The 1st International Symposium LCREB-1/2023 on Joint Research and Demonstration of Green Low-carbon Renovation of Existing Buildings and the Technology of Carbon Neutralization (2022YFE0208600)


The 1st International Symposium LCREB-1/2023 on Joint Research and Demonstration of Green Low-carbon Renovation of Existing Buildings and the Technology of Carbon Neutralization (2022YFE0208600) is going to be held at the School of Architecture, Southeast University on March 27, 2023.

1. 基本信息 Background



The low-carbon renovation of masses of existing buildings plays a significant role in the road map towards carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals of China, however can hardly match the current demands with deficiencies such as unclear carbon emission calculation, incomplete carbon neutralization technology system, indeterminate carbon offsetting measures, and unproductive commercialization of scientific findings to industries. Therefore, this project aims to support the carbon neutrality in the field of building renewal by virtue of (1) establishing innovative theories based on dynamic life cycle assessment (DLCA); (2) realizing scientific methods of carbon monitoring, accounting and evaluation; (3) developing carbon reduction techniques involving design, construction and operation; (4) founding technology systems covering different building types of various climatic zones; (5) compiling standards and guidelines for low-carbon renovation of existing buildings; and (6) constructing demonstration projects for application of research achievements. In order to achieve the above objectives, the project unite international cooperation with top universities, research institutions and industry leaders at home and abroad, towards expanding complementary advantages, enhancing international influence and enlarging demonstration effect.
Therefore, the 1st International Symposium LCREB-1/2023 on Joint Research and Demonstration of Green Low-carbon Renovation of Existing Buildings and the Technology of Carbon Neutralization (2022YFE0208600) is planned to be held on Monday, March 27, 2023. Based on the overall mission of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China to gather global scientific and technological innovation resources, promote the solution of common problems and challenges, and jointly promote global development, the conference will explore the Chinese solution for the realization of the carbon neutral strategy in the global human settlements environment with the theme ofgreen low-carbon renovation of existing buildings and carbon neutral technology.

2. 会议议程 Agenda


Date: 14:00 – 18:00 UTC8, March 27, 2023


Venue: Qiushi Hall, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University


3. 主旨报告专家简介Keynote Speech

Climate Neutral Construction Sector – State of the Art Sweden

瑞典环境科学研究院有限公司 安娜· 亚娜哈墨尔 执行副总裁

Anna JARNEHAMMAR, Vice President of IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
安娜·亚娜哈墨尔女士,IVL瑞典环境科学研究院有限公司执行副总裁、业务发展和国际业务总监。主要负责管理IVL生命周期评估(LCA)工作组及国际业务,同时担任IVL BASTA董事会主席、家具行业可持续发展认证系统——Möbelfakta董事会主席。

Anna is an experienced director of business development and international business. Managing projects, teams, groups and larger units during the latest 30 years in the field of sustainable construction sector, sustainable cities and sustainable products. Initiated several subsidiaries from research and innovation projects in the field of certified environmental performance of products. Experienced board member and director of the board for start-ups and smaller entities. Working with business development of sustainability area in various business sectors focusing on the environmental aspects.


Urban VS. Rural: Two Cases of Carbon Neutral Existing Building Renovation on Different Demands

清华大学 宋晔皓 教授

Prof. SONG Yehao, Tsinghua University

Dr. Architect Prof. SONG Yehao is the Director of the Institute of Architectural and Technological Studies, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, China. His research focuses on sustainable architectural design and sustainable urban studies, with 2 published books and more than 100 papers on architectural journals. He was awarded UIA Award for Innovation in Architectural Education in 2020. His design projects have been awarded international and national architectural prize including Special Award, Gold Winner, Honorable Mention in ARCASIA Awards for Architecture Design, honorable mention in UIA 2030 by UN Habitat and UIA. His works has been invited to attend La Biennale di Venezia 2020 and 2023.


The Challenges and Opportunities in Scaling Up Energy Retrofit of Existing Building Stocks

新加坡国立大学设计与建筑学院 林棋波 教务长首席教授

Prof. Khee Poh LAM, National University of Singapore

林棋波,新加坡国立大学设计与建筑学院教务长首席教授。专门从事全生命周期建筑信息建模和计算设计支持系统,用于总体建筑性能分析和建筑诊断。在建筑设计、建筑能源建模、建筑控制和诊断以及声学和照明方面任教数十年。完成新加坡和美国众多重大资助研究项目,研究结果被广泛发表。担任《Building Performance Simulation》、《Building Simulation》和《buildings》等国际期刊编辑委员会成员。
Professor Lam is an educator, researcher, architect and consultant who specializes in life-cycle building information modeling and computational design support systems for total building performance analysis and building diagnostics. He teaches architectural design (with a focus on systems integration), building energy modeling, building controls and diagnostics as well as acoustics and lighting. He has completed many major funded research projects in Singapore and the USA, and findings are widely published. He serves as a member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Building Performance Simulation, (Taylor and Francis, UK), Building Simulation: An International Journal (Springer and Tsinghua University Press), and Buildings (MDPI AG, Switzerland).


Application of Green and Low-carbon Architecture Technologies in Shanghai

华东建筑设计研究院有限公司 周静瑜 教授级高级工程师

ZHOU Jingyu, East China Architectural Design & Research Institute

Ms. ZHOU Jingyu is the Vice President of Arcplus Group PLC, who is also a Professionate Senior Engineer, Fellow Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and Fellow Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). She is also the specially hired expert for Foreign Aid Projects of the Ministry of Commerce in China, the Distinguished Professor of School of Economics and Management in Tongji University and Industrial Advisor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She has been recognized as Shanghai Woman Pace-Setter in 2013. In 2014, she has been awarded the title of Outstanding Person in construction of Shanghai Major Projects. She has also received Shanghai Labor Day Medal in 2015, SASAC Outstanding Contribution Award in 2017 and Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize in 2018. In 2019, she has won the Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award.


Cumulative Carbon-offset Mechanization of Existing Building Renovation and Carbon Neutralization Technologies

东南大学 张 彤 教授

Prof. ZHANG Tong, Southeast University


Dr. Architect Prof. ZHANG Tong is the Dean of the School of Architecture, Southeast University, China. He is the Member of the UIA Commission on Architecture Education and UNESCO-UIA Validation Council for Architectural Education. His research focuses on architectural regionalism and sustainable urbanism and architecture, with 15 published books and more than 70 papers on architectural journals. He was awarded UIA Award for Innovation in Architectural Education in 2020. Nineteen of his design projects have been awarded international and national architectural prize including Gold Winner in ARCASIA Awards for Architecture Design. His works has been invited to attend La Biennale di Venezia 2010, 2016, 2020 and 2023.
