Renhui Forum | Billie Tsien:Thinking about Design

2021年,是我国著名建筑学家和建筑教育家,东南大学建筑学科创立的一代宗师杨廷宝先生诞辰120周年。杨廷宝先生,字仁辉为传承和光扬先生的学术精神,自2021年起, 开设“”,长期延请国内外著名学者、建筑师举办讲座,弘扬学术,激励后学,推动中国建筑和建筑教育事业的蓬勃发展。
本期为为第二十二讲,由国际知名建筑师、耶鲁大学查尔斯·格瓦斯梅实践教授、美国艺术委员会主席钱以佳(Billie Tsien)主讲,采取线上线下同步直播的方式开展。
The year 2021 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Yang Tingbao, the greatest architect of the 20th century in China and a renowned educator who, along with others, laid the foundation for the architecture program of Southeast University. In Chinese tradition, Prof. Yang Tingbao is also known asRenhui, which serves as his alternative given name. To continue and carry forward his academic spirit, the School of Architecture of Southeast University found aForum named after Renhuiin 2021,which allows for repeatedly inviting renowned scholars and architects from China and abroad to share their ideas and expertise with younger generations, enriching academic life and contributing to the development of architectural practice and education in China.
The upcoming lecture is the 22nd of the Renhui Forum and will be delivered by world-class architect Billie Tsien from New York, who also holds the Charles Gwathmey Practice Professorship of Yale University and serves as the Chair of the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts. The lecture will be held both at the venue and via livestream.



Bilibili直播间ID 东南大学


Thinking about Design


(Billie Tsien)

The lecture will focus on how a design develops, using the process of developing the TCS Campus in Mumbai. Much like a new student in architecture we were dropped into a culture about which we knew virtually nothing and struggled to understand both the place and the people. This was all in an effort to eventually craft a campus design that felt as if it belonged in India.



Professor Billie Tsien is a world-class architect, whose creative work in architecture and teaching give her the highest standing.
Currently, she holds one of the most prestigious chairs in the world of architectural education, the Charles Gwathmey Practice Professorship at Yale University. Previously, she taught at one or another of the leading schools of architecture in the United States: Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, University of California at Berkley, Cornell University, or the Cooper Union. Her educational background is outstanding: a fine arts degree (Bachelors) from University of California, and a professional degree (Masters) from Yale University.
By virtue of her creative and educational contributions, she has received many professional and scholarly awards, and she has been inducted to many esteemed institutions, including American Academy in Rome, the American Academy of Arts and Letters, National Academy of Design, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society.
Billie Tsien is a founding partner of the New York-based architecture studio Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects | Partners. It is a firm with the highest international standing. One indication of its stature is the soon-to-be completed the Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park, Chicago. Other projects include iconic cultural facilities such as the Phoenix Art Museum, the Hood Museum of Art, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia, The U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, and the Renovation of David Geffen Hall at Lincoln Center, New York.
Over the past three decades, their dedication to this work has been recognized by numerous national and international citations including the National Medal of the Arts from President Obama, the 2013 Firm of the Year Award from the American Institute of Architects, and the 2019 Praemium Imperiale presented by the Japan Art Association.
In addition to her teaching, Professor Tsien had held or holds important leadership positions. In 2021 she was appointed by President Biden to the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, currently serving as the first Asian-American and woman to be Chair. She has served as President of the Architectural League of New York, and President of the Academy of Arts and Letters.
钱教授同时是位于纽约的建筑事务所Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects | Partners的联合创始人。这是一家拥有极高国际地位的公司。标志其地位的作品之一是位于芝加哥杰克逊公园的奥巴马总统中心,目前即将竣工。这家事务所其他文化地标性的项目还有美国凤凰城艺术博物馆、胡德艺术博物馆、香港亚洲协会中心、费城巴恩斯基金会、美国驻墨西哥城大使馆,以及位于纽约林肯中心的大卫·格芬厅的改造工程等。


