SEU International Summer School 2022 | SEU-UBC international wooden workshop


SEU-UBC international wooden workshop

加拿大UBC大学(英属哥伦比亚大学)是国际著名的一流大学(全球排名前40),其森林资源及木结构研究处于全球领先地位。东南大学(SEU)建筑学作为国家重点建设的一流学科,拥有传统木构技艺建造研究国家文物局重点科研基地、城市与建筑遗产保护教育部重点实验室等,在传统建筑及木构研究基础上,持续关注现代木构发展,秉承建筑设计与结构设计相互融合创新的立场,持续开展与UBC大学的联合木构营教研已逾八年,受到加拿大木业协会的持续支持。近年来,南京工业大学的师生一起加入了暑期联合木构营,共同组成中加联合木构营,UBC大学林学院木结构设计与施工首席教授Frank Lam担任加方负责人。工作营以利于生态环境保护的现代木构为基础,以建筑与结构专业融合为特色,突出从材料出发的设计和建造导向,进行木构设计和建造教学研究,探索其在当代城乡环境中的应用可能与前景。东南大学联合木构营相关教学成果连续获得“全国建筑专业评估委”的境外交流优秀作业,“全国土木学科专业指导委员会木结构教学委员会”的全国高校木结构竞赛一等奖1项、三等奖5项。工作营学生作品先后建成5项,后续成果之一的国家公祭日祭坛活动受到中央电视台采访报道。工作营前期成果已出版中英文双语专著1部。历次国际木构营期间,师生共同赴加拿大与UBC大学展开合作教学研究,举行丰富多样的认知、参观和设计研究等活动,主要包含UBC林业科学学院现代木材加工研究中心参观、温哥华优秀现代木结构建筑作品参观、木结构设计建造企业访问、当地建筑协会访问以及设计工作营等。近年来,SEU-UBC两校在相关合作教学和研究方面进一步拓展交流,于2018年签署了间合作框架协议,并持续推进暑期国际木构研习营。

SEU-UBC international wooden workshop had run for more than 8 years in education cooperation. Based on the ecology friend wood material, the workshop is featured for the combination of architecture and structure, focus on the design and construction by materials. The topic of this summer workshop will be the experimental wood construction which can deal with the temporary, changeable and expandable contemporary building. This will fully express the characteristics of modern wood structure and discover it’s future application in Chinese city and rural area.

University of British Columbia(UBC)is a world famous university in Canada. The forestry science is one of the most important and leading major in the world. Frank Lam, the chair professor of wooden design and construction from faculty of forestry science will be the academic leader of UBC. On the SEU side, as the world-class discipline, school of architecture owns 2 research platforms at ministerial level: Key Scientific Research Base of Traditional Wooden Architecture Technique of State Administration for Cultural Heritage, Key Laboratory of Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation of Ministry of Education. Beyond the research of traditional building and wooden science, the academic group pay attention to the development of modern wood structure. The teaching group is professors both from architecture and structure, the members of this teaching group have had lots of experience of teaching and research of modern wood structure. The workshop had supported by Canada wood and Crown Homes Co., LTD. For Architecture, Planning, Landscape, Civil Engineering, 2nd-5th Grade students,after registration and passing the examination, the students can get 2 credits of cognitive practice ; off campus students can obtain relevant course certificates.
