Renhui Forum | professor Carlos Eduardo Comas: The Making of an Exhibition: Latin American Modern Architecture at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 2015

2021年,是我国著名建筑学家和建筑教育家,东南大学建筑学科创立的一代宗师杨廷宝先生诞辰120周年。杨廷宝先生,字仁辉为传承和光扬先生的学术精神,自2021年起, 开设“”,长期延请国内外著名学者、建筑师举办讲座,弘扬学术,激励后学,推动中国建筑和建筑教育事业的蓬勃发展。
The year 2021 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Yang Tingbao, the greatest architect of the 20th century in China and a renowned educator who, along with others, laid the foundation for the architecture program of Southeast University. In Chinese tradition, Prof. Yang Tingbao is also known asRenhui, which serves as his alternative given name. To continue and carry forward his academic spirit, the School of Architecture of Southeast University found aForum named after Renhuiin 2021,which allows for repeatedly inviting renowned scholars and architects from China and abroad to share their ideas and expertise with younger generations, enriching academic life and contributing to the development of architectural practice and education in China.
The upcoming lecture is the 16th of the Renhui Forum and will be delivered by distinguished professor Carlos Eduardo Comas from Brazil, both at the venue and via livestream.



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The Making of an Exhibition:

Latin American Modern Architectureat the Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 2015

Prof. Carlos Eduardo Comas

Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-80opened eight years ago on March 29, 2015, occupying the biggest exhibition space of the Museum of Modern Art of New York. It was a critical and box-office success. As the Co-curator and catalogue co-editor of this exhibition,Carlos Eduardo Comas will revisits the show and talks about how it came about.



Carlos Eduardo Comas is a renowned architectural historian,architectural theorist,educator, and a leading scholar of architectural history and theory of Latin America. He is Professor Emeritus at UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, and Permanent Professor of PROPAR-UFRGS, as well as the editor of ARQTEXTO, the journal published by the Program, and a former President of ANPARQ - the Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Architecture. A former President of the Brazilian branch of DOCOMOMO - Documentation and Conservation of Works of the Modern Movement, he is a councilor of IPHAN - Instituto do Patrimônio Artístico e Histórico Nacional, the National Heritage of Brazil. He was the Brazilian guest curator of the Museum of Modern Art of New York 2015 exhibitionLatin America in construction: architecture, 1955-80, and a coeditor of and contributor to its catalogue, which received the 2017 Philip Johnson Award of the Society of Architectural Historians. He also contributed toCruelty and Utopia: Cities and Landscapes of Latin America, which got the 2005 CICA Award for the Best Architecture Exhibition Catalogue; toLe Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes, the catalogue of another MoMA exhibition; and to La recherche patiente.Le Corbusier: 50 years later, an anthology that won the 2018 FAD Prize as best publication on Architectural Theory and Criticism in the Iberian Peninsula.
