
Readings in Architecture (Autumn Semester)





Fall 2023: Origins and Openings
Instructors: David Leatherbarrow, Esra Sahin Burat, SHI Yonggao
Seminar: Nov 13 - Dec 15, two days a week, 09:00-11:30
Language of Instruction and Presentation: English (proficiency in English is a prerequisite for attending the course.)




Architecture Internalization Demonstration School,Professor



Esra Sahin Burat


Architecture Internalization Demonstration School,Associate Professor


1)细读从古代到 20 世纪建筑理论史上具有作者和建筑师双重身份的著作;


每节课讨论一到两位建筑师的作品,包括对其著作和设计(无论是建成作品、设计呈现还是文字描述)的研读和诠释,及其背后更为广泛的学术脉络。学期开始时将引入一个中心主题,据此搭建研究框架,指导对单个案例的研究,并指出它们之间的关联和差异。2023 年秋季学期的主题是 起源与生发(Origins and Openings),要求我们思考建筑师们对先例、传统和根源的诠释,因为这些与他们为回应“前所未有”之时代问题而提出的愿景有关。我们将通过研究那些在着眼当下的同时,又能对那些基本的、远古的、原始的,或是习俗的东西进行重新思考的杰出作品,来考察继承与创造之间的积极对话。

The purpose of this course is to provide to students who are embarking on careers in scholarship in architecture a re-introduction to the primary texts of the discipline written by architects in European languages. In addition to introducing themes and texts, this course aims to increase and ease the student’s familiarity with the practices that are typical of scholarship, the forms and habits of scholarly inquiry, particularly when that scholarship seeks interconnections with design practice. The course is two-part:

1) close reading of the writings of author-architects in the history of architectural theory from antiquity to the 20th century;

2) an introductory study of some of the key topics that the writings of author architects typically address, as they have been set forth in different kinds of texts: architectural, art historical, and philosophical.

Each session, allocated to the work of one or two architects, consist of readings and interpretations of their writings and designs (whether built, visualized or described), and the broader scholarship. A central theme will be introduced at the beginning of the semester as a means to provide a framework of inquiry that guides the study of the singular case studies and indicates their correlations and divergences. The theme of Fall 2023 –Origins and Openings— invites considerations of the architects’ interpretations ofprecedents, traditions, and roots,inasmuch as these pertained to the prospects they offered in response to the “unprecedented” concerns of their time. The productive dialogue between inheritance and creativity will be investigated through prominent works that re-considered the elemental, the ancient, the primitive, or the customary while contemplating contemporary realities.


Introduction to Programming and Artificial Intelligence for Architects (Autumn Semester)



Ludger Hovestadt


ETH Zurich,Architecture Internalization Demonstration School, Professor


The class exploits the interplay between computer programming and artificial intelligence. Part I introduces the basic principles of programming language (the lambda calculus of Mathematica), and how to encode and operate over multiple media. The lectures and exercises will cover numbers, lists, texts, videos, images, animations and audios. Part II is an introduction to artificial intelligence, showing how to get media data from the internet, how to manage big data in databases, and will end with how to develop applications for architects.



Shrinking and Reviving Cities in the United States and in Global Perspective (Autumn Semester)



Alan Mallach


Center of Community Progress, Senior Fellow

《城市的收缩与复兴:美国经验与全球视野》是一门由美国社区进步中心的Alan Mallach研究员和的高舒琦老师共同开设的研究生全英文前沿课程。近年来,随着全球人口增长的趋缓,部分国家与地区的城市已经出现了人口收缩的现象。本课程旨在揭示以美国为代表的发达国家,其城市收缩现象的历史演进过程,以及政策和规划应对中所面临的危机和挑战,进而展望未来全球城市收缩现象的发展和应对方法。本学年课程由外教线下来华授课。

Shrinking and Reviving Cities in the United States and in Global Perspective is a graduate-level course, whose instructors are Alan Mallach from Center of Community Progress and Shuqi Gao from Southeast University’s School of Architecture. In tandem with the stagnation of world population growth, many cities are already entering the era of depopulation. This course will unfold the historical trajectory of shrinking cities in the US, problems and challenges in policy response to urban depopulation, and the prospect of shrinking cities and corresponding policy in the world. The course this academic year will be taught by the foreign professor on site.



Advanced Methodology of Architectural Theory and History (Autumn Semester)



Hsia Chu-Joe


Architecture Internalization Demonstration School, Professor


This is a year-long seminar primarily geared to PhD students in the option of architectural and urban history. We will review the growth, aims, tools, and methods through/towards a comparative perspective of architectural and urban history. Our subject matter, then, is the literature of our field; critical concepts like architectural styles, morality in architecture, Zeitgeist, architecture as cultural expression, and architecture as the symbolic expression of the urban meaning through social historical process of the structure; the identity of important historians and the schools they represent; the relation of architectural history to the practice, theory and criticism of architecture, and to allied disciplines like archaeology, sociology, anthropology, urban geography and art history etc.



Advanced Methodology of Urban Theory and History (Spring Semester)



Hsia Chu-Joe


Architecture Internalization Demonstration School, Professor


This is the second part of a yearlong seminar primarily geared to PhD student in the option of architectural and urban history. The seminar will deal broadly with the methods and materials of comparative urban history and landscape history; the recent literature on the subject and its various premises; it relation to allied fields, such as planning history, social cultural approach, urban geography, urban semiotics and urban sociology etc. Urban history here refers to the study of the physical fabric of cities, the people responsible for it, and the conditions that inform it.



Advanced Architectural History (Spring Semester)



Lai Delin


University of Louisville, Professor


This course investigates the spatial issues in cases of cities and architecture of East Asia. Topics to be discussed include space and power, space and social organization, space and gender, as well as space and collective memory. By means of reading, field investigation, discussion, presentation, and essay writing, this course will help students with the methodology of urban and architectural study, critical thinking, research, and academic writing, and on this basis, will help them with the study of spatial issues in Chinese cities and architecture.



Advanced Architectural Theory(Spring Semester):Lecture series on Histories of ‘Modern’



Edward Bottoms


Will Orr


Ricardo Ruivo


The AA’s Head of Archives and tutor of Architectural History and Theory at the AA


Tutor of Architectural History and Theory at the AA


Tutor of Architectural History and Theory at the AA( till 2021)


李华: 建筑历史与理论所教授

Li Hua: School of Architecture, SEU, Professor

柴舒: AA建筑历史与理论课程教师

Chai Shu: Tutor of Architectural History and Theory at the AA

“现代”是一个事实和现象,更是一个自觉的建构。著名建筑理论和历史学家艾伦•科洪曾说,现代建筑“可以被更具体的理解为一种对自身现代性的自觉并努力改变的建筑。”(来自:《现代建筑》)本系列讲座围绕建筑学作为一种现代知识和学科的建构,邀请来自英国建筑联盟学院(AA School)建筑历史与理论方向的教师从职业化、机构制度、文献、历史、美学、教育等多个纬度,对这一建构进行揭示、展开讨论。

‘Modern’ is a fact and phenomenon, and yet a conscious construct. Architectural theorist and historian Alan Colquhoun said, modern architecture “can be understood more specifically as an architecture conscious of its own modernity and striving for changes.” (from Modern Architecture)This lecture series will focus on the construction of architecture as a modern knowledge and discipline, and invite the teachers from the Architectural Association School of Architecture to examine and discuss the construct from the viewpoints of professionalism, institutions, archive, history, aesthetic and education.


MS001003 城市与建筑遗产保护理论前沿(秋季)

Advanced Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation Theory (Autumn Semester)



Richard Engelhardt


UNESCO, Regional Advisor, Professor

城市与建筑遗产保护理论前沿课是由主讲教师Richard Engelhardt教授(东南大学客座教授,联合国教科文组织亚太地区前任文化事务专员)与董卫教授(教授,联合国文化资源管理教席)合作的一门研究生特色理论课程。本课程共分为八讲,通过研讨典型城市的保护案例,阅读相关遗产保护的条例及文献等方式,探讨当今文化遗产保护的理论构架与历史城市可持续发展等主题。

Advanced course on urban and architecture heritage conservation is jointly taught by Prof. Richard Engelhardt (Guest Professor, School of Architecture, SEU, formal UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture in Asia and the Pacific) and Prof. Dong Wei (Professor, School of Architecture, SEU, UNESCO Chair in Cultural Resource Management). This course is divided into eight lectures. The theoretical framework of today's cultural heritage conservation and the sustainable development of historic cities are discussed through the discussion of typical city conservation cases and the reading of relevant heritage conservation regulations and documents.



Advanced Urban Theory (Autumn Semester)



Corinne Jaquand


École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Belleville, Professor


Corinne Jaquand 拥有艺术史博士学位 (EHESS)、建筑和城市规划学位,也是法国巴黎贝勒维尔国立高等建筑学院历史与建筑文化(HCA)讲席教授,讲授建筑和城市史。她也是“基础设施、建筑与国土实验室” (Laboratoire Architecture, Infrastructure, Territoire)的研究员。她的研究主题是欧洲大都市的当代史以及景观和建筑。

This topic focuses on the comparative study of the history of urban design in Europe and China, especially the evolution of historical development paradigms in metropolitan areas such as Paris and Berlin. The teaching method is a combination of theoretical lectures and discussion classes. On the basis of reading designated international relevant academic literature, students carry out thematic discussions and learn through discussions to master the latest trends and theoretical developments in international urban research. Corinne Jaquand holds a PhD in the History of Art (EHESS), a degree in Architecture and Urban Planning, and is Professor of History and Architectural Culture (HCA) at École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Belleville in Paris, France, where she teaches architecture and urban history. She is also a researcher at the Infrastructure, Buildings and Land Laboratory. Her research topics are the contemporary history of European metropolises and landscape and architecture.



Advanced History of Asian Architecture (Spring Semester)



Klaus Zwerger


Technical University of Vienna, ArchitectureInternalization Demonstration School, Professor

本课程旨在帮助学生把握亚洲建筑史研究的前沿话题,建构多样化、国际化的史学视野;同时通过写作与讨论,培养学生建筑历史研究的能力,掌握批判性建筑历史研究的思维方式。课程特点是每年邀请在本领域卓有成就的不同学者主讲,以期提供多样化的视角。自2017年起,已邀请过宾夕法尼亚大学Nancy Steinhardt、Justin McDaniel,范德堡大学Tracy Miller等5位教授,授课主题包括“从东亚反观中国建筑”、“南亚神圣建筑原则在中国传播与涵化”、“物质文化与佛教研究”、“东南亚建筑”、“后殖民理论视野下的亚洲建筑研究”等,涵盖了亚洲建筑研究的重要问题、前沿话题与理论方法。2021-2024年度的课程由东南大学建筑兼职教授、奥地利维也纳理工大学教授Klaus Zwerger主讲,以跨文化的木造建筑历史及其比较为中心,每年围绕不同的专题展开。

This course aims to help students grasp the cutting-edge topics in the study of Asian architectural history and construct an international perspective. Through writing and discussion, students will also develop the ability to research architectural history and acquire a way of critical thinking about architectural history. This course features a variety of scholars who are accomplished in the field each year, with the aim of providing diverse perspectives. Since 2017, we have invited 5 Professors including Nancy Steinhardt and Justin McDaniel of the University of Pennsylvania, Tracy Miller of Vanderbilt University to lecture on topics such as Reflections on Chinese Architecture from East Asia, “South Asian Sacred Architectural Principles in in China, Material Culture and Buddhist Studies, Southeast Asian Architecture, and The Study of the Buddhist Culture in China in the Perspective of Postcolonial Theory,etc. These lectures cover important issues, cutting-edge topics and theoretical approaches in the field of Asian architecture study. From 2021 to 2024, this course will focus on the cross-cultural history of wooden architecture and its comparison, and discuss different topics each year. The course will be given by Prof. Klaus Zwerger of the Architectural Internalization Demonstration School, SEU and the Technical University of Vienna, Austria.



Advanced Spatial Practice Theory (Autumn Semester)



Hsia Chu-Joe


Architecture Internalization Demonstration School,Professor


This course reviews the theories of spatial practice from the perspectives of social theories. Considering the architectural theories and urban theories as social theories, this course attempts to explore how do they create spaces? How do they reconstruct spaces? How do they conceptualize spaces? And how do they conduct research? While analyzing the construct of “space of place” with different architectural and urban theories, and, considering design and planning as social practices, we will discuss how the spatial theories articulated with practice, and, what is the relationship between architects, planners and social change.



Introduction to the Architecture and Anthropology of Habitation, Ancient and Modern (Spring Semester)



Esra Sahin Burat


Architecture Internalization Demonstration School,Associate Professor




Urbanized settlements have been established around the Mediterranean basin since the end of the last age, which brought forth a temperate climate and steady seasons that allowed farming and animal domestication to flourish. The region has since been settled by numerous cultures and their habitations have been built through a variety of urban configurations, styles, techniques, and materials. Nevertheless, various continuities, similarities, and revivals can be discerned in the building traditions, resulting not only from the availability of materials and continuity of techniques, nor exclusively due to the environmental influences, but also from cultural modalities and cosmologies that are shared by both related and seemingly distant cultures. This course aims to investigate these richly sedimented building traditions as they were pertinent to the key tenets of modern architecture, the pioneers of which closely examined and variously interpreted them. Although the use of modern materials and techniques, and a break from the past were on the forefront of modern architecture, issues that pertained to the relationship with the topography, articulation of the ground, façade treatment, shading, contribution to the urban realm, material and surface treatment, spatial organization, social interaction, accommodation of the flora and fauna, garden design, and sanitation were taken into consideration with a conscious effort to learn from the shared heritage of earlier settlements and propose novel designs that re-responded to the perpetual requirements of human habitation that sought both comfort and meaning. The basic premise of the course is that in the current age of ecological and economical instabilities and disequilibrium, it is imperative to study these topics and re-examine the examples that offer careful considerations of the multiple and correlated dimensions of human habitation on earth. Each lecture will take on a different dimension of the inquiry and discuss it though examples across various times and localities.



Ecological Urbanism in Modern Asia (Spring Semester)



Sinan Burat



Architecture Internalization Demonstration School, AssociateProfessor



• 定义和讨论城市工业化和现代主义的生成前提及影响

• 探讨“现代”这一概念在城市规划设计中是如何随时间变化的

• 回顾现、当代建筑师、规划师和景观设计师提出的使城市“更加绿色环保”的相关建议

• 对气候变化的适应和减缓措施的现状与工业城市问题的现代对策进行比较分析

• 采取学术性、批判性的方法促进对绿色城市的整体理解

World is going through an intensifying catastrophe: the climate crisis caused by industrialization. While the analysis and the projections regarding the severity of the looming crisis have been made since the nineteenth century, urban proposals to understand and to mitigate its effects have been fairly recent. Nevertheless, some of these contemporary schemes are indeed similar to the proposals of the modern architects and planners who pondered upon creating healthy and comfortable urban environments in the face of the prevailing industrial urbanization that caused abrupt changes not only in natural aspects of the urban setting but also its social life. Solutions to the unhealthy and disrupted living conditions were proposed in the form of utopias and model settlements. A lively intellectual environment was created and ideas were exchanged between planners, architects and landscape architects. Today the crisis has become global, pervasive and much more severe. Contemporary designers and planners are proposing various schemes to rethink and redefine the urban form with respect to the cycles of water, carbon, air, and energy. In this respect, the regional climatic, geographic, economic, and social conditions of the cities become important parameters in the search for productive remedies to tackle the local effects of the global crisis. Along these lines, the aim of the course is:
• to define and discuss the premises and the effects of industrialization and modernism with respect to cities
• to investigate into how the notion of the “modern” changed in time in urban design planning
• to review what the modern and the contemporary architects, planners and landscape architects have proposed to make the cities “greener”
• to make comparative analysis between the current state of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and the modern responses to the problems of the industrial city
• to facilitate an informed and critical approach to the overall understanding of green cities.



Advanced Architectural Design Theory (Spring Semester)



David Leatherbarrow


Architecture Internalization Demonstration School, Professor

戴维·莱瑟巴罗是东南大学国际建筑示范学院教授和外籍院长。他是世界著名的建筑历史与理论家,也是建筑现象学领域的代表性学者,他的研究强调历史理论对建筑设计的贡献。在历史、理论、设计领域,他的学术声誉源自他在建筑的设计、技术的观念与历史发展方面做出的研究,以及他对园林与景观、还有近年来在可持续发展等领域的贡献。他的著作集中探讨建筑学科的两个基本问题:建筑场所(景观或城市)和建筑建造。这既是建筑实践中的两个基本问题,也是今天需要予以关注并重新思考的重要领域。迄今,莱瑟巴罗教授出版了12本著作和120多篇学术论文,在重要国际学术会议和研讨会上做主旨报告近百场。在学术研究以外,莱瑟巴罗教授还是国际知名的教育家,曾获多个教育奖项,包括全美建筑教育最高奖“黄玉奖章”(AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Architectural Education,2020年度)。在任教于东南大学之前,从1984年起,他一直在宾夕法尼亚大学任教。此前,他曾在英国剑桥大学和伦敦中心理工学院任教。


Professor and the foreign Dean of the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast University. He is an expert in the history and theory of architecture, with specific emphasis on their contribution to architectural design, especially in the modern period. Within history, theory, and design, he is known internationally for his contributions to ideas and historical developments of architectural design and technology, gardens and landscapes, and more recently architectural sustainability. All of David Leatherbarrow’s work in scholarship examines two essential problems or topics in architectural design: the architectural site (landscape or urban) and architectural construction. These two topics are unavoidably commonplace in contemporary design practice. They are also in need of reconsideration, in light of changes in contemporary culture and society. To date, David Leatherbarrow has published ten scholarly books and over one hundred and twenty scholarly articles. In addition to his scholarship, Leatherbarrow is highly respected internationally as an educator, having won numerous awards for his teaching, among which is the AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Architectural Education (2020). Before teaching at Southeast University, he has been teaching at Pennsylvania University since 1984, and Cambridge University and the Polytechnic of Central London before that.
This course takes the form of both lectures and seminars, and by guiding students to reflect on the common problems in architectural design to gain new understandings, so as to develop students' awareness and ability of theoretical thinking. In terms of teaching content, this course probes into different topics for each year. These topics, on the one hand, are based on architecture’s ontological problems such as site, enclosure and materials; and at the same time, explores issues like temporality, corporeality, and ecological dimensions of architecture. The scope of the topics covers the research field of Professor David Leatherbarrow in the last two decades, and embodies his academic study and research approach. The course is 32 academic hours, and the lectures are typically given in May and June. Lectures are all given by Professor Leatherbarrow, and the seminars are co-hosted by Professor Leatherbarrow and Professor SHI Yonggao. If conditions permit, seminars usually integrate classroom discussion (based on lecture content) and outside study (on-site investigation and discussion).



Advanced Series of Leading Architects' Theories (Autumn Semester)



Beisi JIA


The University of Hong Kong, Associate Professor、Southeast University, Guest Professor



The course is about the contemporary theory and practice about urban and architecture design, to help students broaden view and cultivate critical thinking. In autumn semester of 2023, the course is “Open Building as Design Methodology” given by Dr. Beisi JIA,professor of The University of Hong Kong.

The course aims at providing the understanding and skills of design for a sustainable future of urban and housing development. The knowledge introduction and skills training address two issues of time and people in architecture。The issue of time is about endurance, flexibility and adaptation, the issue of people is about diversity, everyday use, collective and individual. Through eam work, open interactive in class, exercise and seminars in global academic context. The course enables the participants to critically observe and think about conventional housing design practice. It will enable them to apply the basic skills of participatory design and design for buildings in transformation.



Advanced Architectural Culture (Autumn Semester)



Zhu Jiangfei


Newcastle University, Professor


This module introduces to postgraduate (Masters and PhD) students a series of topics at the forefront of critical thinking on architecture, city and space as accumulated from late 20th to the early 21st century. It aims to examine the production and the use of spaces and buildings in the context of life, culture, society and international relations. A dual-focus on ‘architecture’ and ‘cultural studies’ is emphasized. Topics to be covered center on the themes of visualization, media, the everyday, gender and bio-politics, transnational flows, and design knowledge as constructed. The module informs students of a set of contemporary debates that should be useful methodologically for their further design thinking and research thesis.



Computational design & digital fabrication (Wuxi, Autumn Semester)






ETH Zurich, Professor


This course integrates computational design digital construction. Starting from the actual problems of construction, the course uses digital methods to solve the problems of building structure, tectonics, and material performance. The 1:1 model will be constructed through various digital technologies (computer programming, CNC, robot fabrication). Algorithmic design uses mathematical models to define the rules of architectural design, and uses algorithms to analyze and solve architectural problems. Digital fabrication takes into account space form, materials, NC equipment, processing flow and other factors, so that the final product model reflects the design intent genuinely. The CNC machines powered with the computational design method leads to the diversity and creativity in construction.



Advanced Architecture and Environment Series: Embedded Architectures: Architecture and Environment Integration (Autumn Semester)



Michael Hensel


Technical University of Vienna, Architecture InternalizationDemonstration School, Professor


迈克尔·亨塞尔教授曾在众多一流学校和大学教授建筑学并进行研究,包括伦敦建筑协会、荷兰贝尔拉格学院、慕尼黑工业大学、维也纳科技大学、米兰理工大学、美国莱斯建筑学院,悉尼科技大学。他在慕尼黑理工大学高级研究所获得荣誉奖学金,在米兰理工大学获得高级研究员,并在悉尼理工大学授予创新奖学金。在伦敦建筑协会,他共同开发并指导了有影响力的新兴技术和设计项目。在奥斯陆建筑学院,他领导了建筑与构造研究中心。在这些不同的背景下,他开发了一种绩效导向设计的集成方法,以及最近的嵌入式架构方法。他是各种高水平研究项目的合作伙伴,包括最近的H2020 FET开放项目Ecolopes(www.ecolopes.eu)。

The Advanced Architecture and Environment Series Course is led by Professor Michael Hensel of Technical University of Vienna. The teaching goal is to facilitate students with the ability to advance the integration of architectures and environments and thereby to raise the level of addressing sustainable development of rural, suburban, and urban contexts. This is done through an approach termed Embedded Architectures that entail an intense integration of architectures and environments and links key aspects and traits of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design. 18 lectures will focus on (a) the approach and key concepts of embedded architectures, (b) core items and traits of embedded architectures, and (c) related computational data-driven methods and workflows.
Professor Michael Hensel has taught architecture and conducted research at numerous top-ranking schools and universities including the Architectural Association in London, the Berlage Institute in Amsterdam, Technical University in Munich, Vienna University of Technology, Polytechnic University in Milan, Rice University School of Architecture in Houston, University of Technology in Sydney. He awarded an honorary fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Technical University in Munich, senior residency at Polytechnic University in Milan, and innovation fellowship at University of Technology in Sydney. At the Architectural Association he co-developed and directed the influential Emergent Technologies and Design Program. At the Oslo School of Architecture he directed the Research Center for Architecture and Tectonics. In these various contexts he developed an integrative approach to performance-oriented design, and more recently the embedded architectures approach. He is a partner in various high-level research projects, including more recently the H2020 FET Open project Ecolopes (www.ecolopes.eu).



Advanced Green Construction and Design Series: Green Construction and Data–Driven Design (Autumn Semester)




Defne Sunguroglu



Technische Universität München、Architecture Internalization Demonstration School, Associate Professor


Defne Sunguroglu Hensel教授曾在伦敦建筑协会、悉尼科技大学、奥斯陆工业大学建筑与设计学院、维也纳科技大学和慕尼黑工业大学等知名院校开展建筑、工程和景观设计方面的教学和研究。她因发表在《国际壳体与空间结构协会》期刊上的年度最优秀论文而获得了IASS Tsuboi奖。她参与了各种高水平的研究项目,包括最近的 H2020 FET 开放项目 Ecolopes (www.ecolopes.eu),她在该项目中致力于数据采集和信息建模,重点是开发项目的EIM本体。

Advanced Green Construction and Design Series Course is led by Professor Defne Sunguroglu Hensel of Technische Universität München. The course introduces the students to the emerging field of urban Green Construction and computational Data–Driven Design. 15 lectures will introduce the fundamentals of urban Green Construction and Data–Driven Design, and deliver the theoretical and practical framework for (1) the understanding of urban environments as complex and adaptive social–ecological systems; (2) analysing the design challenges of urbanization and potential new directions for green construction from an integrated architecture, biocultural landscape and urban ecology approach; and (3) computational data–driven design and knowledge–based decision support for the study, exploration, development and assessment of evolutionary green construction.
Professor Defne Sunguroglu Hensel has carried out teaching and research in architecture, engineering, and landscape architecture in the leading schools and universities including the Architectural Association in London, University of Technology in Sydney, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Vienna University of Technology, and Technical University of Munich. She received the IASS Tsuboi Award for the most meritorious paper of the year published in the journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. She has been involved in various high-level research projects, including more recently the H2020 FET Open project Ecolopes (www.ecolopes.eu) where she is working on data acquisition and information modelling with focus on developing the project’s EIM ontology.



Advanced Urban Development Strategies (Spring Semester)



Klaus R. Kunzmann


Technische Universität Dortmund, Professor

本课程教学内容以国际上国土空间规划和城市发展理论前沿为主线,教学方式以理论讲授和讨论课相结合,学生在阅读大量指定国际相关学术文献的基础上,开展主题性讨论,通过讨论学习掌握国际城市研究最新动态和理论发展。Klaus Kunzmann是德国空间规划科学院院士、多特蒙德工业大学教授、东南大学客座教授,曾任欧洲规划院校联盟创始主席和德国联邦规划教育委员会主席。他的研究兴趣集中在创新性的城市政策与大欧洲的空间规划,区域结构重组与慢速的区域发展策略,创新性、知识与艺术对于空间和内生型经济发展的角色,以及最近关注于中国的快速经济增长对于欧洲的城市和区域的影响研究。

The teaching content is based on the frontiers of international spatial planning and urban development theories. The teaching method is a combination of theoretical lectures and seminars. Based on reading a large number of designated international academic documents, students carry out thematic discussions and master the latest trends and theoretical developments in urban research. Klaus R. Kunzmann is an Academician of Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL), a professor at TU Dortmund, and a guest professor at Southeast University, Nanjing. He was the founding chairman of the European Union of Planning Schools (AESOP) and the chairman of the German Federal Planning Education Committee. His research interests focus on innovative urban policies and spatial planning in Greater Europe, regional restructuring and slow regional development strategies, the role of innovation, knowledge and art in the development of space and endogenous economy. His recent focus concentrates in research on the impact of China's rapid economic growth on European cities and regions.



Advanced Research on Urban and Regional Planning (Spring Semester)



Hsia Chu-Joe


Architecture Internalization Demonstration School,Professor


This course analyzes the urban form from the perspective of the new urban sociology, or a political economy theoretical model, that is, the formation process and results of the policies, plans, and designs which shaped the spatial structure. Different case studies of urban and regional policies in the United States, Western Europe and the Third World covers following topics: regional spatial structure and metropolitan region, criticism of urban marginality and urban informal division, housing policy, urban transportation, urban renovation and conservation, public space and public art, etc., and then try to make a theoretical summary.



The Urban Planning Imagination: A Critical International Introduction (Autumn Semester)



Nicholas Phelps


The University of Melbourne, Professor and Chair of Urban Planning; Architecture Internalization Demonstration School, Professor

本课程主要向学生介绍与城市规划研究与实践相关的理论观点和方法。课程将使用来自澳大利亚以及其他国家的案例,尤其是来自英国和美国的案例。课程的教材为Nicholas Phelps教授2021年出版的The Urban Planning Imagination(Polity Press)。课程旨在帮助学生更加广泛地理解规划师可能成功干预城市发展的各种方式,帮助学生培养一些实用技能,使他们能够制定计划和政策,通过设计以改善场所环境,并实现多个目标。课程将讲授与城市设计和规划相关的写作、绘图、城市分析、设计等关键技能。学生将分析关键阅读材料并开展一个小组项目,以培养他们的关键技能。

The subject introduces students to the theoretical perspectives and skills relevant to the study and practice of urban design and planning. It uses examples from and texts about Australia but also a range of international examples, notably from the UK and the US. It is based in large part on ideas discussed in Phelps (2021) The Urban Planning Imagination. It builds a broad understanding of the ways urban designers and planners might successfully intervene in urban places. It gives students some of the practical means to be able to develop plans, policies and designs to improve urban places, and to achieve multiple objectives. Key skills for writing, drawing, urban analysis, design, and working at the scales relevant to urban design and planning, will be developed in a suite of lectures. Students will analyze key readings and work on a group project that allows them to develop key skills.



Advanced Building Environment and its Control (Spring Semester)



Hokoi Shuichi


Architecture Internalization Demonstration School,Professor


Advance of Building environment control is a subject that its main content is to study the building hydrothermal environment, environmental control technology, the regional environmental control technology, building environment control technology and application. Its aim is to improve theory and application ability of undergraduates who are with the knowledge of building physics and building environment. This course will combine with the characteristics of architecture, architectural heritage conservation and urban planning, to analyze the history of building environmental control, advance technology of indoor and outdoor environmental control, influence and control of humidity environment, control technology of urban regional environment and green building design and application according to practical cases. In order to reach the teaching purpose that through visualized and picturesque methods to explain the complex question clearer.

