SEU’s School of Architecture Establishing the Internationalization Demonstration School and Appointing New Faculty

SEU’s School of Architecture Establishing the Internationalization Demonstration School and Appointing New Faculty

According to the document Notice on the Pilot Work of Founding the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School of Southeast University( [2017] 199, June 2, 2017) jointly issued by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Ministry of Education, the School of ArchitectureSoutheast University (SEU-ARCH) took its first step towards founding and developing the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School , which serves to implement the “Double First Class” plan of Southeast University, promote the comprehensive reform of SEU-ARCH, and explore ways of internationalization.

The Internationalization Demonstration School is an important program that will advance the world-wide collaborations of the School of Architecture of SEU, which is led by Dean Dongqing Han. On September 12, 2017, in the conference room of SEU-ARCH, Dr. David Leatherbarrow, Professor of Architecture and Chairman of the Graduate Group in Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania, was appointed to the International Model School and given the title Foreign Dean. Mr. Wu Lingyao, deputy director of the Personnel Department of Southeast University, presented Prof. Leatherbarrow with the Letter of Appointment and the employer card. Mr. Xu Keqi, deputy director of the International Cooperation Department, presented him with the university pin. Prof. LengJiawei, Secretary of the CPC at SEU-ARCH, introduced the organizational structure of the Internationalization Demonstration School. Prof. Leatherbarrow then briefly explained his future work plan for the International Model School, in particular his focus on enchancing exchanges with leading foreign schools of architecture, initiation of collaborative research and publication projects, organization of scholarly conferences, and building on SEU’s longstanding international collaborations.

On September 14, 2017, the first plenary faculty assembly in the new semester was held in Qiushi Hall. At the beginning of the assembly, Academician Wang Jianguo introduced the three recently-hired international professors, Prof. David Leatherbarrow, Prof. Chu-Joe Hsia and Prof. Hokoi Shuichi. The Party Secretary Leng Jiawei presented the background and the overall management structure of the Internationalization Demonstration School. Prof. Leatherbarrow delivered his inaugural speech entitled Building Places: at SEU and Internationally. The speech covered the starting point of the Internationalization Demonstration Model School, the particularity of architecture in Southeast University, the culture of design and theory, and comparative works abroad, etc.. Finally, Prof. Shi Xing, vice dean of SEU-ARCH, briefly presented the progress of the “Double First Class” plan of Southeast University.


Prof. Leatherbarrow signed in the Letter of Appointment


Prof. Leatherbarrow weared the university pin

The 1st meeting of Joint Management Communitee of

Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School of Southeast University

Academician Wang Jianguo introduced the three recently-hired full-time international professors

Prof. Leatherbarrow delivered his inaugural speech

Prof. Shi Xing briefly presented the progress of the “Double First Class” plan of Southeast University.
