchange of students and professors, the launching of joint teaching and research, the organization of international conferences and seminars, and other academic exchanges. The student exchange program will begin with the School of Architecture of the two universities and will be further extended to other schools and disciplines.

The signed Student Exchange Programs among the School of Architecture at Southeast University and the three leading universities in Italy are for graduate students and 4 or 5 year undergraduate students in Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture. The double degree program between Southeast University and PolytechnicUniversity of Turin (PoliTo) is for the master students in Architecture. These agreements will be implemented from the 2018-19 academic year.

In addition, with half-year preparation and upon the university-level (SEU-PoliTo) cooperation agreement, the Joint Research Unit “TRANSITIONAL MORPHOLOGIES (TRANS.Mo)”, co-chaired by Professor Marco Trisciuoglio, Department of Architecture and Design of PoliTo, and Professor Bao Li, Deputy Dean of School of Architecture of SEU, has successfully launched the 2018 summer school with the topic “Morphological Studies and Alpine Valleys Settlements”. The project was supported by a Sino-Italy International Cooperation Research Project, which was successfully applied from PoliTo by both sides and started to be funded in 2017. From both universities, a group of professors were invited and about 20 doctoral, master and undergraduate students had participated in the summer school, and now it is well-going in progress in Italy and has been reported by local media these days.

Typological survey in alpine valleys
