SEU International Summer School 2022 | Call for Participation: Frontiers of International Planning Theories and Methods

SEU International Summer School 2022 

 Call for Participation: Frontiers of International Planning Theories and Methods

东南大学2022年国际暑期学校项目 | “国际规划理论与方法前沿”开放报名

Overview Planning theories and methods are an important source of critical thinking in the planning discipline. This summer school course will invite 8 well-known international scholars to deliver various topics in the current frontier issues in planning research. It aims to help senior undergraduate and graduate students to keep up with the cutting-edge scholarship of international planning and improve their ability of critical thinking and writing.Online Lectures and Tutorials will be held between 5th July -26th July 2022. Students who are interested in the subject are welcome to register for free!

课程概述 规划理论与方法是开展规划研究与实践的基础,对提升规划思考与分析能力具有重要意义。本暑期学校项目邀请了8位规划理论与方法研究领域的学者,以主题讲座形式为同学们讲授规划理论与方法研究的前沿问题,旨在帮助高年级本科生与研究生提升理论知识储备与分析研究能力。课程将于2022年7月5日至7月26日期间线上举办,欢迎国内外对本课程感兴趣的同学报名,不收取注册费!

Schedule 2022.7.05-2022.7.26

课程安排 2022.7.05-2022.7.26

Application Requirements 1) Upper Intermediate or higher English listening and speaking ability (B2 or up); 2) Basic knowledge of urban/regional/spatial planning.

申请要求 1)需具有较强的英语听说能力;2)一定的城乡规划专业基础知识

Course Certificate For participants who take more than 6 lectures and complete the short essay.

课程证书 参加至少6次讲座并完成课程小论文的学员可以获得课程证书

Application Deadline 1st July, 2022

报名截止时间 2022.7.1

Registration QR code or “Read More” Link; Zoom links will be provided via mail-list.

报名方式 二维码或“阅读原文”链接;报名后会将讲座链接通过邮箱发送

Host Institution School of Architecture, Southeast University


Course Organizers’ Contact 

Dr. Chuan Wang

Prof. Yingcheng Li



